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  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    I am 62, TYPE II and recently had hiatel hernia/reflux surgery which leaves me eating softer foods. My sugar was under control prior to the surgery but the recent A1C test went up a few points. I lost 50 pounds over the last 18 months. I need to lose almost that much still. I'm new to MFP. I joined in early January and have lost 4 pounds. Looking at everyone's postings about carbs tells me I have quite a way to go yet. I've been over the carb totals recommended by MFP which looks like it may be too high for us diabetics.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all! God bless you on your journey. Cindy

    Cindy, I also found that the carb limit set by the program was WAY too high. I try to keep under 120 grams per day. I started out trying for 150, once I got that down I dropped it to 120. When I get that under control I will try to drop to 100. I know some people who keep it under 50! I'm not anywhere near there yet. Sounds like you've done well and are committed to keeping it up. Hope to hear more from you on here.
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    Hi !!
    My name is Stephanie, live in the Dallas/Ft Worth area, 59 almost 60 and proud of it!! I was diagnosed with Type2 on March 25, 2011 and it has been an interesting journey. I decided that this was going to be a wake up call and have truly changed my lifestyle. Since my diagnosis I have lost 36 lbs, go to the gym 4-5 days a week. I have bad days like everyone else where I just have to have that piece of chocolate. But one thing I have noticed is that on days like Thanksgiving I had all that I wanted but now I really limit the amount....no more whopping spoonfuls of mashed potatoes!!
    Currently on Janumet and it seems to be doing its job. I carefully keep track of all my glucose numbers and there is not a day that goes by that I don't test myself.
    Looking forward to reading this board every day!! :flowerforyou:

    Stephanie, Sounds like you are doing well. How often do you test? I started out just once a day (first thing in morning), now I am testing first thing in morning, then two hours after every meal. I was just diagnosed in May of 2011, so relatively new like you. Also in my 50's. Is Janumet the only med you are on? I am on Glucophage and Victoza. Hoping in April to start getting off the meds if my weight is down far enough.

    Looking forward to reading more from you.
  • CKWS
    CKWS Posts: 5
    Hi, I am 32 and recently was diagnosed with Type 2 just before Thanksgiving 2011. I am a nurse but teaching patients about diabetes and implementing all of the lifestyle changes is challenging, due to diabetes and mult. other health issues I have not been able to work in nursing very often and I miss it terribly. I am a Mom and wife and I want to be around for a long time...I am open to any suggestions,meal and supplement ideas or recipes, and medications that are working for others. I take Metformin 1000mg twice daily but my glucose levels are still fluctuating...so until I see my endocrinologist next month I am doing my best to eat well, follow a diabetic diet and want to start exercising...
  • luvwindycity
    luvwindycity Posts: 15 Member
    I test myself every morning first thing and then sometimes after I work out. If I think that a meal is affecting me than I will also test about 2 hours after to see if that food did affect met.

    I am only taking Janumet at this time.
  • luvwindycity
    luvwindycity Posts: 15 Member
    Hi CKWS!!
    When I was first diagnosed i did go into a panic. My house was in an uproar as I was in the middle of a remodel with NO kitchen. All I could think about was remembering when my mom was diagnosed and her having to get everything sugar free. I spent time on the internet reading as much as I could regarding diabetes and just started making small changes in my life. I did join Weight Watchers and dragged my DH with and it has been a tremendous help. Kind of a pain counting points and carbs but after awhile you just learn which you can/can not eat. I also am not a believer that all fresh fruits should be zero points like WW has. I also took a diabetes course at my local hospital and they helped set up my carb intake for each meal/snack.

    What has helped a ton is my going to the gym. I am lucky now as I am officially retired and can go at times when it is not crowded.
    First thing I did was hit the treadmill. Now do a mix of treadmill, bike, elliptical and strength training. I am not saying it is easy, but start out in small steps....like walking and you can build up from there.
  • hluvj76
    hluvj76 Posts: 25 Member
    There seems to be a connection with the thyroid and many with Type 2. I can't count the people I know who have both problems to deal with. Makes me wonder....I need to try and research this topic...hmmmm. I know that mine doesnt function correctly 90% of the time and losing weight is a real struggle for me. I want to pull my hair out most days.

  • glowbuggy
    glowbuggy Posts: 50 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    My name is Chalin, and I am a type 2 diabetic. Have been for the past 20 years. I am very over weight and need to lose about 100 pounds. My issue is that when I take my insulin, sometimes it drops waaay to fast and too far. Now that my sugars are not in the 450's (!!!!) I dont feel my drops until they are in the 40's-50's (!!!!!!). By then all I want is to stuff my face w/ anything and everything to raise them and fast.

    I am a SAHM of 2 little girls. Caitlyn is 5 and Erika is 3, almost 4). They keep me on my toes and keep me totally insaine 24/7. I am almost always cleaning or doing something, and now adding a "workout" time in during the day is a bit tricky, but I am finding a time for it.

    My biggest issues are when my sugars drop and I reach for anything and everything to get them back up. I dont think about my calories when it happens, just raising the sugars. Then the guilt hits afterwards.

    I hope to hear how everyone else handles the lows w/o blowing their calories...
  • teresaf3259
    teresaf3259 Posts: 2 Member

    My name is Teresa. I am 52 almost 53. TYPE 2 Diabetic for 11 years. For the first 5-6 years I controlled it with diet and exercise. As I have gotten older and more sedentary my levels have creeped up to now I am on Metformin 1000mg twice daily as well as 60 units of Lantus. Morning results are still all over the place.

    Today I have felt bad all day and have no energy. So it is time to make a plan to regain my health.

    Other information about me I need to loss weight,. I like many others am in the Healthcare field. My husband and I have 4 grown children 2 still at home.

    Will I think I will get up go to the kitchen and plan my meals for breakfast and lunch this week.

    Hope to get to know all of you.....

  • nikkim72

    My name is Nikki, I am 39 married for 16 years and the proud mother to 3 girls 13, 11, 6. I was diagnosed when I was pregnant with my 2nd child and started shots. I think now I have been on a pump for at least 11 years. I did come off in between children but just found it easier to be on the pump and felt in more control of my numbers. I like most of you hope to loose weight and be pump free. I struggle now because I had my thryoid removed in August 2011 and my galbladder removed in Novemeber.

    I am thrilled there was a group for type 2 and looking forward to supporting as I can as well as get your support and inputs on how to help with my weight loss.

  • marcildelson
    marcildelson Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all! My name is Marci, married, mother of 2 grown children and a son-in-law. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in July 2011, on twice daily insulin with really good blood sugars. I have been trying to lose weight since about October; I had lost about 20 pounds over the summer from a liver reaction to medications, and since then have gained it back. I think I eat pretty well and only the last 2 weeks have gotten into an exercise routine. I am anxious that the insulin has contributed to the weight gain, and don't want to gain anymore. I was really comfortable with about 10 pounds less, definitely more than the weight charts say, but hey, I am not 20 years old anymore. I just want to look good and feel good, so I am going to work hard to keep my labs and weight healthy.
  • hluvj76
    hluvj76 Posts: 25 Member
    WELCOME to all new comers. Hope you are all well and hoping together we can all learn and understand more.
  • Pauline745
    Pauline745 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Marci, pleased to meet you...I just joined recently....a few days ago.

    Pauline :flowerforyou:
  • Pauline745
    Pauline745 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello, I'm Pauline and I'm brand new here. :smile:

    I'm gonna check in my weight on Thursday...I really hope I will have lost. I have been yo-yoing for years! :embarassed:

    I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2009. I take Metformin 500 mg twice a day and my blood sugars seem to be normal lately.

    I am 45 yrs old and live in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. I am married to Jay (who by the way gave me some fresh flowers today) :heart: for 16 yrs. We have no children....just never happened, but we have accepted that. We think it's for the best since we both have health problems. I have other health problems on top of diabetes. We do have a wonderful Maine Coon cat named Precious and she lives up to her name! :smile: She is 16 yrs old and she is our "kid" :tongue:

    I'm looking forward to do this journey with all of you!

    Pauline :flowerforyou:
  • marcildelson
    marcildelson Posts: 8 Member
    I feel your pain - want to add as a friend? Same age, struggling with T2D. Thanks! Marci
  • kgalza50
    kgalza50 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there welcome Just wanted you to know I was recently told i had type 2 also. I have been always a great cook and I have been crusing the cookbook aisles and i am having fun trying new recipes with ground turkey and other items i never tried and its working I lost 3 lbs this week and am able to have fun trying new recipes. I m retired now and have alot of time so if u need any ideas for meals let me know Ill try to help u. Have a great week everyone. Laugh and enjoy.Kathleen
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I was diagnosed with type2 about ten days ago. My story is similar to all of yours...I need to lose a lot of weight to have a fighting chance with this disease. Looking forward to battling this with the help of all my new friends,,,YOU!!!

  • hluvj76
    hluvj76 Posts: 25 Member
    Its great hearing from everyone and learning about each person and how we are all on the same path though we each have our own little twists and turns to deal with along the way. I wish everyone well!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hi, i am cathy. i just found this group.
    i was DX in june of 06. lost 80+ gained back 40+ when life happened. l am losing it again for the 4th time since DX. in the time i quit smoking. i take victoza. i haven't had an A1C over 6 in years. but, when we tried without meds and just diet and exercise it didn't work well. they said i can try again when i get under 200. that is my goal right now. i go back in for my A1c/blood work on thursday. i have recommitted myself to weight loss again on the 1st. i do WW with my DD right now.
    i am married (30+ yrs) two kids, two granddaughters, two dogs. we live in the south. i am a homemaker.

    just wanted to say hello
  • Pauline745
    Pauline745 Posts: 22 Member
    Kathleen, sorry you were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but it sounds like you've got a great attitude by searching for healthy recipes. If I can get my kitchen all cleaned up, I can start cooking, but I want to use the food I have in my home before.

    I would appreciate though some healthy recipes that can keep me in my net goal of 1200 calories. :smile:

    I will go and add you as a friend.

  • penguins6
    Hi Everyone - my name is Jackie, I am 48 yrs old, mother of three, grandmother of 6, 7th due end of April. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 20 years ago. The last 5 years have been the roughest. I didn't take my diabetes seriously as I should have and now I am seeing the effects. I started taking insulin three years ago. I take humalog three to four times a day and Lantus at night. I am also on Acto/Met, thyroid meds, blood pressure, cholestoral, and acid reflux meds.

    I just recently bought a treadmill since I have done nothing in year for exercise. I am looking forward to making new friends and finding new recipes.