Week One People?



  • llingriff77
    I finished W1 on Sunday so today is my first day of W2 and I'm sure it'll be hard but I know that I can do it if i just put my mind to it
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    I'm hoping to complete W1D3 this evening! Feel free to add me...I need all the motivation I can get! Come hell or high water I'm finishing this!
  • 5Btieden
    5Btieden Posts: 189 Member
    I finally made it through a whole week 1 routine on Monday!! And I did it again today. It is definitely not easy for me so if I can do it one more time, I will move on to week 2. I am a little scared of running for longer periods though. I guess I will have to try it and see how it goes.
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I am on my 2nd week of my 2nd round of c25k. For those of you who are just getting into running let me tell you this program really works! I went from not being able to run more than a few seconds before starting to being able to run a 5k in 33:28!! I finished the program in Dec and ran my first 5k and it was amazing. I tried to move on to b210k and got to week 3 but that proved to be a little too advanced for me (or I was getting burnt out, not sure which) so I restarted c25k and this time around I am working on improving my speed. The first time I walked at 3.5 mph and ran at 4.5 mph and this time I am walking 4 mph and running 6 mph. I am doing ok at 6 mph so far but it's hard and I may have to decrease that a little as the run times get longer, we'll see.

    Good luck everyone!
  • sisnero
    sisnero Posts: 12 Member
    I did C25K a couple of years ago and did one race. It was great fun but I ended up with a bad case of shin splints. I am going to start again today as I really loved the sense of accomplishment that I got from this program.

    If anyone would like to hook up as a running buddy for encouragement and support, send me a message.
  • jdbeckers
    Hey fellow c25k'ers. I'm going to do day 2 of week one tomorrow, so PLEASE HOLD ME TO IT!!!!! You are all doing great and it's such an encouragement to see everyone trying their hardest to get through the first week.

    Today my husband came home from the gym and said he ran 5mph for 9 minutes straight. He's not doing c25k, but it will be nice if we can go running together this summer. I'm so proud of him!

    Happy running!
  • watsonlc
    W1D2 tomorrow morning. I'm pumped!
  • jdbeckers
    I was reaaaally looking forward to my run this morning!!! It's raining pretty hard outside. I'm not that hardcore yet....what to do? I guess I'll do my 30 day shred workout.
  • laporter62
    laporter62 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I completed W1D1 yesterday, I have tried this about 4 weeks ago, but I have figured out that I was trying to run too fast, particularly since I have a sore knee
    so I slowed it down and when I finished I felt great
    I think that this is more about endurance rather than speed
    W1D2 tomorrow night after work
    Add me as a friend is you want, I need to finish this and not give in
  • zozilla09
    zozilla09 Posts: 45 Member
    I too tried to start a few weeks ago but quickly ran out of motivation. I'm back again though and re-started ....my knees are so sore and I finally got my back to stop hurting as much. I guess I pushed too much....went too fast the 1st time....I dunno. Anyway, I'm going to RE-re-start w1 and go from there.
  • 4littlemonkeys
    Think I will redo week one next week! I completed wk 1 but the day I was to start wk 2 my DH had to rush off to another city to be with his Grandfather who was rushed to hospital :( So I did 30DS instead to get my exercise in and discovered I had done myself an injury! Awful pain in/on/around my shin bone. So I've rested it and it seems ok, busy couple of days ahead with my twins birthday so will start fresh on Monday :) (fingers crossed my leg is ok!)
  • janjan369
    janjan369 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi There! I am on Day 2 of Week 1. Friend me if you'd like as I'd love to finish this program together!