Maintenance Thread Part 3



  • mjheinrich
    mjheinrich Posts: 87 Member
    Yes I do love the weekly chart and as I was manually logging daily totals over into excel to look at weekly/monthly trends I have now stopped that.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    too funny. Martha, I stopped my spreadsheet late this past summer. Loved it but it was pretty time consuming. The weekly chart is the best!

    hope everyone is doing well this week. Business as usual for me. Today is the last day of week 5 on I'll have a good stretch day and maybe will jump on the elliptical if I feel like it afterwards. I'm a little bummed because I have to leave on Friday morning for a 4 day trip w/my mother, so I will have to halt the program for a few days. I have been so proud of myself for doing this every day and I know it's not going to derail me as a whole, but I'm still bummed. Probably because I don't really want to go on this trip, but have to because I don't want my mom to have to go alone after losing my dad this past summer.

    I'm thinking about doubling-up workouts on Thursday, so that I'm only off 3 days instead of 4, but I have no idea if I can workout for 2 hrs and 15 minutes.....I'm usually itching to stop after an hour. Hmmm, we'll see.....

    Anyway, I took a photo last week to compare if I see any results after the first month, and really do not see anything. I figured it was a little early. But, regardless, I feel good. I think my diet has improved since the holidays. I have been craving wine and sweets less (thankfully).

    Martha, Maggie--I could never go back down to 1200 either. Usually after a vacation or holiday I just leave the calories at my usual maintenance level but eat clean and stay within my limits (because usually on vacation I'm very much over limit). that usually brings me back to where I'm supposed to be in a few weeks. Our bodies get so used to eating a certain amount, even at the same times each day---it's so tough to go back.

    Beaner--congrats on getting back on track!

    Lobster, great to see you posting and active again! How are the mini-goals going?

    Welcome Cre, congrats on your success so far! Yes, I love food too, and exercise is a good motivation to be able to eat are in good company!

    Welcome Keireav--congrats on losing the holiday weight!!

    Have a good day everyone!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    I have been keeping up with logging in..even if I have to go back to the day before, I am still logging in.

    My new mini goals for this week is to get in more exercise... my walking partner missed last week but that shouldn't be an excuse...I have a treadmill. So, my goal is to keep up with the exercise.

    I have been make healthy choices so I think I am over my carb overload for the holidays...don't crave it as much. So I think I am doing good for getting back into it - week two.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 172 Member
    Hi folks, just wanted to say hello! I officially hit my target of 140lbs on Christmas day (start weight 210 @November 2010, I'm 5'4"). My calorie goal has been 1450 for a wee while, and definitely for losing those infamous last 10 lbs! Realistically I was probably about 1400 average.
    So the plan was to give myself a few weeks of continuing at 1450, what with Christmas etc and my normal exercise classes weren't on etc. Last weekend I weighed in at 139, all good. This morning I am back up just over 140. I have to say that putting on just over a lb this week has somewhat annoyed me, as its so difficult to make any sense of it! Especially since I increased my exercise classes to 4 this week, from 3 (zumba circuit class on Monday, Kettlercise on Wednesday and Bokwa and Zumba on a Thursday). But anyway, by the by, I think I am mentally prepared to up my calories now, not sure if I should do it all straight away. My maintenance calories according to MFP is 1690. So I might just go up a bit at a time.
    Any help, suggestions or advise would be appreciated, as would any new friend requests. You all seem to be doing amazing! :)
  • JoMFrasca
    JoMFrasca Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Lorna,

    First, congrats on your weight loss! Great job. I am sure you feel so much better. I know that I feel better not carrying around that extra 65 pounds!

    My experience with exercise and weight loss is that while they are strongly connected, you do not see the results immediately. I know that on the weeks that I had my highest levels of calories burned, I would not see a corresponding weight loss until the next week or even the week after that. I am not sure why, but that seems to be how my body works. If you keep up the strong workouts and make sure your calorie levels are within your goals, you will surely lose the rest of the weight and meet your ultimate goal. Good luck!

    I officially started maintenance last September, but then proceeded to lose about 20 more pounds. I am now 5 pounds under what I thought was my ultimate weight goal, and am maintaining that now for more than a month, so it seems I may stay here. I am 5'6" and currently weigh 127. My maintenance calories are just over 1500 and I work out about 6 days a week, both cardio and strength training. If I do not eat back any of my exercise calories, I lose a bit more weight so I need to add maybe 100 more calories a day (less than all my exercise calories) to maintain. I am still figuring this out so it's kind of trial and error right now.
  • Lysandra81
    Lysandra81 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey all,

    checking back in again. Glad to hear everyone is doing great!

    I survived the holidays without gaining or loosing anything - still 109 lbs. I am really proud of myself as I still ate what I liked without freaking too much. The downhill skiing probably saved my *kitten* there! ^^

    I do have a massive challenge ahead though - I am going to work 3pm to 2am over the next year. I am really afraid this will screw up my metabolism one way or the other - eating too much or too few calories. Also there won't be much healthy food available at that time of the night anymore. *sigh*

  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Lorna,

    First, congrats on your weight loss! Great job. I am sure you feel so much better. I know that I feel better not carrying around that extra 65 pounds!

    My experience with exercise and weight loss is that while they are strongly connected, you do not see the results immediately. I know that on the weeks that I had my highest levels of calories burned, I would not see a corresponding weight loss until the next week or even the week after that. I am not sure why, but that seems to be how my body works. If you keep up the strong workouts and make sure your calorie levels are within your goals, you will surely lose the rest of the weight and meet your ultimate goal. Good luck!

    I officially started maintenance last September, but then proceeded to lose about 20 more pounds. I am now 5 pounds under what I thought was my ultimate weight goal, and am maintaining that now for more than a month, so it seems I may stay here. I am 5'6" and currently weigh 127. My maintenance calories are just over 1500 and I work out about 6 days a week, both cardio and strength training. If I do not eat back any of my exercise calories, I lose a bit more weight so I need to add maybe 100 more calories a day (less than all my exercise calories) to maintain. I am still figuring this out so it's kind of trial and error right now.

    Thanks Jo! I think I just need to bite the bullet and start it and not be afraid to see fluctuations. I think I have decided on an upper weight 'limit' I would be happy with, so I am going to weigh in tomorrow, and as long as nothing has dramatically changed then I'm gonna up my calories. I love going to my classes, so I'm definitely gonna keep that up! :)
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    My weight is still within range, but I think I've lost some muscle and gained some fat because my abs aren't as prominent as they were. Meant to be doing a half marathon in a month, so going to leave my calories as they are, and hopefully when I'm back into running (done nothing recently) that will be enough. Will reevaluate after the race.
  • mjheinrich
    mjheinrich Posts: 87 Member
    Hi Robin! I like your new picture. Thanks always for the summaries that you do for all of us. Very nice to be acknowledged and youa re so good at welcoming our new friends too. How was your trip with your Mom? Hope it all went well. Even if you couldn't exercise, that's real life and a break is good at times.
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    So far so good. I have been able to maintain (started end of September). I was hoping to maybe loose a couple more pounds and to be able to keep my high range at 125 but it seems I don't really have a range I am generally at 125 everyday occassionally it will go to 124 so I am happy with that. It is winter around here so if I don't gain that winter weight this year all should be great then looking forward to being able to get outside for some excerise this summer. I always eat less in the summer too and am much more active. Hope everyone else is doing well.
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    I have ranged between 111-114 for the bast couple of months. Maintenance is not easy and I still think about food ALOT. I find I enjoy working out so have been exercising for my calories. I am a tax consultant and am heading into tax season. Will so how that affects this new life style. Wish me luck.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Week three - still focus on healthy eating and adding exercise. Need to lose those few pounds from the holidays so that I back into my range.But, it's not out of grasp... I am close and keeping an eye on it. Once I am back to my regular routine with exercise I don't think it will be a problem. Hope everyone is doing good!!!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning fellow maintainers! So good to see everyone is doing well and within range and goals.

    Thanks so much for your note Martha--it's good to know updates are helpful to others, I know what other people write is always helpful to me......I have been inspired by so many concepts in this thread.

    So my trip was ok! The food actually was horrible but I still ate a ton, and I exercised a bit, but nothing like what I do at home. I'm still on my "no weighing" kick (since early November) so thankfully have no idea if I actually gained anything, and this is good for me. I don't get worked up about it this way.

    Anyway, I'm still trying to get back to my calorie level after this trip-it always takes a little time for me to rein it back in. But I'm back to P90x. Today is day 41. i can't believe it's almost halfway done! Well, I didn't think I saw any results yet but when I saw this picture of me (my new profile pic....) it made me realize I'm starting to see some new arm strength...yay! Aside from that, I have been toying with the idea of not logging anymore. I have been kind of a "lazy logger" lately...where I don't weigh foods as much, guestimate more, and sometimes don't worry about logging dinner until the next day, or if at all. I always thought I'd do this forever--but for some reason right now the concept is appealing to me. Of course, everyone I have seen on mfp that has stopped logging gained weight again and eventually started logging again. Have any of you have good results with this??

    Alright, I'm off....have a great day everyone!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Good morning fellow maintainers! So good to see everyone is doing well and within range and goals.

    Thanks so much for your note Martha--it's good to know updates are helpful to others, I know what other people write is always helpful to me......I have been inspired by so many concepts in this thread.

    So my trip was ok! The food actually was horrible but I still ate a ton, and I exercised a bit, but nothing like what I do at home. I'm still on my "no weighing" kick (since early November) so thankfully have no idea if I actually gained anything, and this is good for me. I don't get worked up about it this way.

    Anyway, I'm still trying to get back to my calorie level after this trip-it always takes a little time for me to rein it back in. But I'm back to P90x. Today is day 41. i can't believe it's almost halfway done! Well, I didn't think I saw any results yet but when I saw this picture of me (my new profile pic....) it made me realize I'm starting to see some new arm strength...yay! Aside from that, I have been toying with the idea of not logging anymore. I have been kind of a "lazy logger" lately...where I don't weigh foods as much, guestimate more, and sometimes don't worry about logging dinner until the next day, or if at all. I always thought I'd do this forever--but for some reason right now the concept is appealing to me. Of course, everyone I have seen on mfp that has stopped logging gained weight again and eventually started logging again. Have any of you have good results with this??

    Alright, I'm off....have a great day everyone!

    I had noticed that your arms were looking very toned- day 41 is amazing, nearly half way there!

    My weight has settled at 119 which is where I was at the start of December and I am more than happy with that. I seem to be able to eat around 1600 - 1700 net calories a day and not gain, anything more than that and I do.

    I am still logging but would love to trust myself enough to stop eventually. Just afraid if I don't there will be trouble! I am getting more inclined to stop weighing weekly and change to once a fortnight, then once a month. I would be afraid to stop both logging and weighing though, for now.
  • mjheinrich
    mjheinrich Posts: 87 Member
    Of course, everyone I have seen on mfp that has stopped logging gained weight again and eventually started logging again. Have any of you have good results with this??

    Yes, I am one of those that was on MFP a few years back, stopped, gained and then started a year ago and lost the weight again. I logged most of last year and maintained since February. Around Sept I got sloppy again and logged only occasionally. I did put some weight back on but then starting Jan 2012 got back to logging regularly again and immediately lost the weight. I have proven a couple times that when I don't track, I overeat and gain. When I track, it works and I can take it off fairly quickly. Its just not great for me to yoyo like that so although I may change my mind in the future, for now, I am re-committed to regular logging in order to maintain.
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    Of course, everyone I have seen on mfp that has stopped logging gained weight again and eventually started logging again. Have any of you have good results with this??

    Yes, I am one of those that was on MFP a few years back, stopped, gained and then started a year ago and lost the weight again. I logged most of last year and maintained since February. Around Sept I got sloppy again and logged only occasionally. I did put some weight back on but then starting Jan 2012 got back to logging regularly again and immediately lost the weight. I have proven a couple times that when I don't track, I overeat and gain. When I track, it works and I can take it off fairly quickly. Its just not great for me to yoyo like that so although I may change my mind in the future, for now, I am re-committed to regular logging in order to maintain.
    Thank you for sharing how important logging is in the long term. Having been on maintenance for only a couple of months I have found logging to be very important to me. Sounds like from your experience it might be important for the long-term.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    It is really important for me to keep logging too, and I'm seeing it as a very long-term thing as my personality seems to relate well to it - I've never been grossly overweight, but I for most of my life I've been a lot bigger than I was comfortable with. This is honestly the first time I've been able to keep myself at a weight that makes me feel good about myself, and it is definitely using MFP that's brought me to this point. I've been thin on occasion before, but I've never stayed thin like I am doing now (more or less).

    But I'm considering not clicking that button at the bottom at the end of each day to draw attention to the log. This is because I'm trying to work to a weekly average, and I'm feeling self-conscious on the days that I'm over, when most of my friends are trying hard to lose and trying to stay under daily. They probably don't know, or have forgotten, that I'm doing the weekly average thing.
  • bitterbrownie
    Last week I upped calories from 1500 to 1600 and I've gained 2Ibs. I'm going to stick with 1600 for another week but any ideas as to the gain? :L I've been eating back exercise cals (or just under) to keep goal as close as possible but haven't gone over...
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Last week I upped calories from 1500 to 1600 and I've gained 2Ibs. I'm going to stick with 1600 for another week but any ideas as to the gain? :L I've been eating back exercise cals (or just under) to keep goal as close as possible but haven't gone over...

    I would give it longer than a week. It is said to take about 3500 calories more than you burn in order to gain one pound, so I very much doubt your two pounds is connected to those extra daily calories. Could it be water? I'm sure you will settle down. We all have a range rather than an exact weight anyway; my range is quite narrow - about 3 pounds - but I know some people go up and down within a 5 pound range.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    It is really important for me to keep logging too, and I'm seeing it as a very long-term thing as my personality seems to relate well to it - I've never been grossly overweight, but I for most of my life I've been a lot bigger than I was comfortable with. This is honestly the first time I've been able to keep myself at a weight that makes me feel good about myself, and it is definitely using MFP that's brought me to this point. I've been thin on occasion before, but I've never stayed thin like I am doing now (more or less).

    But I'm considering not clicking that button at the bottom at the end of each day to draw attention to the log. This is because I'm trying to work to a weekly average, and I'm feeling self-conscious on the days that I'm over, when most of my friends are trying hard to lose and trying to stay under daily. They probably don't know, or have forgotten, that I'm doing the weekly average thing.

    Thanks for your perspective on this everyone---after a few days of thinking about it, I don't think I could actually stop either--I'll continue with my lazy-logging. I guess it's a good in-between thing to do where I won't feel like everything has to be an exact science with the numbers, but at least I'm not in the dark about what I'm eating. Part of the reason I had been thinking about this is because I'm burning fewer calories from P90x lately, and although I'm exercising like crazy, my calorie allotment is lower, but my appetite is still the same, so I have just been going over. I haven't weighed myself but it seems like everything is still under control based on how everything still fits. Seeing that the numbers are not reconciling neatly like they usually do has just made me think a little differently about the process I'm using and if it's really the best way....

    Maggie--about the diary-complete button. I did stop that awhile back for the same reasons. I average everything and actually just didn't want to draw attention to my diary because we are in maintenance, and our choices are different on maintenance than if we are actively trying to lose weight. Like drinking wine and having dessert is not a crime or a weakness for me; it's a personal choice that I either decide to have, or not based on how I feel that week. Also I felt like I was getting cudo's for everyday eating and I didn't think I really needed that. I leave my diary open to friends to see, just don't actively promote anyone to look at it. This has eased my mind quite a bit.

    dizzylizzy--I agree w/Maggie. I think that might be normal fluctuation weight. You may be fine. Saying that though, I have always been a little scared to go up a full 100 at a time. I typically will go up in 40-50 calorie increments when I have tried increasing. I am now at 1560 and keep going back and forth between that and 1600 (and do add exercise calories to this base)