New Foods

Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
I've been reading up on sweet potatoes and how good they are for you, today I baked one and actually enjoyed it! When I was younger I didn't care for them at all.

Has anyone tried a food they didn't care for when they were young and now you like it?

Who knows, maybe I'll give spinach a try again - NOT! reminds me of seaweed:bigsmile:


  • Deuxtrouble
    Spinach, brussel sprouts, any kind of fish. Now I love all of them.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    I've been reading up on sweet potatoes and how good they are for you, today I baked one and actually enjoyed it! When I was younger I didn't care for them at all.

    Has anyone tried a food they didn't care for when they were young and now you like it?

    Who knows, maybe I'll give spinach a try again - NOT! reminds me of seaweed:bigsmile:

    (I really like this question!)

    Holy cow, where do I begin?

    I swear our taste buds, as kids, are not totally turned on until we're in our thirties.

    I never liked bleu cheese or lasagna when I was a kid. I grew up in Maryland but never had a blue crab until I was in college (cafeteria, believe it or not was the first experience).

    Now, I can't imagine life without any of these foods, especially the crab meat. I didn't have parents who would make me try anything new, so I missed out on a lot.

    I would probably trade in one of the kids for a good crab feast in the summer.

  • Deuxtrouble

    I would probably trade in one of the kids for a good crab feast in the summer.

    HA me too!!!
  • mrFerris
    mrFerris Posts: 122 Member
    Potatoes ... I hated them. Now, there is nothing better than new potatoes cooked with plenty of salt water and then covered in lovely butter! Mmmm!

    Oh and sprouts. The English cook veg to death. I learnt to cook and now I love them. Never put a cross in the ends and never over cook them or you get bitter watery sprouts just like your mum used to make!
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Potatoes ... I hated them. Now, there is nothing better than new potatoes cooked with plenty of salt water and then covered in lovely butter! Mmmm

    I love, love, love salt potatoes. Where I live it's what we were know for, we had salt mines back in the early 1900's and that's how started manufacturing salt potatoes. Hinderwadels is famous for them. yaaaa.....nostaglia :)
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Eggs, I love them, I didn't try one until I was around 12 'cos I was disgusted by the thought of a dead baby chicken haha.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    ... thought of a dead baby chicken...

    Yeah, when you put it that way, sounds disgusting.

    BUT I love egg whites and hard boiled eggs, so I don't know if that would have stopped me, if someone would have said that to me as a little girl, lol.

  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I went the other direction. When I was a kid i ate everything. When I got pregnant I quit eating shellfish and although I would probably like the taste I can't bring myself to eat it. Also raw broccoli. I used to love it now I would rather have it cooked.
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    I didn't like spinach either as a kid, and I realized this was because my mom would only buy the frozen or canned stuff...neither of which I care for even now. However, raw spinach leaves in some pita with a little low fat cream cheese and strawberries....yummy! Or cut up in a salad, awesome, or the best way is booroni (Persian) which is spinach cut up and fried in a small amount of olive oil with onion, and then mixed with plain yogurt....and served with pita, so awesome! :)

  • SherNY
    SherNY Posts: 87
    lima beans. I really didn't like them as a child, but recently I bought them again and they aren't bad. I'm finding as I eat healthier that more "natural" foods taste better. Processed food really doesn't taste good to me anymore.
    By the way, raw spinach is amazing for salad instead of iceberg. Raw spinach doesn't have a taste. It's only when you cook it that it gets gross. :)
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    I went the other direction. When I was a kid i ate everything. When I got pregnant I quit eating shellfish and although I would probably like the taste I can't bring myself to eat it. Also raw broccoli. I used to love it now I would rather have it cooked.

    I (used to love) Popeye's chicken but lately in the past year or so, both my husband and I have had stomach issues when eating it.

    My parents have issues with tomatoes, nowadays, too but used to love to eat them all the time before. Might be the acid for them.

    Can't figure out what's changed with the Popeye's chicken, however, I'm not complaining because it was bad for us anyway.

  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    Zucchini and Squash couldn't stand either one as a kid now I love them.