Ladies who train

If you are a lady who trains either for fitness, competition or pleasure, tell us a bit about yourself.

What do you train in?
When did you start?
Who inspires you?
Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far?

Jujitsu and MMA
2006 and 2011
My team mates, my coach and Julie Kitchen
I am just proud to be pushing myself week in week out


  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    What do you train in: Taekwondo
    When did you start: About three years ago
    Who inspires you: The other women in our organization, My instructor, the head of our organization (67 yrs old and still awesome!)
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far: Making it as far as I have and not quitting! I never thought I could do this at all let alone be super close to getting my first brown. I have never been more determined in my life to earn something as I am to earn that black belt. It's not for bragging purposes, it's just because it isn't something I thought I could do and now I realize I can (and will!)
  • What do you train in? Muay thai
    When did you start? I started end of August this year, so that's 3.5 months
    Who inspires you? I've always wanted to do martial arts as a kid, but my parents said it wasn't a "girl" thing to do. Now that I have a job I can pay for my own lessons, sessions, and training :) So the younger me inspires me hahaa. Also, my instructor really pushes me to accomplish more and know the limits of my body.
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? I got to spar for the first time yesterday. I'm never happy unless I'm sore and bruised!
  • cirka2002
    cirka2002 Posts: 134 Member
    What do you train in?
    fitness kickboxing, Gracie Barra Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai

    When did you start?
    Started kickboxing in April 2010
    GBJJ 2/2011 to 8/2011 (White belt with three stripes)
    started Mauy Thai last month

    Who inspires you?
    myself and my workout friends/coaches

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far?
    I'm the "old lady" at the gym. (I'm almost 38) Most of the people I roll with are younger than my tattoos!!

    I agree with whoaeyekneex3 - "I'm never happy unless I'm sore and bruised! "
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    Nice to see so many ladies getting involved. We do a lot of ground fighting in MMA and I used to hate it now I love it. (don't tell my coach).

    I can't wait for the new year and for training to get busier. I miss that face to matt action!
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    What do you train in? Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
    When did you start? October 2010, 14 months ago
    Who inspires you? My coach
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? I have won gold in 2 competitions, and silver in 1. Both times there were only 2 guys in my division though as Im in the over 30's division and at the heavier end. Silver was at ultra heavyweight and the gold were in Super heavyweight and Heavyweight.
  • fae713
    fae713 Posts: 30 Member
    What do you train in: Muy Thai
    When did you start: about 3 months ago
    Who inspires you: The other women who can so obviously kick butt and keep up with the guys. It's great motivation to know that they advanced from struggling where I'm at to being able to hold their own and teaching others. I also am not-so-secretly inspired by my fiance in a round about way - I want to catch up to where he is at. He's done mma (primarily Taekwondo) since he was about 7 with a few years break and I just want to be able to get to the point where I can actually challenge him in class rather than have to be coddled.
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far: Managing to get the primary instructor at my location to tap while grappling without him handing it to me.
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    What do you train in? Taekwondo

    When did you start? December's my 2 year anniversary!

    Who inspires you? I started because our teenager had been training in it since he was 6..he is now 19, a black belt and a instructor at our dojang. At the time I joined he was not sure if he wanted to go back after a break so I said I would join if he did, before that I did not really exercise and I could not believe how much fun sports could be-turns out I just had never found my niche before. Our son was so athletic due to taekwondo that he inspired me to get healthy with a sport that we both loved.

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? When I started I didn't think I would like sparring, turns out it is my favorite thing and I discovered that I am not at all afraid to get in there and hit/be hit. I am also proud of the fact that I am a very dedicated student, I attend class 3 or 4 times per week (basically every class that is offered but that varies summer to winter) and have only missed class due to illness/broken bones or a vacation. I should have tested for my black stripe 2 weeks ago but a busted up toe a week prior to the test has forced me to take a few weeks off. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I see how far I have come in 2 years, I love this sport!
  • jean1058
    jean1058 Posts: 86 Member
    What do you train in? Okinawan Kempo, katas/sparring/weapons (bo staff & nunchaku)

    When did you start? August 2008

    Who inspires you? My youngest daughter. Every Thursday I would take her to the weekly class. She was learning her 2nd kata and Sensei was telling her to work on her stances. On the way home from that class I mentioned she should work on the placement of her back foot. She replied "You think it is so easy? YOU should try it". Ok, she just challenged me. So, the next week I put on comfy clothes and "tried" it. She was correct, it WASN'T so easy, but I LOVE it and have progressed 4 ranks up since then. My daughter is still studying and works so hard.

    Biggest accomplishment? I think it is important that we continue to pass our knowledge on to others, and I think I've accomplished that by working with the youth classes.
  • Kim_SFB
    Kim_SFB Posts: 59 Member
    I haven't started yet, but I would like to train for fitness. I would prefer sparring and muay Thai.
  • lebigv
    lebigv Posts: 12 Member
    What do you train in? Muay Thai

    When did you start? A little less than 2 years back

    Who inspires you? All martial artists

    Biggest accomplishment? Lasting for 3 3minute rounds in the ring. Being fitter in my late 30s than I have ever been in my life.
  • What do you train in? Starting Krav Maga classes again. Took Ryu ju-jitsu in highschool

    When did you start? Next week.

    Who inspires you? Martial Artists.

    Biggest Accomplishment? Let you know in a couple months.
  • Osu2k1
    Osu2k1 Posts: 116 Member
    What do you train in? Olympic Style Taekwondo

    When did you start? July '11

    Who inspires you? My son! He's almost 7 years old. He had a tethered spinal cord (a form of Spina Bifida) and had surgery to release his cord when he was 5. 4 weeks post op he started in TKD in their Tiny Tiger program. When he turned 6 he earned his yellow belt. I saw the benefits that TKD has done for him and I knew it could help me! So I joined!

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Besides earning my green strip belt, Ax and roundhouse kicks at my head level! I never thought I could kick 5 1/2 feet in the air!!! Love it!

    I can't wait to do a couple tourneys on Forms-my favorite part! I haven't started sparring yet, I am waiting for my son to be more physically ready to do it.
  • yulinerinwang
    yulinerinwang Posts: 36 Member
    What do you train in? TKD, kickboxing, MMA
    When did you start? 8 years ago, 6 years ago, 1 year ago
    Who inspires you? Sensei Ono (my old instructor), GSP, Gina Carano (even after she got beat up by Cyborg.. she's still my hero)
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Every instructor I've ever had say, 'that girl is a machine!'
  • What do you train in? Karate, Judo, and Krav Maga
    When did you start? I'm starting intense 5 month training on Feb 5th 2012!
    Who inspires you? I'm inspired by the discipline, control and strength that martial arts instills in you, and I want it to transfer to other aspects of my life :)
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Finding the courage to sign up for such a commitment. I can't wait to add to this!
  • Jeck
    Jeck Posts: 8
    What do you train in? MMA our system is called "Extreme Freestyle" It's a mash of jiu jitsu, boxing, kickboxing, judo, arnis...
    When did you start? 2 years ago, at 30 years old
    Who inspires you? My husband, my Sensei and his wife
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Winning 1st place in a grappling competition :)

    I was ready for the cage in May of 2011, but got injured during training and had to back out of the fight (a week and a half before). I hope to get to that point again this year. I don't want a career. I just want to do it, at least once. :)
  • peacefulninja
    peacefulninja Posts: 9 Member
    What do you train in? Goju-Ryu karate, Ryukyu Kobodo, and jiu jitsu
    When did you start? 2008
    Who inspires you? Gina Carano, because she's beautiful and tough. Lyoto Machida because he uses his mind as much as his body. GSP because he is classy and not afraid to admit his limits.
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? I won a medal in a tournament, and it was for something I thought was my weakest area. And I've worked hard on my cardio, which is paying off.
  • Sandeezee
    Sandeezee Posts: 10 Member
    Hello ladies! Excited to have found this group.

    What do you train in? Trained in Taekwondo, moved on to Muai Thai, now training in Jiu Jitsu and LOVE IT.
    When did you start? Jiu Jitsu- 6 months ago.
    Who inspires you? All women in competive male dominated sports. It takes a special kinda' girl to stick with it.
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Receiving my 1st degree BB in TKD.
  • Sandeezee
    Sandeezee Posts: 10 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm new to Fitness Pal. I'm excited to see other female fighters here. Feel free to add me, I'd love to keep in touch and be inspired by you all.

    My main goal and purpose for being here is to make weight so I can eventually compete in a Jiu Jitsu tournament in the 125 lbs division. I can't seem to get under 130.

  • raeanneg
    raeanneg Posts: 14 Member
    What do you train in? Tae Kwon Do
    When did you start? January 2011
    Who inspires you? My husband and children, who are all taking TKD, especially my eldest son for his persistence and practice and getting Bodan ‘junior blackbelt’. Our Grand Master and his wife for their practice and love of the art.
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Biggest/proudest moment so far is the fact that I have stepped outside my comfort zone and am more powerful and faster than I thought I could be. Great time with family and new friends.
  • Hello everyone! Great topic!

    What do you train in?

    Shotokan Karate, Goju-Ryu Karate and Kickboxing

    When did you start?

    Who inspires you?
    Gina Carano! What a lady! And I would kill for a body like hers :)

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far?
    Achieving my shodan black belt at the age of 10, fighting for my country in the world championships when I was 14 and coming second, and most recently, becoming a karate sensei :)

    Feel free to add me! :)