Binge Averted?

TAC2413 Posts: 27 Member
My husband is stressing me out today... it's saturday and he had to work, so I understand his irritation at that, but I get home after he did when he got off work and he hasn't said 3 words to me. I can't figure out what I did except not have to work today when he did. Anyway...

It's 4:00... my binge weakness hour. I like to snack late in the afternoon and when I snack usually it's something small to tide me over for dinner, unless I'm upset.

So today. I had 2 Dove Dark Chocolate pieces (100 calories total) and am avoiding the kitchen and the television like it's the plague. I just hope that I make it to dinner. Any encouragement would be appreciated.

Thanks for all the support you guys. I'd hate to have to make this journey on my own.


  • apesid
    apesid Posts: 135 Member
    Great job!! You've got the power to do this!

    Whenever I need extra willpower I head over to pinterest and check out their fitness section. Lots of motivational thoughts and pics to remind me why I'm doing this.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    gum and water are my best friends when i feel a binge coming on. my weakness is chocolate and sweets. and if something really emotional happened or if overnight or weekend guests just leave my house i usually have one too. because i start to go crazy watching my eating and trying to explain it to others. then as soon as they leave i want to go nuts... just a little pattern of mine that i have noticed. one taste of chocolate or sweets leads to "well i just want one more"... definitely not good. it is very tough. please know that a lot of us go through this. you are not alone!
  • imsmellie
    imsmellie Posts: 103 Member
    I sent you good luck. Hope you accomplished your goal.
  • TAC2413
    TAC2413 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for the support guys! I did survive the weekend without a binge!