All I think about is FOOD!

moremari Posts: 119 Member
I spend most of my day thinking about food. Even when I'm exercising, when I wake up till I finally fall asleep. What do people call this condition?


  • get0fit0freak
    get0fit0freak Posts: 18 Member
    You are not alone!! I have done that not latley . Its an addiction IMO to be honest I have been adicted to pain meds in the past and this is just the same. You wake up in the am all day long even when you wake up in the middle of the night all u do is think about it. I have found chewing gum really helps me keeping busy You just have to keep busy and try and keep ur mind off I hth.
  • wifeyy
    wifeyy Posts: 487 Member
    Try to make vegetable soup and drink it anytime you feel the urge to binge!
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    :huh: days have been stellar but my last 2 nights have undermined my good efforts during the day. I even meditated yesterday hoping to quiet the voices in my head (chanting- eat! Eat! EAT!) then all the days stress overwhelms me and I make tracks for the kitchen. :noway:
    What do you guys do when this kind of thing happens? :brokenheart:
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    Try to make vegetable soup and drink it anytime you feel the urge to binge!

    I'll make it for my go-to snack. Yesterday I ate a bowl of vegi lentils - delish!
  • Jenniferrosesmyth
    Jenniferrosesmyth Posts: 14 Member
    You are so not alone. I have been on this journey for a year now, and I still think about it all day. This is so sad to admit, but the other day I went through my house and threw away all the junk food. I actually mourned it, and felt bad. But, then a few hours later I felt powerful. It seems like food rules my life way to much.
  • Psychomasokism
    Psychomasokism Posts: 46 Member
    I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this struggle. I'm exactly the same way.

    I've lost over 100 lbs in the past few yrs and this is still an issue. It feels like some sick obsession. I swear I go to bed excited to wake up so I can eat breakfast :(

    All I've managed to do is channel that obsession into healthy foods and obsessively planning my meals, or keeping busy so I don't give in. I too have had to resort to tossing all the junk because I just can't control it well.
  • getfitjenn
    Nice to know that I am not alone as well. I am lucky that I have not been too overweight most of my life, but I did go through a 50 pound lost after having my 2 kids. I am recovering from a recent injury where I gained 15 pounds again and I feel awful. All I think about is food as well. I know I need to get back to tracking my food. It really helps me to think about what I'm eating instead of a ton of mindless eating. I need to retrain my brain NOT to focus on food in front of the TV too.
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    Good for me to know you guys understand what I mean. It helps to plan for snacks ahead of time. I made 6 baggies, each containing a 100 cal snack, either, almonds and dried fruit, or pop chips, or trail mix. I felt so much better and didn't think about food until I got hungry running errands then remembered my snack baggies. I loved have the choice of different tasting foods to choose from. I ate the one snack and was content. Huge success. At least to me it was a huge success. I logically adressed my hunger satisfied it without going overboard and atheap etching healthy for my body instead of just whatever tasted good. Little victories.:drinker:
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    omfg i thought i was alone on this man i will eat breakfast and then be thinking about what i want for lunch or what im going to snack on , like my bf thinks i have a eating disorder but i just think im always hungry lol
  • JL3mom
    JL3mom Posts: 48
    This is what scares me about weight loss. I am so afraid that when I meet my goal the food obsession will still be there and I won't have a good handle on it when in maintenence mode and I will go back to where I am now. (I've done it before) I am the heaviest I have ever been and I think about food all the time... especially chocolate!
  • txbutterfly69
    txbutterfly69 Posts: 115 Member
    That's a good idea!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I have the same problem. However I have noticed the less processed food I eat, the less focused I am on eating! Processed food is engineered to be addictive, which is why you can't have just one :wink: ! It's hard to get yourself off the processed stuff and I still eat some of it, like tortillas and such, but for the most part I eat only "whole" foods. Now I don't find myself literally pulling the house apart looking for junk food or planning my next meal while I'm still eating!! It may not work for everyone but it's helped me. Good luck!
  • aimfocused
    Thats me what you're describing :) Sometimes I'm afraid of myself for not getting rid of food addiction!
  • Judway
    Judway Posts: 246 Member
    I am new to this site and was surfing around and found this group and thought oh boy I will join..I saw this particular post and never realized that others where the same as me ..I think food 24 hrs. a day..what to have...what not to much to have...what to have next day never stops...glad I found you
    if anyone wants to add me as a friend please do just put in essage that you are from this group...
  • RealChange31
    RealChange31 Posts: 36 Member
    I heard on the radio that most women were found to think about food more than anything else!

    One thing that helps me is to eat less meals per day (just breaky, lunch and dinner). That way Im not always checking the clock to see whether it is snack time or not. I've tried the 6 meals per day and it just gets me obsessed!!
  • dancing_cat
    dancing_cat Posts: 92 Member
    Me too. I wish I could eat all the time and not get fat. I feel so deprived when I see others eating chocolate, cake and yummy things even if I'm not at all hungry. I end up "saving" lots of calories per day by eating less and exercising so i can have what i "enjoy" in the evenings/weekends. Its my "fun" that requires little effort after a long day/week at work.

    I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling this way ...
  • cboden10
    Just joined this site and when I came across this particular board I almost cried! It was so good to read through all of the posts and finally realize that I am NOT alone when it comes to emotional eating and all of the struggles that come with it. I know there will be trials and errors on this, yet another attempt to take control of my weight, but feel that I am finally ready to take control.
  • loseweightbrighton
    Try your best to shift your focus.

    I have many clients who use food as their 'fun' and and to reward themselves.
    -ESPECIALLY after a long hard day.

    if you are wanting to lose weight then this is a non-negotiable.
    You need to find other ways of rewarding yourself and enjoying yourself.

    In the moment of over eating, tell yourself to -STOP.

    What is it you really need?

    a drink? a bath? a chat to a friend? a hot drink?

    if you simply need something to snack on, try veg soup, low calorie hot choc,
    low calorie choc bars ( about 99cal per bar).

    Give yourself positive feedback.. ie - "i'm doing great, this is all a learning curve"

    negative self talk will keep you in a pattern of going round in circles.

    hope this help, and keep it up, im sure you are doing even better than you think you are : )))

    much love,

  • angieread
    angieread Posts: 36 Member
    Anyone ever caught themselves waiting until everyone has left the house (or even the room) so you can grab something and snarf it down without getting 'caught'??? I'm at my worst when left unattended near food. I too think about food all the time. It can be both an obsession and an addiction. Every day it's a struggle. But I'm trying to get at the 'why' I feel this way. Why do I automatically turn to food to help me feel better, whatever the situation? One day I hope to get to the bottom of this so I can conquer it and move on. Until then, it's a one-day-at-a-time struggle. SO glad I'm not alone!
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    I used to think about food all the time, but lately I remind myself of this:

    The food euphoria will only last moments. The repercussions WILL last much longer! Things like guilt and beating yourself up over and over....all for a moment in time.

    I agree with weightlossbri...we have to stop the negative internal dialog. It is self distructive. Redirect. One way I redirect is by taking the negative and disect how I got to the thought. It helps relieve the obsessive thought trains my brain to stop.

    It's all a mind game. Be kind to yourself. Would you treat your BF that way? Would you obsessively, every minute of the day, talk about the same subject to your BF?