
scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
I wanted to create a group for singles since one hasn't been created yet!

Anyone that is single is welcome - my primary focus would be to create a supportive environment since we don't have anyone at home doing that for us. I would also like to provide a place where people could hopefully find other singles in their area to meet/get to know/workout with, etc. We can also chat about the joys (and not so great things) about being single.

A little about me:
My name is Sherri and I've been active on MFP since April of this year. Since then I've done things that even surprise ME - I'm down almost 20 pounds, I've taken up running and I've done one 5k and will be doing another in a few weeks. I've even quit smoking recently - sometimes I don't even recognize myself anymore!!!

I've been single for a little while now - I don't meet people at work and most of this year I've devoted to getting in shape and improving myself all-around. Being single absolutely has its benefits - I don't mind it, but on the other hand I don't want to be single forever either. I'm trying to work up to getting an online profile up (had one years ago) but I'm just not there yet (read: don't want to have to weed through all of the goofballs).

Welcome and I hope this turns out to be a worthwhile group. Please don't use this as a meat market - harassing other members will not be tolerated and MFP forum/groups rules must be adhered to. Enjoy!


  • jenharrio
    jenharrio Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Jennifer. I just joined this group today, but have been an MFP member since April 2011. In a nutshell, I used to be in decent shape....until I got out of the military, then it seems everything went downhill from there. This is the most I've ever weighed in my life and I'm ashamed and disgusted by it. I have a lot of clothes I would like to wear again and I'm refusing to buy a new wardrobe. I've got like 80 more pounds to go before I reach my goal weight. I've gone on to log for sprints at a time then just quit (of course, I also go on a binge around the same time) so I'm going to try to join a couple groups to see if that would help give me that extra oomph I need. I have a bit of a competitive edge to me, so hopefully that will play well of everyone else, by encouraging and motivating each other. It's nice to meet everyone and feel free to add me :)
  • iluvisabelle
    Hi. My name is Lori, and, I am from Michigan. I just turned 45 years old. I was pretty small (size 4/5) most of my life until I turned about 32 then I went through a hard spot in life and ate, ate, and ate. I have tried over the last 13 years to get it off. I would seem to lose some, but, put even more on. I am bound determined to do it this time with a lot of hard work ahead of me. I would love to meet some weight loss buddies from my area and some friends on here. We can do this together.
  • Momma_De
    Hi my name is Denise, but my friends call me De...I am here in Oklahoma and I just joined MFP...I love it already as I just tracked my first day of dieting in this 2012 year. I have struggled with dieting forever..I have been at my current weight for over 10 years and seem to be stuck here, I did loose 100 lbs when I was preg. with my last "birth" child but he is now 26 and I have found that using that diet does not work for me anymore, I was on a low fat then. I gained all that weight back plus another 100 lbs so I have to get this weight off. A recent health scare has me motivated, I passed a blood clot through my lung and was hospitalized for 3 days a month ago, I now take blood thinners. I cannot exercise because of a leg issue and the meds so I do a few things to burn the calories. I look forward to meeting everyone, no one can have too many diet buddies....
  • Netzie
    Netzie Posts: 107 Member
    I am back and this time joining groups and being more involved. I am 47 and I have my 30th reunion coming next October. I was always thin when I was young and now I am not. I would like to be feeling better about myself come October and rather than say get thinner I am looking at this adventure on MFP as a get healthier endevor. I am going to eat better, dress better and in general just have a better out look. Being overweigt I don't feel much like going out, don't like how I look in anything I wear. I am throwing out this attitude and shedding a few pounds. :flowerforyou:
  • sauci
    sauci Posts: 94 Member
    Hello there! I'm 31 never been married, no kids welsh girl. Just joined MFP.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • butterflyjane
    Hi I am a 34 year old single Aussie girl. As sad as this will sound I have never had a long term relationship or been in love. I have shut myself away from the world because of my weight. I started opening up last year and found someone I thought was great, but he was verbally abusive. This year I am out with the old and starting afresh again. No more moping about being miserable because I am fat - I will never find a husband that way! I will look after me, treat me well, lose this weight, feel proud and embrace being single, whilst also looking out for the perfect man - if one exists!

    Hopefully I can find some like minded people who are ready to tackle this weight loss journey together.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hello, single friends :)

    I am a 57 yr old granny from Duluth MN, USA. I've been single for about 10 yrs...........have two adult daughters and one adorable grandson who is 4.5 yrs old.

    I adore MFP......it has given me the inspiration and tools to lose about 20 lbs (lost a few before I actually joined), and my life is changing so much. I actually don't mind exercising, and if you'dve seen me a year ago, you'd have thought "that fat *kitten*, exercise? never!!" he he

    I am happily single...........but sometimes I think it would be nice to have a guy around, to fix a flat tire or get me a beer (just KIDDING!) I tend to have a silly sense of humor...........

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

  • xxoNikkioxx
    xxoNikkioxx Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I've just joined here too. 29, single & pretty much always have been :ohwell:
  • jadedm
    jadedm Posts: 31 Member
    Hello! .... My name is Starla.. Yeah... gots me a stripper name... Anyways.. I'm 25 years old and been apart of MFP since last year of April. But I guess I wouldn't talk about my weight loss since this has nothing to do with the price of tea in china.

    I don't know if I should make it sound like I'm signing up for match.com or what...-Shrugs- Of course, I'm single. Feels good to be single, but then sometimes you have those off days. I don't have any children... Which ..sometimes it sucks.. but alot of people scream to me " WAIT!! PLLLEASE WAIT!" and that winds my Biological clock back some years..

    I enjoy my single time for the beginning... Why... (Now we go into weightloss) I allowed myself to fall off track because of love/men... Annnd I noticed that all the guys that use to talk about me..call me names and wouldn't give me a time of a day... is NOW talking to me... Ain't..that... something..... Where were you when I was pushing 300.. ain't nothing changed about me dear... My personality and looks are still the same.
  • Cr8tive_Ingenuity
    HI :). My name is Howie.. im 35 living near Tampa Florida. Been on MFP for just over 2 months now and dropped 35 lbs. I been single since February. Did the internet dating sites and found alot of women that are alcoholics. Im a laid back guy, love the outdoors. I find intellectual women to be hot. I don't try to look for women at bars, even though its a great place to socialize, usually when you find someone at a bar, you find them at bars several times a week.

    I believe in shivery. I am old school I guess. I love taking peoples breath away. That's me..

    If you want to know more feel free to message me :)
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    Hi, I am Kristen. I am a divorced single mother. I just started on 1-1-12 and have about 120 lbs to lose. Howie, I have done the internet dating thing too and, not surprisingly, the guys are just as bad as the girls! What surprises me is that people are so quick to judge you by your weight. It's like this unwritten rule that your kindness, intelligence, compassion, etc. is cancelled out by your weight. Anyway, I am not losing weight to get dates, though. I am losing weight because my son is two and I want to break the cycle of obesity in my family. My son deserves to grow up healthy and to not struggle with his weight as I have. So here I am :)
  • kymora
    kymora Posts: 7
    Hey I am Crystal I Turned 30 in October, I live on Vancouver Island in BC love it here, its beautiful, tired of being single but would like to find someone to spend time with some one who loves me for who i am now, and will support me to be who i wont to become in my weight loss journey, nice to meet you all!
  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    Hello all! I'm Bethea (pronounced Beth-ay) and I'm 24. I've been single for 3 years and have finally started to enjoy it. I live in North Carolina, near the mountains, where men are scarce and worthwhile men are even scarcer.

    I started this just before the new year and plan to lose around 75 pounds. I'm 5 pounds down after two weeks- and Wednesday is my weigh in day for week 3.

    Right now I'm glad to be single- excited to be working on a whole new me! I'm hoping that when I'm done with my journey I might find someone who wants the same things out of life that I do and who will help me stay on the track to being healthy and happy.
  • Zodiacsmom
    Zodiacsmom Posts: 105 Member
    Helloooooooo! I am Beth, fairly new to MFP, working on me, but always hopeful that one day I will meet the "one" or heck someone who isn't a zero...LOL. Glad to have a group to find some other folks who may need a little boost to get us over the ump, lord know I need all the help I can get. I would like to lose 70-80 lbs, but taking it goal by goal. First goal is to be down 40lbs by 5/5/12...which I now have 29 left. :) Feel free to add me as your friend, and lets all get healthy together :)
  • BlondeLisa1
    BlondeLisa1 Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks for making this group!

    I'm Lisa and I've just joined MFP in conjunction with the Beachbody programs (P90X, Power 90, etc) I'm into my second week of the Power 90 at home boot camp and loving it all the time except when I'm actually doing it!

    I am pretty new to singledom (previously married 12+ years) but I am enjoying this time without a partner. It's giving me an opportunity to work on myself and my own and I don't know if I would have taken this time if I were not forced into it. I was always about HIM so this is a fresh start! I'm a mom with girls and I need to show them how to be healthy, move forward, take care of themselves and live life to the fullest! Plus, I know that the body I had 5 years ago is somewhere under all this extra stuff and it rocked and I want it back!

    Glad to see so many of us in the same boat and I look forward to help supporting you and to your support of me in our goals to be healthier.
  • CathyS205
    CathyS205 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm Cathy. I'm 28 and from Western PA. I am not entirely sure of what all to put here, but I've been single for a while. I have an online profile on Plentyoffish.com (POF), but that doesn't seem to be working out and if I get one more message saying "Hi there, let's get naked together." I will be done with that site. I haven't been able to stay in relationships for a long time because I was always so insecure, but that is changing since I have joined MFP just before Thanksgiving. It's nice building confidence the way I have been able to in the last few months. I like music. I sing in two different choirs and play piano. I'm trying to teach myself to play guitar for my brother's wedding which will be in June, but I'm not sure how that will turn out. I do like sports too. I played softball for a few years when I was younger, and coached it for a year while I was down south. I like watching football, baseball, and hockey. Go Packers (last week was sad), Red Sox (the last few years have been sad), and Penguins. I recently joined a local fitness center and work out there as much as I possibly can. June will be 2 years since I started karate too and beginning those classes was one of the best choices I have ever made.

    As far as my professional life goes...I was a full-time 3rd grade teacher in Virginia for 2 years but was very homesick and missed my family terribly, so I moved back to PA in 2008. Since then I have been substitute teaching and looking for another full-time position. I even went as far as to get my Masters degree in Literacy with a Reading Specialist certification thinking it would help me find a full-time position, but no such luck. I've also recently been rehired at a convenience store to make up for not being called for many teaching days lately. I can't wait to get started there again even though I haven't worked there for 5 and a half years.

    Anyway, this is enough about my boring life for now. If you want to know more, feel free to ask. :) This group is a good idea.
  • mattie733
    Hi my name is Martha I work for my Tribe where I currently helped develop and run the Tribal IV-D office. I am a single mom of 3 children and I recently graduated from U.O.P. In the time it took to work, raise my children and go to college full time; I failed my self by allowing weight gain. Now that my life has settled down a bit. I would like to lose the weight!! :) I believe support is the only way I can do it so thanks.
  • flstarlady65
    Hello MFP. I am a 46 yo mother of two boys. I have been a member on/off for a while now but have just decided that this year was going to be the one. I know that people say you should lose for yourself and no one else. Well, I would like to throw that out the window for just a moment and say that I'm doing this for my future ex husband. I have been overweight my whole adult life and have been married twice. The first husband was good looking but had issues with drugs/drinking. I thought I could be his saving grace but I was wrong. The second husband was overweight as well and did nothing but bring me down and discourage me. Now I am not only losing for me but to attract someone that will like me for the whole package. When it comes to men and dating they are going to look at the outside of a person before getting to know the inside. I think that goes for women as well. We cannot be with someone we are not attracted to and this time I'm not settling for second best...I want the best! I want well buit, handsome and financially secure. I think I have my work cut out for me!
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    Hi, I am Steve and single, was married for 20 years, have two daughters, who are now grown up and adults now. Would love to hear from other singles. I am living in the beautiful state of Maine.
  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    Hi, I am Steve and single, was married for 20 years, have two daughters, who are now grown up and adults now. Would love to hear from other singles. I am living in the beautiful state of Maine.

    Yay Maine!! I live in New Hampshire. Really close to the Maine border actually...