Meeting our goals!

abigailmae1 Posts: 16 Member
I weighed in at 166.6 (I don't like "those" numbers) this morning. That means I am 6.8 pounds away from being under 160 and 11.6 pounds from my goal of 155. This is the point where my "MIND" starts to do tricks on me! Things like, "I can have that because the scale said I could". I believe this getting back to journaling and having this group support will KEEP MY MIND IN THE GAME! I LOVE journaling my food so everyone can see!! I have journaled everyday for 9 days now! It's becoming a HABIT and actually somewhat of an addiction. When I was on Jillian Michael's Wellness Cruise, I met with a nutritionist who analyzed me and said my ideal weight is 146. I look around me and wonder if that is OBTAINABLE and MAINTAINABLE. I guess I will see as long as I continue to journal and watch my progress. I'm planning ahead for my "CHEAT MEAL" every weekend. Limiting how many times a week I go out to eat is a New Years Resolution, so I've already told me family we are going to Applebee's this week. The kids have been BEGGING to go to Chipotle, so while I went to Kickboxing last night, my husband took them to Chipotle!

WE CAN DO THIS!!!! What are YOU doing to meet your goals?


  • MelissaDirr2023
    MelissaDirr2023 Posts: 5 Member
    The scale has been a bit of a challenge for me on many levels. While I do see it as a helpful tool, sometimes I picture the scale as holding a judge's hammer in one hand and pointing an accusing finger at me with the other. My personal goal has always been to be at 155 pounds, I have achieved this goal! BUT all the charts, etc. say according to my weight I should be 145 at most. Well, I think I may have been in 8th grade last time I saw that weight!!!

    I've always been a "big boned" girl; weighed more than anyone would have guessed. I weigh less now than I did in high school. And I have ALWAYS been 60-80 pounds overweight as an adult. BUT, is that an excuse to accept that 155 is OK? I don't know. I'm struggling LOTS with that number right now. I know I FEEL great, I'm very active, eat well.....should I be setting another goal of weighing less JUST because I'm short and should weigh less? I guess I also know it's possible for me to weigh less, BUT I'd have to be willing to cut my calories more and exercise more, and that thought is very overwhelming for me in my life right now.

    This is where I am...trying to find a "happy place". I fear that if I don't find peace with where I am now, OR set a new goal and work hard to achieve it, I may stay in this limbo place and that could be harmful.
  • abigailmae1
    abigailmae1 Posts: 16 Member
    So true Melissa! I have been "comfortable" for over 4 years now! I HOPE I have FINALLY gotten my mind wrapped around actually GETTING THERE!!! Every choice is HARD, but once I make the RIGHT choice, I FEEL GREAT!!! RIGHT NOW, my mind is SET! I am ALWAYS fearful that something will cause me to get off track. For me, I KNOW that I exercise on a regular basis, but sometimes I find myself NOT PUSHING MYSELF like I should. I'm excited for Get Fit to start because another New Years Resolution was not to buy ANY clothing until I can fit into a Size 8 Julie Curvy pant at The Loft. I would REALLY like the next outfit to be MY finale dress! I LOVE FINALE, but I want to be able to stand up there on May 11th and SHARE MY SUCCESS!!! I know I can do it!!
  • MelissaDirr2023
    MelissaDirr2023 Posts: 5 Member
    Melody, you are one of the strongest women I have ever met!! There is no doubt in my mind that you will achieve your final goal! There are lots of excuses for not pushing ourselves hard enough, some legit, some not so much. Sometimes, it's hard to distinguish which is is which, when to push harder, and when to take it a little easier on ourselves in those "seasons" of life. Right now with family issues, homeschooling, yada, yada, it's hard to think of pushing harder than I have already.

    Can't wait to see you standing up there at the next finale celebrating reaching your ultimate personal goal!
  • This is a HUGE step for me. I am ready to lose the weight I have gained the past five years. I lost my mother suddenly to cancer and three years following her death, I turned to food for comfort. The funny thing is, one of the last conversations we had she looked at me and said, "Shelly don't let this cause you to blow up". That was my mother. Blunt but honest. She knew me well. Being an only child and losing my only parent, she knew I would have a difficult time dealing with her loss. It has definitely been the most difficult thing I have ever experienced, she was that one person in my corner, my cheering section. I know she is cheering me on now and I am ready!
  • bizymomma05
    bizymomma05 Posts: 12 Member
    Mel as you know I did your very first Biggest Loser and had decent results. Though I do not need to lose a lot of weight, what I do need to lose is challenging for me. I have an extremely busy schedule (between family, babysitting, fire department, meetings and all the other things I am doing) getting myself healthy is a big priority for me now. I am making this a big priority because I plan on furthering myself in my career. (The kids are finally getting big enough I can focus more on me!) There are things I want to do but knowing my physical shape at this point I don't see them attainable. So I'm planning on 2012 being the year I work on ME and better MYSELF! I have been journaling for a week now (I began immediately after filling out my packet for Get Fit). I am now getting into the habit of it & it is helping me. I watch what I eat because I know I have to account for it later - which in turn makes me think twice before I eat something I really don't need. I'm actually getting excited about getting started with this program!
  • Mel - I completely understand and commiserate with the trouble that small success on the scale brings to my food intake. When I have a good week or day even, I use it as a way to give myself permission to "cheat" and then get discouraged when that cheat turns to pounds on the scale, effectively wiping my previous success clean! It's a terrible cycle to be in and I've been in it for a while. I suppose for some, that's the essence of maintenance. Being in a place where you generally eat well, have your small cheats, but do enough exercise to compensate. BUT - this doesn't work when you are still tyring to lose, as most of us still are. I am really finding the use of this tool to be VERY VERY helpful. I HATE to journal, but with the iPhone and iPad apps for this tool, there is NO excuse!!!! Can't wait to move forward!!!
  • abigailmae1
    abigailmae1 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks Everyone!! This group will be AWESOME especially when Get Fit starts!! I AM going to TOOT MY HORN TODAY!!! I weighed in at 165.4 today!! That means I am 5.6 away from GOAL #1, 10.6 away away from GOAL#2, and 19.6 away from GOAL#3. I AM NOT buying (1) stitch of clothing until I go out to buy by FINALE DRESS!!! I'm doing more research than ever before because my MIND IS SET!!! WE CAN ALL DO THIS!!!!!
  • bizymomma05
    bizymomma05 Posts: 12 Member
    Mel - after the first time I did this I went through my clothes & got rid of my previous clothes. I have managed to "fit" into what I have whether it is comfortable or not. I am planning on purchasing new close that fit me & compliment me!! Then I can completely go through my clothes and condense. As much as I hate shopping, I think I may enjoy it if the clothes fit me. So GOAL #1: Get Fit & Lose Weight, GOAL#2: Actually enjoy the shopping trip! GOAL#3: Look good for my 20th Anniversary trip! (Which means maintain the FIT ME). I think what will help me more this time around is getting the chance to learn the things I need to change & the support. So before I forget & so I don't forget - THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!
  • erin_e
    erin_e Posts: 4
    I have a LOT of goals to accomplish with this wonderful group. So far since I started getting my body under control I have lost (to date with weigh in info for Get Fit yesterday) 66 lbs (part with Get Fit part before). I have another 70-80 lbs total to go depending on how I feel when I get to those numbers. I have struggled FOREVER with body image and I want to be able to enjoy shopping AND actually not be super embarassed when I go on my 5th anniversary vacation to be in a bathing suit. My first goal is to get to the wonderful 100's! I have a bit to go but I am SURE that I can make it with diligence in journaling and increasing my excerise to more than 3x's a week. I also want to remember CARDIO BURNS FAT!!!!
  • Oh my gosh, Melody! I was reading your post above and guess what?? I just bought MY first pair of Size 8 Julie Curvy pants last week and wore them to work! Ha! I LOVE those pants and will be buying others in the they make jeans in that type? I need to check that out.

    Also, I hear ya on the issues with the scale. I have a tendency to weigh myself too often. When I start trying to analyze what I eat EVERY DAY and how it effects the scale, I go crazy. For me, weighing just every 3 days or even less works better. I know the scale can bounce a little bit day-to-day just because of water/salt issues but that's not what I want to look at. What I'm most concerned about is the long-term view - if the scale shows me going down overall, I'm good. :)