Introduce yourselves.... go on .... don't be shy!



  • sdolan825
    Hi everyone! I am 42, married 14 years and have a 9 year old daughter. I live in a small town in Virginia and am in school to become a nurse. My husband is a bomb dog handler and is currently working in Iraq...that is soon to change and I have NO IDEA where he will be after that or even if he will have a job. So the stress of everyday life is creeping in and I am a stess eater.
    Im hoping by having support and someone to turn too Ill be able to over come this challenge and lose 40 pounds.
  • Trixiebelle67
    Trixiebelle67 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Fabulous 40s!
    I'm Shelly, 44, common law with one grown daughter (27), one dog, and four cats (not my idea!). I lost 30 pounds about 10 years ago and maintained fairly well until I started at a new company about four years ago. As you can probably tell from my profile picture (I couldn't find a non work one), I lived at work, high stress, and bad food. I started my own company this past year and work from home. A much better live a work situation :smile:

    Now I want my body energy to be back matching my head energy and the extra 40 pounds are definitely slowing my down. I'm totally addicted to starchy carbs (I am wheat intolerance, so double whammy) and am very out of shape. So I was very happy to stumble on MFP to help keep my on track and find people to chat to who aren't going to say "just have one cupcake, it won't hurt"!

    So here's to getting to fab fit and 40 :happy:
  • Ellejay40
    Hi fab 40's and big thanks to Slinky for starting the group :0)

    My name is Lisa and I was 41 three weeks ago. Im separated and have two boys 8 and 6 and a 3 year old dogue. My kids prompted me to lose weight. I cant run around with them and they constantly jiggle my belly (in a nice way) but the final straw was when my 6 year old bought me flowers for Christmas because he didn't know where to go to buy me a diet and he thinks I need one (eek!)
    I struggle to stay away from junk and chocolate and I know think I'm pre menopausal.
    I started using MFP last year but had to have an operation in July and piled on the pounds after I got home. I started again on Jan 1st when my weight reached 203lbs. I've really thrown myself into it this time, I've cut down on portion size and cut out the rubbish. I joined a gym ( first time in 15 years) and go 5 days a week for about 90mins. My current weight is 195lbs but I'd love to be 161. I know that's still overweight for my 5ft 7in but I'm starting with something achievable..., I hope!
    Please feel free to add me, more the merrier!
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    Question....I mainly interact with MFP using my DROID we need to 'friend' each other to see each other's progress and message one another. I have one friend that i've been using MFP with and it's been pretty cool and motivational....just wondering. Hope everyone has a great day!!!!

    I think to really track other folks' progress, you have to "friend" them.
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    Hi, I'm 42, live in Southern California, and using MFP to eat healthier and lose 7-10 pounds. Technically, I'm already at a healthy weight, but to get to "race weight" --- I am racing the Big Sur International Marathon in April -- I want to lose 7-10 pounds.

    I've always been fairly thin, but as I've gotten older, I found that I couldn't just stuff my face like before and not face consequences! I am one of those people who can eat ALL the time. I eat 6 small meals a day -- that helps me keep me sated and energized for my workouts.

    Feel free to add me as a friend on MFP! I'm also an RRCA-certified running coach, so if you have any running questions, let me know!
  • sunshinyday69
    sunshinyday69 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello, my name is Kathy and I live in Iowa. I'm 42, married with three awesome kids ages 16, 12, and 10. My goal is to lose 40 lbs...Here are my current stats:

    SW: 182
    CW: 175
    GW: 140
    Height: 5'7

    When I read the post about getting rid of the granny clothes, I knew this was the group for me! My kids tell me all the time that I need to update my wardrobe, but I haven't felt like shopping because 1. I always was saying I wanted to lose some weight first (which of course wasn't happening), and 2. I hate trying on clothes, not having them fit etc. But I'm looking forward to losing this weight, and getting that new wardrobe :)

    Please add me as a friend...I'd love any encouragement, and would love to give some back in return !
  • bekbeaver
    Hi, I'm 48 and live in Michigan. Been married for 28 years and have two children, 24 and 26. Just became a grandma this year to twin girls. I quit smoking a while back. I was already heavy, and added more weight. I have lost 18 pounds. I have been doing weight watchers but a friend suggested this site, so I am doing both. I am looking to lose another 70+ pounds so I have a ways to go. However, I have discovered Zumba and love it! Makes exercising so much fun.
  • annchinsang
    53 Year Old grandmother from Kettering, but dont feel it on the inside, used to be as skinny as anything and was so happy, then not sure what happened but it all went pear shaped now feel like a fat frumpy freak and hate it, wont look at myself in a mirror, hate it if I think my hubby is looking at me or feels my fat, cant stand it if I catch sight of myself in windows as I walk past. Worst of all cant get into my leather anymore to ride my bike and cos my legs have got fat, its made it so i cant touch the floor on my bike properly anymore

    Was always just 7st and was soooooo happy, if I get down to 8st 7lb I'll be happy again.
  • tammi42
    tammi42 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi there,

    My name is Tammi, I am 42(even though my profile says 44...I gotta change that) and I am from Vancouver, Canada. I have 2 great teenagers and am in a relationship with the most wonderful man I met 6 years ago. My kids are active in baseball/softball/soccer and school sports which I always encourage them to participate in. I was a very athletic kid/teenager but once I married I became very sedentary and then when I had my kids I had health issues and gained alot of weight with each of them. Needless to say I divorced and did nothing but work to support me and my kids and the weight just kept on packing on. I am 218 lbs and while I know I will never look like I did when I was 20, I would sure love to come close! My goal is to be 150 lbs but I am doing it slowly. I dont want the weight to come back after I reach my goal.

    I am taking charge of my health now!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. :smile:
  • PeanutsMamaTx
    PeanutsMamaTx Posts: 76 Member
    Hi, I'll be 42 in April, am married and a mom to a wonderful little 3.5 year old girl. I'm fairly new to MFP (used another product on my phone to track calories/exercise), but I like MFP so much better (better database). I am on the HMR (meal replacement) program again. It worked for me in the past, but I put it all back on trying to get pregnant and during pregnancy.

    So far I have lost nearly 43 lbs, 2 pants sizes, and I have been able to "go shopping" in my own closet and wear items that I haven't worn since before I was pregnant! :)
  • bearwithme041
    Hi all
    I'm Cindy soon to be 43 in about 3 weeks, I decided that I didn't have to be the size that I am. I can make a difference if I choose.

    I work as a paraproffesional and part-time at a daycare, then I come home to my 2 kiddos 17, and 16. I'm 229 and hoping to get down to 150 :smile: So far I have gotten a lot of thank you all. My sister has decided to take this journey with me.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • saffronblue
    saffronblue Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am Saffron, almost 42. Married to my HS sweetie as well. We have two boys, 16 and 11. I am as heavy as I have ever been, and am ready to be a realistic healthy weight! I love to cook, and drink wine. I manage a wine tasting room, so it's always around. Useless calories! Bah! My biggest challenge actually is getting more active. I am doing it though! Baby steps!
  • patriotmom2271
    patriotmom2271 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm Trisha,
    Almost 41. I've been married to my husband for 23 years, it hasn't been all roses and not all thorns either. We have 3 of the best kids on the planet. Our oldest son is almost 23, finished his degree and working a great job. Our middle child is our daughter, almost 22, in college working on her degree. Our youngest is a 16 year old boy.
    I'm a paraprofessional in a special needs classroom and I love it. Being a part of their successes is wonderful.
  • ryall70
    ryall70 Posts: 519 Member
    My name is Jessie. I am 41, single, and have two kids. My daughter is 14 and my son is 11. I am a teacher and also have a part-time job. Sometimes it is very hard to find time to eat right and workout and juggle the schedules of 2 active children. I have been averaging 3 times to the gym a week for several weeks. I am not so much concerned about my ideal weight as toning up and looking healthy. When I started counting calories, I found that I don't eat enough and that has definitely been a struggle. I also have GERD which makes eating choices more difficult for me.
    I know I need to be more active and exercise so that's what I am doing. I love sweet tea and pasta. Those have been the hardest to let go. I still have an occasional glass of tea.
    Good luck to everyone in reaching their goals and nice to meet ya, add me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • Yinkin
    Yinkin Posts: 9 Member

    My name is Marie and I'm 41 coming up to 42. I've been married for 20 years this year and put weight on after I got married due to being content with my life. Unfortunately the weight keeps piling on and although I lost 4 stone with Weight Watchers in 1994/5 I've put on over double that. Tried WW online last year but couldn't keep it up. I live in Aberdeen, Scotland with my Husband, 2 cats and dog.

    I tend to go with something for a couple of weeks and then lose interest. Trying very hard not to do that here.

    I want to start up exercising again. I have some Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds DVDs and I love my Wii fit and Exerbeat. If I can get up the energy to start exercising then I know I can continue it but it just seems too difficult just now. DId I mention I'm also really lazy?

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I look forward to getting to know you.
  • adorablechaos
    adorablechaos Posts: 54 Member
    Hello! I'm Lona and 40 yrs of age. I live in a suburb just west of St. Louis, MO. I'm single with 2 boys. 12 and 2 yrs old :huh: I was on here last year at this time trying to lose weight for the big 40. Got down about 15 lbs and lost interest, so I'm at it again. I needs some friends to keep me going..
  • BluMoonSuz
    Hi guys!
    My name is Suzi. I just turned 42 yesterday!

    At my heaviest I weighed 356 lbs....which was years ago. I got down to 240 and was diagnosed with diabetes. After a couple years of yo-yo weight was back up to 290. This past June I had gastric bypass surgery to help resolve some of the complications I had developed from the diabetes. I am down to 225...which seems to be my set weight. Even with the has been a struggle to get past this weight!
    After a string of bad luck with my health....I am back on track and ready to go!

    My goal weight is 146. The weight loss is not about fitting into a certain size or looking good for anyone else. It's about finally having the courage to be myself and stop hiding behind my weight. I want to live the next 42 years as a healthy, active woman who isn't afraid of anything!


    Suz : )
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Hi guys!
    My name is Suzi. I just turned 42 yesterday!

    At my heaviest I weighed 356 lbs....which was years ago. I got down to 240 and was diagnosed with diabetes. After a couple years of yo-yo weight was back up to 290. This past June I had gastric bypass surgery to help resolve some of the complications I had developed from the diabetes. I am down to 225...which seems to be my set weight. Even with the has been a struggle to get past this weight!
    After a string of bad luck with my health....I am back on track and ready to go!

    My goal weight is 146. The weight loss is not about fitting into a certain size or looking good for anyone else. It's about finally having the courage to be myself and stop hiding behind my weight. I want to live the next 42 years as a healthy, active woman who isn't afraid of anything!


    Suz : )

    Go girl and RAWRRRR back :laugh:
  • cndrlla
    cndrlla Posts: 139 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Cindy and I am from Southern California. I didn't have a weight problem growing up, could eat anything I wanted without exercising to keep my weight, but... that all changed when I met my (then) husband. He was not as active as I was and wanted to stay in and watch movies and eat ice cream. I agreed because I thought "this is the guy I want to be with". I laugh at it now, but back then I had no idea which direction my life would take. Since then I have tried a few things to lose weight, but after losing a reasonable amount of weight, I start to slack off, and slowly the pounds come back. After my divorce, I immediately lost 30 pounds, and loved it. Unfortunately, due to the stress of child custody and control issues with my ex, I became severely depressed, and didn't really care how I looked. It took a long time to get out of that rut, and I have been successful losing weight here and there, but I only want to do it ONE more time! I recently worked overseas serving our troops and loved the simple life provided to me. My food was prepared, and I could walk everywhere instead of relying on a vehicle for transportation. I lost weight without even trying. After I came home last August, I put on a few pounds and I don't want to gain anymore. I found MFP through someone on Pinterest and have been logging in every day since. I made a commitment to workout at least 5, if not 6 days per week. After a couple of weeks, my body craves it, and I LOVE that feeling! I have already lost 8 pounds, and it's probably not due to my diet because I'm still working on that, but I love to exercise, and I don't see it as a chore, so I am sure that is the reason!

    Long story short (lol), I am happy to be here with so many others close to my age for motivation, support. Feel free to add me, otherwise I will converse with you here in this group. :smile:

    Make it a great day!
  • Greenhaven44
    Greenhaven44 Posts: 71 Member
    Hello all

    I'm Angela from London I'm 44 .... 45 this year in my head I'm years younger .... I've always been curvy but then I had kids and got comfy with husband one disaster .... Daughter now 16 son 12 ..... Husband two and really happy ..... I lost three stone on weightwatchers about 24 months ago and boy was I on a roll but then they changed to pro points I had a holiday and it all went tits up to be honest .... I lost my diet mojo .... But I'm fed up with myself I've put about two stone back on .... I have to get it back .... Mfp seems to be the answer so far .... I like the freedom this gives you ... I don't feel like I'm on a diet I feel it's a choice which is important. I work full time and have a big response job full of stress which us no excuse but you can just let go .... But not this time .... I need to look and feel the point it gives me more self confidence when I'm smaller. I can dress better I am happier I am more relaxed and I'm a better person. I also want I be around fir my kids and grand kids (in time lots of time I hope)

    So this is me I want to go through my approach to the big five o feeling fab and not flab ...

    Thanks to anyone who reads this .... Love and luck all x