what type of meds do you take



  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    I take Synthroid and Armour.

    I've been on medication for about 10 years, but was just diagnosed with Hashi's in 2008. A bunch of dismissive doctors, misdiagnoses, etc. I've taken Cytomel as well, and find that I feel best when I'm on combination therapy with Synthroid and Armour - fortunately, my primary care physician listens to me and wants to know how I "feel", because my endo is a synthroid only doctor.
  • nursegnet
    nursegnet Posts: 155 Member
    Nature-throid 1 grain and liothyronine (cytomel) 25 mcg.
  • 125 mcg of synthroid....going in for a follow up in a few days so it might change.
  • Amers54
    Amers54 Posts: 3 Member
    I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism lst winter. I take PTU. It has caused me aches and pains and weight gain. Not to mention it's damaging my liver! Anyone else on PTU?
  • seaglass2
    seaglass2 Posts: 192
    I also have Hashi's and take one grain of Armour - that medication is wonderful for me! I previously tried synthetic hormones, levoxyl was like poison for me and then a cocktail of synthroid/cytomel but armour is what works best for me.
  • aprildiamond42
    aprildiamond42 Posts: 19 Member
    I was diagnosed a few years ago and my naturopath doctor put me on Nature-Throid. A year ago I moved to an area where there are no naturopath doctors. The new doctor put me on Armour Thyroid and she says my levels are fine.

    Although I'm not tired and am usually energetic, I have not been able to lose weight in 2 years and my body temperature stays between 95 and 96 degrees. That has not changed with the meds.
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    Apologies it's so long.
    Well here the latest blood results:
    Ranges in brackets, I have no idea what most of these tests are for and what they tell me if any thing........
    Due to repeat with the addition of LH, FSH and oestradiol to check for perimenopusal.
    following a review of these results the Endo adjusted my Eltroxin from 100mg X 5 days & 150mg X 2 days to.... 100mg X 4 days & 50mg X 3 days.
    It is now 7 week into the med change and things have not improved.
    Currently i take no supplements
    Please offer feed back which test are important to track, which are just a waste of money?
    what can i do to improve my standard of existence.
    43 year old on various doses of meds for the last 10 years, currently at an all time low...... physically & emotionally.

    cholesterol: 6.66 ( 3.5 - 5.2)
    triglyceride's: 1.33 (<1.90 ) fasting
    HDL: 1.51 (<1.04) LDL: 4.82 ( > 4.14)
    TSH: 0.148 ( 0.2- 4.0)
    free T3: 4.7 ( 2.6 - 5.7)
    free T4: 19.4 (9- 19)
    Vit B12: 599 ( 187 - 883)
    folic acid: 7.0 ( 3.1 - 20.5)
    ferritin: 15 ( 5 - 204)
    iorn: 16.9 ( 4.0 - 28.0)
    RBC: 4.83 (4.0 - 5.2)
    haemoglobin: 14.6 ( 11.5 - 16.5)
    haemabocrit: 0.419 ( 0.37 - 0.47)
    MCV: 86.6 ( 80 - 100)
    MCH: 30.3 ( 27 - 32)
    MCHC: 35.0 (32 - 37)
    platelets: 216 ( 140 - 400)
    WBC: 5.3 ( 4.0 - 10.0 )
    Neutrophils: 2.70 ( 2.0 - 7.5)
    lymphocytes: 1.86 ( 1.0 - 3.0)
    monocytes: 0.32 ( 0.2 - 1.0)
    eosinophils: 0.37( 0.04 - 0.4)
    basophils: 0.00 (<0.2)
    nucleated RBCs: 0 (/100 WBC
    ESR: 10 ( 1 - 20)
    glucose: 4.4 ( 2.5 -5.5) fasting
    sodium: 139 ( 136 - 145)
    potassium: 5.1 ( 3.5 - 5.1)
    chlorides: 107 ( 98 - 107)
    urea: 2.8 ( 2.5 - 6.7 ) Age
    creatinine: 70 ( 50.4 - 98.1) Age
    total proteins: 77 ( 60 - 82
    albumin:45 ( 35 - 50)
    bilirubin: 11 (3.4 - 20.5)
    alkaline phosphatase: 65 ( 40 - 150) Age related
    ALT (GPT): 26 (<55)
    gamma GT: 21 ( 9- 36)
    LDH: 201 ( 125 -243)
    globuiln: 32
    calcium: 2.36 ( 2.23 - 2.50)
    corr calcium: 2.30 ( 2.10 - 2.55)
    phosphate: 0.90 ( 0.74 - 1.52)
    Magnesium: 0.94 ( 0.66 - 1.07)
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Apologies it's so long.
    Well here the latest blood results:
    Ranges in brackets, I have no idea what most of these tests are for and what they tell me if any thing........
    Due to repeat with the addition of LH, FSH and oestradiol to check for perimenopusal.
    following a review of these results the Endo adjusted my Eltroxin from 100mg X 5 days & 150mg X 2 days to.... 100mg X 4 days & 50mg X 3 days.
    It is now 7 week into the med change and things have not improved.
    Currently i take no supplements
    Please offer feed back which test are important to track, which are just a waste of money?
    what can i do to improve my standard of existence.
    43 year old on various doses of meds for the last 10 years, currently at an all time low...... physically & emotionally.

    cholesterol: 6.66 ( 3.5 - 5.2)
    triglyceride's: 1.33 (<1.90 ) fasting
    HDL: 1.51 (<1.04) LDL: 4.82 ( > 4.14)
    TSH: 0.148 ( 0.2- 4.0)
    free T3: 4.7 ( 2.6 - 5.7)
    free T4: 19.4 (9- 19)
    Vit B12: 599 ( 187 - 883)
    folic acid: 7.0 ( 3.1 - 20.5)
    ferritin: 15 ( 5 - 204)
    iorn: 16.9 ( 4.0 - 28.0)
    RBC: 4.83 (4.0 - 5.2)
    haemoglobin: 14.6 ( 11.5 - 16.5)
    haemabocrit: 0.419 ( 0.37 - 0.47)
    MCV: 86.6 ( 80 - 100)
    MCH: 30.3 ( 27 - 32)
    MCHC: 35.0 (32 - 37)
    platelets: 216 ( 140 - 400)
    WBC: 5.3 ( 4.0 - 10.0 )
    Neutrophils: 2.70 ( 2.0 - 7.5)
    lymphocytes: 1.86 ( 1.0 - 3.0)
    monocytes: 0.32 ( 0.2 - 1.0)
    eosinophils: 0.37( 0.04 - 0.4)
    basophils: 0.00 (<0.2)
    nucleated RBCs: 0 (/100 WBC
    ESR: 10 ( 1 - 20)
    glucose: 4.4 ( 2.5 -5.5) fasting
    sodium: 139 ( 136 - 145)
    potassium: 5.1 ( 3.5 - 5.1)
    chlorides: 107 ( 98 - 107)
    urea: 2.8 ( 2.5 - 6.7 ) Age
    creatinine: 70 ( 50.4 - 98.1) Age
    total proteins: 77 ( 60 - 82
    albumin:45 ( 35 - 50)
    bilirubin: 11 (3.4 - 20.5)
    alkaline phosphatase: 65 ( 40 - 150) Age related
    ALT (GPT): 26 (<55)
    gamma GT: 21 ( 9- 36)
    LDH: 201 ( 125 -243)
    globuiln: 32
    calcium: 2.36 ( 2.23 - 2.50)
    corr calcium: 2.30 ( 2.10 - 2.55)
    phosphate: 0.90 ( 0.74 - 1.52)
    Magnesium: 0.94 ( 0.66 - 1.07)

    Here's a website that tells you how to read your labs: http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/lab-values/
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I was diagnosed a few years ago and my naturopath doctor put me on Nature-Throid. A year ago I moved to an area where there are no naturopath doctors. The new doctor put me on Armour Thyroid and she says my levels are fine.

    Although I'm not tired and am usually energetic, I have not been able to lose weight in 2 years and my body temperature stays between 95 and 96 degrees. That has not changed with the meds.

    Wondering if they tested you for Reverse T3? If you have high Reverse T3, then any T4 replacement is probably not right -- you would need to be on T3 only - Cytomel I think is the name. I'm waiting for my RT3 labs to come back -- he doesn't want to put me on Nature-Throid or Armour until he knows for sure.

    There are other factors also -- like Ferritin, Seretonin (sp?), B12, etc. You may have a gluten sensitivity - seems that many of us do. (Not sure if I do or not, but I don't eat anything with gluten!). You could be insulin resistant in which case, your body is taking every gram of carb that you eat and converting it to fat. In addition, insulin tells your muscles not to burn fat, so you store it in your middle.

    So, lots of other things for you to look at on weight gain.
  • devvorian
    devvorian Posts: 7 Member
    Mustang and all,
    Happy New Year! I had issues with my hair but that was just when I was diagnosed and just got through with a pregnancy, so hair falls out a lot at that time. Once my levels are okay, I think I just have average hair loss when washing or styling...Hope you are feeling better! I am now down about 20 lbs. Only 25 more to go! ;) Good luck everyone!

    I also had massive hair loss. It was coming out i gobs! I also had many other symptoms like weight gain, heart palpitations, depression, so tired that i wanted to sleep 24/7.

    Been four years and stll have some symptoms but overall feelng better. Oh by theway i also have hashimoto and am on synthroid.
  • hashimotos here. i've been levo for...6 years now. i was up and down on dosage for a while, but now on 75 for almost a year i stayed on levo because it's always been only $10 for 3 months worth. never been established with an endo, just got my levels checked at the ENT office that I can audiologist for. my hair is much thinner than it use, and losing weight is definitely a...science. if i am not RIGHT on with cals and exercise, nothing comes off! i'm looking forward to getting an endo and try other things. what i would do to feel awesome and lose weight easily!!!!
  • tannity2
    tannity2 Posts: 50 Member
    Hashimoto's here, too. Almost two years after diagnosis, I'm down to 1/4 grain of Armor -- any more sends me through the roof with heart palpitations, shaky hands, that raw feeling, etc. Also experienced hair loss and eyebrow thinning in the beginning -- and a strange rash on my face. My naturopath put me on a zillion supplements and tested me for food allergies. For about a year, I've avoided dairy, gluten, and nuts like the plague. Still, kept gaining weight around the middle. Someone told me about MFP, and once I saw how much I was shoveling in my mouth everyday -- thinking it would help my fatigue and shakes -- I cut out sugar entirely (raisins were my nemesis). I've also cut out most grains, even quinoa, unless they're sprouted. I'm finally losing weight!!! And my hair is growing back!!!!! Hope this is the ticket and my levels stay sane.

    My heart is with all of you! Best of luck -- this is a hard one to balance, darn it -- and I'm just beginning this journey compared to so many of you.
  • tannity2
    tannity2 Posts: 50 Member
    Oh, yes -- I'm mostly plant-based. Not entirely, but I'm heading in that direction. MFP is helping me do this as wisely as I can right now. My biggest hurdle is exercise. I have a lot more energy and know I can do it now!
  • ntm76
    ntm76 Posts: 25
    I was diagnosed less than a month ago. I was put on 100 Synthroid which was too high of a starting dose. All I did was either sleep or be jittery. My doctor told me to cut back to 50 which I did for a week and just went back to 100 a few days ago. I go back in about a month to get my levels retested but my doctor says do not be surprised if I go up to 125.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    I take levothyroxine and I'm on 50mcgs per day, I think. Just 1 tablet anyway.
  • I have postpartum Hashimoto's. I take 125mcg of levothyroxine daily, and even though my 'levels' are good, I still feel like crud. I have started a gluten free diet, and seem to feel a little better. My gastroenterologist told me that I definitely do not have a gluten allergy, but going off the gluten seemed to help. From what I've read, gluten can trigger the autoimmune reactions that cause you to have Hashi’s. You might try that!

    For the longest time I was eating 1200 calories a day, breastfeeding full time, running 10-15 miles per week and GAINING weight. Talk about ticking me off! I finally just gave up! For the new year, I cut out all gluten, sugars and starches and started running again. I am finally losing some weight. I don't know if my Hashimoto's is in remission or if maybe (please, please, please!) it's gone, but I'll take whatever it is!

    I hope you can figure out what you need to do to feel better. I know right now you are probably tired, sore and just worn out. Keep on your doctor and MAKE him listen to you!!! Keep a list of your symptoms, too! Sometimes that helps them see just what is going on. Heck, I had memory loss, dizziness, weight gain, headaches, body aches, you name it!!! It took me writing them all down, handing the list to my doc and actually bursting into tears for him to take me seriously. Good luck!
  • MmmDrop
    MmmDrop Posts: 160 Member
    I have both Graves Disease and Hashimoto's. Had a complete thyroidectomy in 2010, and have been through 4 Endocrinologists so far in my 4 year journey. Thankfully my latest endocrinologist actually listens to me, and is willing to look at the big picture, rather than try to fit me into their cookie mold.

    I had been on Synthroid alone since my thyroidectomy, and I have never felt normal on it. It was impossible for me to lose weight, I had no libido, extreme irritability, felt cold all the time, etc. even though my labwork showed that I was in the normal ranges. My last appointment with my endo, she added Cytomel T3 to my daily routine, and the change was instantaneous. I felt like a brand new woman.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I am on 250mcg of Synthroid and 25mcg of Cytomel daily. I take them both in the morning with a glass of water 60min before I eat or drink (other than water) anything.

    I still feel like crap most of the time but I feel a thousand times better than I did before the Cytomel, I can function now at least!
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I am on 250mcg of Synthroid and 25mcg of Cytomel daily. I take them both in the morning with a glass of water 60min before I eat or drink (other than water) anything.

    I still feel like crap most of the time but I feel a thousand times better than I did before the Cytomel, I can function now at least!

    Wow 250 mcg of Synthroid is a big dose! I was on a dose that large several years ago and really felt bad. That's why I am so happy to finally be on Armour dessicated thyroid. It's got both T4 and T3 and not synthetic. I hope you feel better soon!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I am on 250mcg of Synthroid and 25mcg of Cytomel daily. I take them both in the morning with a glass of water 60min before I eat or drink (other than water) anything.

    I still feel like crap most of the time but I feel a thousand times better than I did before the Cytomel, I can function now at least!

    Wow 250 mcg of Synthroid is a big dose! I was on a dose that large several years ago and really felt bad. That's why I am so happy to finally be on Armour dessicated thyroid. It's got both T4 and T3 and not synthetic. I hope you feel better soon!

    I know. I talked to my endo about trying Armour but he just doesn't want to try it for some reason. I don't know if it has anything to do with my pituitary tumor or what? I'm just glad I am on Cytomel because no matter how bad I feel now, I felt a million times worse before the Cytomel!