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Introduce yourselves!



  • Hi there, i'm Susan. I'm a Stay at Home Mum with 2 kids. The youngest is 3 and a right handful!

    I'm 5ft (152cm)
    At present i'm 11st 13 which I believe is about 166lbs?
    I'm 32 and have been married for 3 years.

    I first put my weight on while pregnant with my daughter 11 years ago. Went from just under 7st to over 11st! Managed to lose about half of it but foolishly started on the depo injection which piled even more weight on.

    I'm not overly active altho I do have several Wii and Xbox Kinect fitness games that I will be attempting a few times a week. I also have the 30 day shred dvd which I need to restart.
  • RiverTom
    RiverTom Posts: 216 Member
    I've already posted this in the regular forum as an intro and hope this won't be classed as spamming now. :happy:

    Hi there :wink:

    I'm a German guy who's been living in South Wales, UK since 2007 now. My weight loss journey started in March 2009, after my GP gave me a military style dressing down when I approached him for help with my severe back pain. He bluntly told me to lose weight as the only help he could offer me was this advice and pain killers.

    So after grumbling for a night, I decided that he was right and went for it. First thing I cut out was my usual 1.5 to 3 liters of full sugar Coca Cola. That made the 1st stone (14 pounds) difference within the first 4 weeks. I've gone slowly, but steady since then.

    I haven't been on any diet as such. I've done lots of research online and took nutrition advice from different sources. Just combined what I liked the most and it worked. Healthy eating and moderate exercise for the start. I started with walking, cycling and swimming and added time and distance to that.

    In October 2010 I joined Slimming World, after having lost 4.5 stone on my own. In November 2011 I reached my initial target of 14 stone 13 pounds. This week I've reached my new target of 14 stone 3 pounds. (Actually half a pound under that.) I could lose a further stone to reach my ideal BMI .... But with a current body fat percentage of 13.1 % (last checked beginning of December, so could be even lower now), my Personal Trainer told me not to worry about BMI, as it is outdated anyway. I would have to lose muscle mass to get to my "ideal weight". No thank you!

    So I'm not working on losing more fat and gaining muscle, whilst sculpting the body of my dreams. The maintenance and sculpting challenge is on. Come on 2012!
  • whitymarie
    whitymarie Posts: 9 Member
    My name is Whitney, I am a hairstylist and own a salon in California (San Francisco Area). I am 24 about to turn 25 in a few weeks.

    Long Term Goal: I am looking to change my whole way of thinking about food/fitness/health. I have cancer and diabetes in my family. My mother died from a stroke due to high blood pressure at 43. I want to live a long healthy life.

    Short Term Goals: I am meeting some of my boyfriends extended family for the first time this summer and want to look/feel good. We have been dating 7 years and talking about marriage a lot lately. If he proposes this year I want to be in better shape so I can try on all styles of wedding dresses.

    Trying to hit the gym at least 3 times a week for cardio and weights. On the other days I am just trying to be a little more active.
  • I'm Jackie and I just joined MFP last week. I have a 10 month old son and an awesome husband of almost 7 years. I'm looking to shed those last few pounds from my pregnancy and just generally tone up and be stronger. I'm blessed to be able to stay home with my son during the day. Before I had him I was a court stenographer. I do transcription work from home now to keep my skills up. I've been going to the gym 3-4 times a week for a few months and really enjoy it. I direct a choir for my church and I love it!

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 122
    Current Weight: 120
    Goal Weight: 115
  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Rebecca and I am 37yrs old. I am the biological mom of a 12 1/2 year old daughter and non-biological mom to a 12 1/2 year old son...they are 4 days apart! My partner Jo is also on here as we are trying to get more fit as a family in general.

    I have always been fat. There was a time when I was 19 when I was thin, again when I was 29 and that is it. I lost 30lbs last year by just changing my diet and using MFP, but I gained it all back after a few deaths in my family and a bad illness.

    My starting weight is 264 and I would like to get to 199! We just joined the gym, but due to back problems from a car accident, I have to be very careful. I also have an injury from a botched breast reduction surgery so my right pectoral/breast area is out of commission...kinda makes it hard to work out but I am DOING IT!

    I work as a behavioral health therapist and I love Stephen King, the Indigo Girls and Law and Order SVU...LOL
  • The Indigo Girls are amazing.
  • Hi everyone, I am Nicole

    I just joined this site today, but have been looking for a site like this for a long time.

    I work in an office so don't really exercise much throughout the day. When I have the motivation I go to the gym, but unfortunately it is not nearly as often as I would like.

    I came to this site to find motivation to stick to my goals and get in shape.
  • Dre07
    Dre07 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello All,

    Its time to get healthy:) I work in an office all day and try to work out at least 3 times per week. I have gained 35lbs in the past 8 years and I'm ready to loose weight in a healthy way... no fad diets. I need to loose 31lbs and started to learn more about healthy eating and excercise without going overboard. I usually start a plan but after a month give up... its time to change. I'm giving myself 8 months to loose 31lbs. I dont have kids and work about 8-9 hours a day so I have plenty of time to spend on me. This year is all about focusing on taking better care of myself. I'm looking forward to learning more about being healthy and having support along the way! Excited to take on a new challenge for me!
  • Hi There, love the idea of an online "twin"!

    I am Kandi, I live in sunny warm Orlando Florida. I'm 42, divorced last year, and have a gorgeous 8yo daughter who I share custody of, one week with her, one week without, which can make a regular workout routine tricky. I work full time, and probably way too many hours (that's my way of coping with all the stress from the last couple of years with the divorce etc).

    I have an evil sweet tooth, which is why I have all this extra weight. :)

    I like to run, though I did take a few months off from running and am now getting back into it. I enjoy doing 5k's, 10k's, half-marathons because it keeps me motivated and driven to complete a goal.
  • Seokie
    Seokie Posts: 197 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I think this is a great idea for a group - I can't wait to find someone who's in a similar situation as myself so we can do this together.

    I'm 25, live in Northern New Jersey, work part time when school's in session (I'm finishing up my senior year in college with a BS in chem and a minor in bio and lit) and full time during breaks as an optometric tech/receptionist for a private optometric practice.

    I've always been overweight and now I'm just sick and tired of it. I eat right and exercise but I still don't lose weight so now my focus is just on being the best healthiest me I can be.
  • Hey Everyone,

    I think this is a great idea.

    I am 28 years old and am getting married on March 24. Once I reach my weight loss goal I want to evaluate how I am doing before deciding if I want to lose more weight. To me it is more about being healthy than about being a super skinny girl.

    I work as the director of distance education at a small private university. I also have a part time job of teaching online through another university. My job has me sitting most of the time and with wedding planning I don't have much time to get to the gym even though I want to get back there again. I have a gym membership through my job, so it isn't that I don't have access to a gym, I'm just not finding the time right now.

    When I am not working or planning my wedding I enjoy spending my time doing something with music (playing, writing, just listening and enjoying), traveling, taking photos, reading a book, or just enjoying nature.
  • Is my "twin" out there? I'm in the central Pennsylvania area. I'm a few months away from 43. I'm short at 4'11" and almost at an all time high with my weight now at 181, considered obese and I hate the way I look and feel. Never been married, don't have any kids. I live with / take care of my Granny who is completely dependent, can't be left alone. Can't have a job for this reason, she is a full time responsibility. I don't get to leave the house unless I have someone else to stay with her, which doesn't happen often. My stress level is high. I am depressed and always exhausted. Truthfully I hate exercise but know I need to do it, trying to eat healthier foods and less calories isn't enough to make a difference it seems. Last year I managed to lose about 20lbs from January to June but gained it all back by year end. Need to do better this year and keep it off.

    I was a skinny thing when I was young, didn't hit 100lbs til college and must have had high metabolism because I could eat anything and not gain weight. Had some health problems in my 20's with a hiatal hernia repair and an emergency hysterectomy within a year of each other before I turned 30. My weight ballooned up to 190 and I've been fighting to lose it ever since, without much success.

    98-124 lbs is the range the BMI charts say I should be in although I don't know that I can get that low. My lowest weight as an adult was about 135, I was fitting into size 6/8 pants and Mediums in 2007. I would be happy if I could get back down to that size again. I still had a bit of a belly and wasn't tight and toned so I'd love to do better once I get there. I don't wanna be stick-skinny and starving all the time. I do like my feminine curves but want to be healthy and fit and look nice in cute sexy clothes.
    I'd love to rock a bikini this summer.

    GOAL - lose somewhere between 45 and 80 lbs.
  • My biggest problem with the motivation to lose weight is I have nobody 'like me'. My girlfriends are all roughly the same height at 5'8", but they all range from 140 to 155. At 215 and a size 14/16, I'm the 'big one'. :( Anyway, twin...if you're out there....I'm great at motivating others so I'd like to find someone who can do the same for me.

    A little about me: I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2006 which led to 2 years of fertility treatment. We were blessed with our first daughter in December of 09....and because we didn't think we could get pregnant on our own, we were blessed with our 2nd daughter 17 months later in June of 2011. My body has, to say the least, taken a toll. I've had so many moments of looking back at pictures thinking "I tought I was fat THEN...if I had only known it'd get worse." I know I have a 7 month old so baby weight lingers....but it NEEDS TO GO! I want to lose 50 lb's...but starting off with half that as my goal....so I'd like to reach 190 for sure...and see where I can go from there. Before babies I was at 204. In 2006 at our wedding I was 186....seems high, but I looked and felt so much better!

    Looking forward to my journey...with the help of everyone here. ;)
  • Manderin1973
    Manderin1973 Posts: 204 Member
    Hello. I am new to MFP by about a week. I love it. This is exactly what I needed to get back on track and stay focused on eating better and losing weight. I am 37, have an 8 year old, married and work full time. I find it very difficult to work time in to exercise. I go on my half hour lunch break at work, but that is it. When I get home between 5:30 and 6:00, I help with homework, do wash/dishes, clean, do laundry, get dinner ready, eat, put son to bed then by that time it is between 8:30 and 9:00. All I want to do at that point is sit my butt on the couch and veg for a little more than an hour before I fall asleep. I am happy that I am getting a brisk walk in at lunch time....but need to find a way to add some quick (5-10 mins intervals) exercises during the day. I am looking for a "twin" to encourage me and vice versa. I know this is out there....but I would like to exchange home/work emails to check in, see how we handled the day before, offer suggestions, etc., etc. I am willing to wait. I need that daily encouragment (and I hope I would provide the same). I like the group idea, but there are a lot of posts and sometimes it is not personal enough.

    Anyway, after I have rambled on about what I want.....I should say that my starting weight was 225. I am down to 210 and my goal weight is 130 - that is 80 pounds that I want/need to lose!! I was really good last April through August and logged everything I ate and all my exercise on an app for my phone...but it was just me....meaning...no support/social aspect to it. I fell of the bandwagon in August. Did actually see 204 in August, but now it is up to 210 after the holidays. A co-worker/friend of mine suggested MFP and I am so absolutely thrilled that I started using this site. So, I am on day 7 (completed) of logging/exercising. The calorie cutback has been challenging for me. My daily goal is 1400 which is tough considering after August I was eating well over 2000 calories a day. I am working on it though. What is tough is that I absolutley hate to cook. Am working on that one, too.

    So, I have rambled on and on....am now awaiting my "twin".

    Thanks for starting this site :)
  • StrongAtLast
    StrongAtLast Posts: 137 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Gail out of Detroit MI. 44 years old. Desk job. 1 daughter. Enjoy bicycling and being outside. Have always worked out and eaten reasonably well. I'm tired of dieting and seeing nothing for my efforts. This is it. Joined a "fat blast" challenge where they are measuring me EVERY week!
    and I can use all the accountability I can get to lose these 20 lbs!
  • I am a painfully shy gal who has been overweight for about 25 years. A fella at my church recommended TOPS and my bff joined a gym. I followed in their footsteps and began losing weight. My TOPS leader recommended MFP and so here I am.

    I want to get healthy enough to have kids as soon as I get married...hopefully sometime SOON.
  • OKfreebird
    OKfreebird Posts: 33 Member
    Hello, my name is Rachel. I am trying to lose 120 lbs. So far I had lost two pounds. I just started living a healthier lifestyle a little bit before New Years. My current goal is to be around 200lbs by June and from there lose about 50 more lbs. So far, I am doing kettlebells and C25K to help me reach my current goal as well as this site.
  • Hi, my name is Jordan, I'm 19 and have never been comfortable with myself. I do my absolute best to eat healthy, I workout hard and have been a runner my entire life. I really just want to be motivated, kick my own butt, be confident and maybe even comfortable enough to let my boyfriend photograph me (He's trying to get into a photo program right now) My goal is mainly to tone up, but if I could work down maybe 12 pounds that would be fantastic
  • alil2loveable
    alil2loveable Posts: 178 Member
    Hello everyone. Well here goes I live in Charlotte NC and have a very sedentary job. My goal here is to get rid of 55 pounds by my birthday. I enjoy working out in the gym, walking, zuumba, pilates, and dancing. I am a researcher and pretty much investigate things before doing them. I am so ready to be HEALTHY, SEXY, SLIM I can pretty much taste it. I am an extreme optimist and sees the glass filling up, so be ready for fun and encouragement when we pair up.
  • CkdJ92
    CkdJ92 Posts: 13
    Hi! I'm Charlotte! I'm from around Saskatoon SK.

    Currently I work in a grocery store in 3 out of 4 departments. I'm 19, and am going to be going to school one of these years hopefully for a trade.

    I am also a Ukrainian dancer and am losing the weight for myself, but, it is also for dance. Since I get to be in most of the stunts I need to get my weight down again and under control. Currently, don't eat enough though! Working on it :)

    My mother died 2 months and 17 days ago today. I put on 5-10 lbs just from that. It feels like it went on over night.

    I've never been confident with my body and am hoping that with eating enough and exercising I will finally get my dream body back to how it was when I was 17.