kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
After my weight loss came to a grinding hault I needed to figure out why. Based on my food journal it appears eating over 1600
calories on my UD is not a good thing. Plus all the holiday events had me doing too many MD.


1500/1600 - UD with alternating 500/600 - DD

NO MD unless ABSOLUTELY necessary.

I know this sounds low, but I was losing consistently with those numbers. Yes there was an occasional UD that was higher and that still might happen, but for now this is where I'm at.

What are your numbers?


  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    Dropped mine recently to 2200/>500. I usually stay between 200-400 on DDs and get right around 2200 on UDs but I still have a LOT to lose, so my numbers are higher. Though I figured it out and I'm almost 1/4 of the way to goal. Not bad for less than 3 months. If I can keep going at this pace, I'll be at goal (at least the first goal where I "could" be happy) by Halloween. That would be phenominal!

    You're doing great, and I'm sure the tweak will work out for you.
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Admittedly I've only managed to do it a few times and haven't got round to weighing yet but have to say I felt surprisingly good on 1800/500, if I can get into the routine this should work for me. I have found the UDs a bit difficult as I realise too late in the day that I have to eat more than I'm used to... Back on track today though it was quite hectic at work and I didn't have time to log properly. Definitely PRIORITISING my diary tomorrow. I really can't believe that I managed to survive on 500 cals in a day. It really does seem low, or is that just me?? Good luck everyone!

    Ps meant to ask, what's MD? I also checked on JUDDD web page and the calculator says my 'normal' cals/day are 3114 and that my down day calories are 779... I can't help feeling that this seems a tad absurd? 3000 cals seem like such a lot these days??? :laugh:
  • ondogirl
    ondogirl Posts: 69 Member
    I am on my second week of JUDDD, so still tweaking, but my numbers are: 1850/500. According to the JUDDD calculator I can have up to 2000/414 (after induction). I have a substantial amount of weight to lose though: 242/214/135. 5ft. 5 inches, age 38.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    Did you make sure that you entered your height in inches and your weight in pounds in the calculator? It's default is cms and kilos, and that will skew your numbers. Also, if you entered that you're very active, it will give you higher numbers. I'm exercising (though admittedly nowhere near as much as Kel) and I put little to no activity. I am tall and heavy, and my numbers are nowhere near yours.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Admittedly I've only managed to do it a few times and haven't got round to weighing yet but have to say I felt surprisingly good on 1800/500, if I can get into the routine this should work for me. I have found the UDs a bit difficult as I realise too late in the day that I have to eat more than I'm used to... Back on track today though it was quite hectic at work and I didn't have time to log properly. Definitely PRIORITISING my diary tomorrow. I really can't believe that I managed to survive on 500 cals in a day. It really does seem low, or is that just me?? Good luck everyone!

    Ps meant to ask, what's MD? I also checked on JUDDD web page and the calculator says my 'normal' cals/day are 3114 and that my down day calories are 779... I can't help feeling that this seems a tad absurd? 3000 cals seem like such a lot these days??? :laugh:

    MD are mid days. The are basically 2/3 the calories of a UD

    On - you are doing great.

    Dawn - that is wonderful news. Congrats!!
  • ondogirl
    ondogirl Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks!! Having this support system here and on LCF really helps.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Thanks!! Having this support system here and on LCF really helps.

    Is your name the same there as here?
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Well darn, I didn't keep my UD to 1600 yesterday. Tomorrow is another day.
  • cheetosandburritos
    cheetosandburritos Posts: 93 Member
    I'm doing 1300 days consistently for the next 6 weeks to try to reset my metabolism, but when I go back to JUDD I will do UD-1500 DD-500. I'm 5'6" and currently 165 labs, and classify myself as "sedentary" (work at a desk all day, put in an hour of walking 5 days a week).
  • ondogirl
    ondogirl Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks!! Having this support system here and on LCF really helps.

    Is your name the same there as here?

    Yes. I am not very active though. I am a lurker there mostly LOL!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I'm doing 1300 days consistently for the next 6 weeks to try to reset my metabolism, but when I go back to JUDD I will do UD-1500 DD-500. I'm 5'6" and currently 165 labs, and classify myself as "sedentary" (work at a desk all day, put in an hour of walking 5 days a week).

    Sounds like a perfect plan.
    Yes. I am not very active though. I am a lurker there mostly LOL!

    Hey there lurker! (I actually saw you there the other day)
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    I started JUDDD doing 500/2000 then ended up at 500/1800 but lately been doing 800/1500 which is not as big of a difference but still seems to be working. I have been working out 5-6 days a week and i needed to up my DD's because I was starving.
  • synger
    I started with 500/2400, but after an initial loss, plateau'd for a couple months. I've adjusted now to 500-600/ 1800, with one slightly higher day in the mix to keep things consistent week to week. I still ahve over 100 pounds to lose, and this level seems to be good for slowly but surely paring them off.
  • itsmeshelly1
    itsmeshelly1 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm doing 1700 to 1800 UDs and under 500 DDs. I was doing 1900 UDs and not losing. I don't have much to lose but want to get 5lbs off so I'm lowering my UDs just a bit to see if that helps. I also do the same days every week. Mon, wed. Fri. DDs. Tuesday, Thurs, sun UDs and sat MD. I like this so I have less days to think about food during work. It works well and now that I have been at it for awhile I'm not hungry on DDs at all. I love that!
  • Cuilteanna
    I'm doing up to 1600 calories on up days, Mon & Wed are 400-500 calorie down days, Fridays are 650 calorie down(ish) days to accommodate the wine dh always opens. It's working so far...
  • Kissacottontail
    Kissacottontail Posts: 6 Member
    Lovely to find the JUDDD forum here, thanks for the invite!

    My official numbers are around 400/1700, and I dropped very quickly form a131 to under my goal weight of 126 on that.

    I have been maintaining for 2.5 months now at around 123 - 125 lbs. I aim for under 500 on DDs and allow myself pretty much anything on my UDs, probably averaging around 2000.

    If I want to drop my weight again I would lower my UD calls, rather than the DD ones I think. But I doubt I will ever want to get smaller, I don't think I would look better at my age.
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    I'm doing 1300 days consistently for the next 6 weeks to try to reset my metabolism, but when I go back to JUDD I will do UD-1500 DD-500. I'm 5'6" and currently 165 labs, and classify myself as "sedentary" (work at a desk all day, put in an hour of walking 5 days a week).

    That's what i'm doing, except keeping it LC. I'llprobably do a free day on either saturday or sunday so my body doesn't get too used to it. Then, i would imagine after 6 weeks, I feel I should be ready to JUDDD. That mental block hopefully will be gone and I will do this! I'll still keep JUDDD LC with a cheat on saturday or sunday, as I tried JUDDD with high carbs and epically failed. My body just doesn't like them I guess!
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    I'm attempting to do 500-600 DD with 1600-1800 UD. I often fail at both numbers but not by much. It works and that is what counts! I also try and do as much low carb as possible as on UD as I have definitely found that I cannot do high carb and lose anything.

    At my age and metabolism and under 10 to lose, it is a slow process but perseverance and a new WOE will make me successful. DD are quite stressful when I am home as I keep wanting something (I quit smoking a year ago and still have to keep reassuring myself that I am fine without those damn sticks). Consequently when I am bored, I look for something to eat!

    So that's my story, what's yours?
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    I am maintaining so I do 500-600 DD and do not count on UD's (so FD's)
  • Kissacottontail
    Kissacottontail Posts: 6 Member
    Great that you gave up smoking Bada-bing, that would make you want to eat I am sure, s owell done on controlling it on those 'at home' DDs.