Updates Please

Hi everyone. well, everything has gone south. Quarterly taxes has sucked up my time. I just cant figure out how to squeeze exercise into my schedule. I know how important it is but i'm straight out. The good news is, I'm eating pretty good. I'm making sure I have veggies and fruit everyday. My weight is down very little, but down it good!!
How is everyone else doing?


  • sipe70
    sipe70 Posts: 16
    This is Sheila. I had a not so good week. Lots of snow (no running until yesterday) Lots of meetings (didn't go to spin class). My attitude went south and so did my eating. Back in the saddle today! (ran for 90 minutes yesterday so will walk and do some stretching today) I really need to find my motivation!!
  • I am still on weight watchers, I haven't been on here too much but I think I'm going to start using both. I was down 3.6 this week but I'm still struggling with motivation as far as exercise is concerned. It's going to take me a while to unlearn the bad habit I have gotten into the last few years.
  • evah1
    evah1 Posts: 2
    ok I suck. Back into a major rutt. STarting P90X tomorrow. Yes, on a Thursday. Lots of family visitors over the weekend, trying to get things back to normal. Starting Thursday has me doing yoga on Sundays though, which will be good, and stretching on Wednesdays , when my daughter has weekly appointments. I need to get my head into this tonight, so I can wake up and be ready to do it. Not wake up and say, oh yeah, I have to workout...well, maybe later (which is what I've been doing). There is no later. Later becomes never. So, keep me strong. I have this on my phone now so hopefully that will help!