21 Day Challenge Goals



  • ejeantaylor67
    ejeantaylor67 Posts: 2 Member
    Here are my goals;

    Drink more water and lower my sodium intake daily.
    I will stop snacking at my desk
    I will park further away from the shopping stores and take longer walks in WALMART.
    I will weigh every Sunday and not get disappointed so fast and give up with this journey.
    I will write everything down I eat .
    I will try to schedule and prepare my meals for work atleast 3 out of the five days.
    I will exercise 6 days a week.
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 753 Member
    Great goals! You are on your way!
  • sklala
    sklala Posts: 208 Member
    My Goals,

    1- Yoga twice a week
    2- Cardio up to 60 minutes a week
    3- Monday weight in
    4- Water water water,
  • Tiffany789
    Tiffany789 Posts: 42 Member
    I am starting with one goal....to watch my serving sizes!!! I tend to not eat enough during the day and then want to eat a whole bunch in the evening!

    I did the same. I'm afraid if I have more than one, I'll get overwhelmed.