
adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
Signed up today! Got 8lbs to lose in the next 4 weeks going on holiday! really hard work but hopefully ill get there, i plan to check in regular 128 to 120/119 here we go!

Any one with a similiar time constrained goal?


  • Sazkia120
    Sazkia120 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, Ive only just joined- I'm 131 and wanting to get tp 120 ish by april- I'm off on holiday too! finding to hard - need motivating!
  • adjoa84
    adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
    hopefully we'll be able to motivate each other! Eating is what i find hard i can normally force myself to exercise; i've got an short circuit training session followed by a 5k run planned for tonight.
  • analubobadilla
    analubobadilla Posts: 30 Member
    Hi!!! I just joing on sunday.. I want to loose 10-15 punds in 10 weeks and after that i really want to keep it off... Are you working out??? Let's get mutual support!!!!
  • adjoa84
    adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
    Yes I'm working out i started by doing quite a bit of circuit training and Jillian Michael vids and in these past 2 weeks Ive lost about 2percent body fat which is good BUT only a pound :-( so that why i'm on here i figure it's what i eat as losing weight is 70% what you eat apparently so i'm going to try to input everything i eat for a week plus change from mostly circuit training to mostly running with a bit of circuit training and see what happens after a week. I weigh in next mon/tues as by then i'll have been on here for a week.

    How about you?
  • LadyFleata
    LadyFleata Posts: 32 Member
    HI I'm Tracey.I'm 32 and I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Hypothyroidism, makes loosing weight an uphill struggle.

    Currently i'm using a static bike on the lower resistance setting and Exerbest gym class workout on the wii. Both are low impact so no stress on my joints.

    I have a blog http://tiredofbeing2tired.blogspot.com where i post a daily blog about how im coping, what im trying and what i find out about CFS alont the way.

    I was recommended this site as i have wasted money on weight watchers and tescos diets both of which didnt loose me a single lbs but cost me lost of £££'s.

    I'm also allergic to wheat, severely allergic to wheat and aspartame, which means alot of diet and none sugar food/drinks are a no go too.

    Coping everyday and my husband stops my buying chocolate. To date I havent had a single peice of choclate single boxing 2011 to 1 month and counting. It's not easy tho, I crave chocolate everyday.

    Only want to lose 10-15 lbs, but with both problems feels like its more like 150lbs