Welcome ~ Please Intro.

hluvj76 Posts: 25 Member
Welcome to the group. Please take a moment to introduce yourself to everyone and please feel free to share as much (or little) as you feel comfortable with. I can't wait to get to know everyone and learn from you all.

Mother of two (17 boy & 12 girl), CNA (trying to get back to work), 35 & living in WV. Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes April 2011 and placed on Glucophage 500mg 2x Day w/ Actos 15mg 1x Day. My sugar has been in control and my numbers have been great for nearly 3 months now. Changing my diet and the meds have done wonders. I hope to continue to drop the weight and beat this thing. My dream is to drop all meds and return to a somewhat normal life style. I hate the everyday sticks but I'm pleased to say I only have to do it once a day now and my A1C is a 6.1 now! WOOT WOOT! I love to talk and I'm terrible to ramble....so look out! ha ha


  • Mardill
    Mardill Posts: 140 Member
    Hi, my name is Marg, live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. have 1 son who is 30 years old. I am 62 (63 next month:noway: :ohwell: ) & married (40th anniversary was in Oct) & I retired ( worked for 41 years) from being a Registered Nursing Assistant/Emergency Tech. (18 years), Child Care Provider, in my home (19 years) & then provided nursing care to elderly & handicapped persons in their homes. My blood sugar levels have been taken every year as my dad had Diabetes Type 2 and in November 2011, my levels, for the first time, were out of the "normal" range, am now in the pre-diabetic range (in Canada, 7 is diabetic & I was at 6.8):frown: . I joined mfp Dec. 13th to lose weight & eat more healthy to see if that puts my levels back in the normal range. I also hope that this will lower my high cholesterol levels so that I can get off meds for that & my B/P.
    I enjoy all the aspects of mfp, especially the support & encouragement of "pals" and I have found that others that are challenged by the same situations, really are very helpful. By joining this group I am very sure I will learn a lot and hope to contribute & support others as well. Have a happy & healthy 2012!:flowerforyou:
  • hluvj76
    hluvj76 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there Marg....very nice to meet you and to have you join us. If there's anything you are looking for please let me (us) know. I'm a real research nut and I don't care one bit to hunt down information for someone especially if it's something the whole group can benefit from.

    I'm sure by losing some of the weight things will line out for you and I can't wait to see you achieve your goal. Here 100% for ya! I have to also say it's nice to meet another CNA....I think we're a dying over worked breed. LOL! ((Big Hug))
  • Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie and I am 39 years old. I was diagnosed with Type 2 a few years ago. I didn't take it seriously just took the meds and still ate whatever I wanted. Now that I am older and take a handful of meds plus insulin I'm totally ready to get off all of it!! I also have joined a local Team Lean challenge (It's like the Biggest Loser competition). I am super excited about it and the weigh in is tomorrow. I am super pumped about finding this group as I need to be held accountable for my Diabetes and weight loss. I wish everyone good luck in all their endeavours and hope to get to know you better thru this group. Have a great day!!
  • Mic1965
    Mic1965 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey folks! My name is Michele, I'm 46, was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in March 1995 so I'm somewhat of an old hat at this. I'm also hypothyroid which I was diagnosed with in August of 1995, I started out as a very compliant diabetic then found myself becoing lethargic as the summer progressed. That's when I found out I'm hypothyroid,. In women, diabetes and hypothyroidism seem to go together. My last A1c was 6.2 which was down .1 from three months before. I'm currently on 50/1000 Janumet (a combo med of Januvia and metformin) and 23 units of Lantus insulin for the diabetes and .112 mcg of levothyroxine for my thyroid. Being currently unemployed, I have no insurance so I can't really afford to see the doctor. I'm hoping to find a job soon. My wonderful boyfriend helps me pay for my meds right now, but without insurance they are super expensive. Needless to say, I'd love to get off the diabetic meds!

    I also have a 9 year old daughter who is in need of losing weight as well. I want to set a good example and encourage her to be healthy as well. Her father, my ex (with whom I'm still friends) is also a Type 2 diabetic. Neither of us want to see her develop Type 2 diabetes as a child, which is happening more and more in this country. She is 4'9" tall and about 179 pounds which scares me to pieces. If anyone has any suggestions to help me with her, I'd greatly appreciate it!
  • Thanks for your post. Add me as a friend.:flowerforyou:
  • Keeleelee55
    Keeleelee55 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, I like Michelle was diagnosed quite a while ago...1996. I had gestational with both my pregnancies and then the stress of losing my mother brought it on full out. It also didn't help that I come from a very long line of diabetics! Anyway all was well and good (most of the time) until menopause, now my numbers are so out of whack I don't know what to do. It's very confusing and depressing! OB/GYN tried me on a patch and I think that's where things went really bad so I quit wearing them, trying to deal with the extreme hot flashes is quite overwhelming at times. I take the highest dose of Metphormin and have started on Onglyza. Mornings are still too high so now I'm back here trying to get some more weight off and will start excercising again now that the holiday crazies are over.

    I am 47, married and mother to two boys, 20 and 17. I work full time and am very involved in my youngest son's Lacrosse team even though I still don't understand it, but it sure is fun to watch. I will say that keeping up with this type of thing is NOT my forte, I'm really good for a while and then I gradually quit tracking, I'm hoping by joining a group I will feel more connected and accountable.
  • Nicoleo1
    Nicoleo1 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi everyone. I was diagnosed in June with T2D. The doctor completely freaked me out... saying how young I am and all sorts of other things... to make a long story short I changed doctors because I ended up having an anxiety attack that lasted nearly a week after my last visit to her. My blood sugars had gome from 11's to 7-9's in 4 weeks... I'd lost 15lbs and started exercising every day... She was so nasty to me, saying that I had to lose more weight and that I was going to need insulin... and on and on...
    Fast forward to now... I've been on MFP since the beginning of November and gained and lost the same 5 lbs a few times over. I've learned that over eating is a huge problem for me... one bit too many puts my sugars way out of whack. Anything white... potatoes, rice, sugar (obviously)..
    It is my goal to get off the metformin and get my blood pressure down so I can get off all medications. It's funny -I don't think there's anything wrong with someone taking medication for an illness... I really believe that if you need it you should definately take it, but for myself? I feel geriatric... like I'm defective or somehow, I don't know... less.
    I'm definately having trouble this past month, stress, family, food, you name it I can use it as an excuse... I need to get back on track and keep moving forward toward lowering and getting rid of medications...
    Your support in this group is going to mean so much.
    Here's to our health everyone!
    Oh yah, I am a married mom of 3 (12, 12 & 15) and I work full time from home.
  • hluvj76
    hluvj76 Posts: 25 Member
    It's really nice to meet you all and to learn about each of you as you make this hard journey. I somehow feel less alone. I understand the issue with meds. I HATE it. I agree if you need it you need it....but I also feel less of a person....maybe because I know I was warned and refused to listen. I did this and you know what they say. "you play you pay". I don't know that I'll meet my goal but I know I will never stop trying....I'm just that way.

    I saw my doctor yesterday and had a new thyroid test done....will have those results the first of the week and I'm crossing my fingers all comes back good this time. Mine is refusing to work....ughh! I would love to say I lost a couple more pounds but NOT....on the up side I haven't gained any either.
  • kgalza50
    kgalza50 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi My name is Kathleen and I am 61 years old will be 62 in May. I am severly obese and I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I have started my new Journey with Diabetes classes and weight Control classes thru my health plan, I recently retired and I am home all the time and running out of things to do to keep myself from being bored. Classes with the nutrition has really been a lifeline for me. I havent been put on meds at this time Doctor said since I am losing weight and I followed thru signing up for classes and attending them I Might not have to take meds YEAH according to some of my new friends at classes going on the Meds isnt that much fun for some with the stomach problems and other things. So I guess I condsider myself lucky.I have followed up with eye doctor ,Dentist, i heard this is important with diabetes. If you have a Insurance Plan check and see if they have these dr and classes that are no cost to you depends on ur coverage. I got meters free and stockings all cost alot of $ so just checking it out saved me and my purse.LOL I still dont know what my sugar number should be? there were 180 and now down to 110 to 140 Do I have a number I should worry about? well I glad this is available to keep track of now My calorie intake is suppose to be 1600=1650 a day
    Does anybody know how to change the calorie number it has be at over 2100 cals a day. Thank you for listening and thank you to my daughter for suggesting this website. Have a great Day ev1 Kathleen Happy New Year
  • hluvj76
    hluvj76 Posts: 25 Member
    Ok Numbers....I will make a post for everyone on readings and what to look for. That was/is an excellent question especially for those that are new to diabetes and glucose meters. TY :wink:
  • Hi, my name is Cindy and I live in Colliers, WV. I was diagnosed with diabetes in April 2000. At first, I followed the diet very well and lost 30 lbs. But I had gotten back to old habits and haven't lost weight since then. I started going to an endomologist 3 months ago and he put me on Glucophage 1000mg. twice a day, glimipiride, twice a day, byetta twice a day. I found out that after I take a nap in the early evening after dinner, the glimipiride makes my blood sugar drop drastically. By that, I mean in the 50's. So I had to cut the glimipiride in half....and it still does that. Yet, my morning sugars are high. I am still trying to balance my blood sugar. So I told myself this new year, that i HAVE to do a better job of regulating my sugar and lose weight. I am also menopausal and he told me that I have metabolic syndrome. And that the best way for me to lose weight is to have gastric bypass. I told him I am not even considering that....yet he wants me to lose weight. So I am hoping that using MFP will give me the tools to do this. My daughter has also joined MFP....in fact, she is the one that told me about this. So...wish us good luck...we are going to need it. :flowerforyou:
  • Hi!
    My name is Carolyn and I am from Texas, the Dallas-Fort Worth area. I'm 57, but I think I'm still 37 in my head, and that seems to be causing my issues. I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic (if that is the right term) in 2010. I ignored it, knowing I could drop the weight whenever I got serious about it. I mean, I had been doing just that my entire life, walking the line between heavy and fat. Know what I mean? Yo-yo dieting is the term I believe.
    Anyway, to cut to the point, the yo-yo stopped in December of 2010 and I couldn't budge a pound off my 5'4, 257 lbs. frame. I couldn't walk the stairs to my apartment, I hated going out in public, and worried about a heart attack with every twinge. One of those twinges sent me to the doctor and on my chart in big bold handwriting I saw where she had written denial. I asked about it and, you guessed it, diabetes. My doctor and I talked and decided I could try to control it through diet.
    Well, that did not go well. It was back to the old yo-yo only this time it was with my blood sugars and not pounds (I just stayed fat). During Christmas of 2011, my feet and lower legs blew up like balloons. Scared me and the concern on my daughter’s face broke my heart. I went to the doctor and asked for help.
    Here we are now, 2012, the doctor gave me a med and I am looking for support in achieving a serious life change. This old dog wants to learn a new trick or two. Please.
  • mmsexybetty
    mmsexybetty Posts: 34 Member
    Hi All;
    My name is Amy. I'm 39, single mom of two boys 14 and 7. I currently live in Albuquerque, NM. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes during my pregnancy with my younger son. I kept it after I gave birth to him. I have constantly struggled with my weight since 1995. I lost almost 30lbs. on Weight Watchers back in 2008. I gained it all back since then, and then some. I'm a caretaker part time working with a developmentally disabled adult. I have to eat out 4 days out of the week for lunch, and this seriously sabotages my weight loss efforts. I'm currently actively seeking a job as a therapist, and I feel that once I land a stable full time job, which I hope is real soon, it will be easier to concentrate on the weight loss even more. I'm trying to work through the weight loss the best under the circumstances.
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    Hi! I was diagnosed as Type 2 in May of 2011. Have lost 50 lbs since, and gotten my A1C from 12.6 down to 6.0. It is a daily struggle! I have 20 more lbs to lose to make my Dr. satisfied, 25 to make me happy.
  • WOW! Congrats on the payoff from your hard work.
    And I love the picture of your dog on your profile.
    Carolyn :smile:
  • cindyw7
    cindyw7 Posts: 29 Member
    I am 62, TYPE II and recently had hiatel hernia/reflux surgery which leaves me eating softer foods. My sugar was under control prior to the surgery but the recent A1C test went up a few points. I lost 50 pounds over the last 18 months. I need to lose almost that much still. I'm new to MFP. I joined in early January and have lost 4 pounds. Looking at everyone's postings about carbs tells me I have quite a way to go yet. I've been over the carb totals recommended by MFP which looks like it may be too high for us diabetics.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all! God bless you on your journey. Cindy
  • eva312
    eva312 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm Vanessa, as you know I am a diabetic [2] my goal is to get off the meds
    I do not like putting meds into me - not even for a cold, so I've made great strides now I just need to lose the lbs! The kicker with me is I also have in inactive thyroid - which hiners my metabolism...[double whammy] - but I keep the faith and just keep going....looking foward to connecting, venting and finding new ways to cope with everyday life....have a great day!
  • csmigin
    csmigin Posts: 30
    My name is Christy and I've been PWD2 for almost 5 years now (it will be five years next month). I am 30 years young and live with my mom and brother (Steven) who are both my two biggest supporters and friends in the world (and our cat "Annie")! (We live in a suburb of Kansas City, known as Overland Park.) I didn't take this disease seriously until just about a year and a half ago. I used to weigh as much as 205-215 pounds! :noway: Now I'm doing a lot better, but still need support some days and especially from people who know what it's like first hand. You can find out more about me as we travel on this journey together and I post more. I'm fairly open (for better or worse) and can't wait to meet all of you.
  • luvwindycity
    luvwindycity Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Carolyn~
    I also live in the Dallas/Ft Worth area and was diagnosed with Type 2 on March 25, 2011. Just an FYI....I am helping start a support group here in the area. Go to DiabetesSisters.org and go to PODS meeting and you will see ours is listed for Jan 26th.

  • luvwindycity
    luvwindycity Posts: 15 Member
    Hi !!
    My name is Stephanie, live in the Dallas/Ft Worth area, 59 almost 60 and proud of it!! I was diagnosed with Type2 on March 25, 2011 and it has been an interesting journey. I decided that this was going to be a wake up call and have truly changed my lifestyle. Since my diagnosis I have lost 36 lbs, go to the gym 4-5 days a week. I have bad days like everyone else where I just have to have that piece of chocolate. But one thing I have noticed is that on days like Thanksgiving I had all that I wanted but now I really limit the amount....no more whopping spoonfuls of mashed potatoes!!
    Currently on Janumet and it seems to be doing its job. I carefully keep track of all my glucose numbers and there is not a day that goes by that I don't test myself.
    Looking forward to reading this board every day!! :flowerforyou: