Welcome Everyone!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and join us on our quest to shred it!!


1. Do the 30 day shred for 30 days! Of course it would be excellent if we follow the shred by the T and complete 10 days each level, but I am realistic in saying if you haven't mastered a level, you need to continue it until you can!

2. First weight in and measurements in will be Feb 1st, I will put a goggle spreadsheet in the upcoming days on the discussion board.

3. We weight and measure at the end of every level, so every 10 days!

4. Encouragement is needed and wanted all the time!

Over the next few days I am sure we will have tons of members!! So I use this section for everyone to introduce themselves.

My nameis Nikki I am 26 year old mom in NJ. I am married, and I have been overweight for wow, a while. I didn't start to notice it until after my daughter was born and my metabolism changed dramatically. I went up to 175, down to 155, up to 170 and to 155, where I am at a semi-plateau!! I am hoping the shred kicks that in the butt!


  • edinphx
    edinphx Posts: 135 Member
    Hi Nikki!

    My name is Ed and I live in Phoenix. Turned 50 last October.
    Currently weigh about 190 would like to see 165 by May 1st my 30th wedding anniverary.

    Good Luck to everyone!
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm Laura. I'm 26, mother of two boys, and I'm Irish.
    I was always thin, until I had my second child. While I was pregnant I ate enough to feed a small army, and now that my youngest son is 2, I'm still around 2 stone (20-30lbs) overweight. I don't want to be overweight when I'm 26! I want to be fit and healthy.

    I'm currently 150lbs and my goal is 120-130lbs. The reason my goal is not specific is because if I get to 130 and like what I see, I'll stop losing. If not, I'll keep going.

    Dying to get started on the 30 day shred, hope it arrives on time for 1st Feb!!
  • jennblack23
    hey everyone..i'm jenn..i'm 31..i'm a military wife and a mommy of 3..my youngest just turned 5 today, it's time to let go of the 30 lbs i've held onto from EACH, yes i said EACH, pregnancy..i'm currently at 226.2 lbs and my ultimate goal is around 150 lbs ( for now..lol) ..looking forward to seeing everyone's results and success, hopefully it will help keep me motivated :)
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Jessica and I am married to a great guy and a happy mother of one almost-3-yr-old boy. I've never been thin. Except for when I was born - 3 lbs. But I don't count that. I don't even care if I get "thin" through this weight loss journey - I just want to be at a healthy weight range and I want to be strong. I want definition in my muscles (not a lot) and be a kick-*kitten* type of chick! Of course, the big 3-0 is coming up this year and I wanted to lose my weight by my 30th bday, but I'm not worried too much about it now. My birthday is in July and while I will push to do what I can, I don't want to do anything extreme. I just want to be happy and sexy and confident and healthy. I am currently 225 lbs and only 5'3". My goal is to get down to 130-140 lbs and then work on muscle definition. I have a long way to go, but doing the 30DS is going to be an important step in the right direction!
  • BridgetForFitness
    Hi everyone, My name is Bridget and I will be turning 41 on Feb 3rd. I am a mother and grandmother (all boys) and a Culinary student. I will be graduating this May. I have always been the chubby one and on this weight loss journey to lose approx. 100lb. I'm currently weighing 227lbs but I keep yoyoing between 227 and 225. How frustrating!! I'm looking forward to this challenge.
  • Smackdownthepounds
    Hi! I'm Jessica 41 year old mother of three boys under 3... I need to lose 50 pounds! I'm looking forward to working out with you guys this month!
  • alil2loveable
    alil2loveable Posts: 178 Member
    Hello all I am a Terry and I am trying to give myself a gift of a 50 pound weight loss for my birthday. I am excited about this
  • AprilRaineyBattle
    AprilRaineyBattle Posts: 114 Member
    Hi everyone, I am April. I am 32 years old with 3 children... I was diagnosed with IIH this past October and it was just a wake up call to get my health/weight in order. I am somewhat of a 2nd time beginner so I look forward to the challenge!
  • BridgetForFitness
    Hello all I am a Terry and I am trying to give myself a gift of a 50 pound weight loss for my birthday. I am excited about this

    How far away is your birthday?
  • Smackdownthepounds
    hey everyone..i'm jenn..i'm 31..i'm a military wife and a mommy of 3..my youngest just turned 5 today, it's time to let go of the 30 lbs i've held onto from EACH, yes i said EACH, pregnancy..i'm currently at 226.2 lbs and my ultimate goal is around 150 lbs ( for now..lol) ..looking forward to seeing everyone's results and success, hopefully it will help keep me motivated :)

    We are very close in weight and in goal! Good Luck! maybe we can see each other reach that goal!
  • nikki1anna
    Hi Nikki!

    My name is Ed and I live in Phoenix. Turned 50 last October.
    Currently weigh about 190 would like to see 165 by May 1st my 30th wedding anniverary.

    Good Luck to everyone!

    Hey Ed!

    My husband has traveled for work your way a few times. he loves it!! Looking forward to shredding it with you!
  • nikki1anna
    I'm Laura. I'm 26, mother of two boys, and I'm Irish.
    I was always thin, until I had my second child. While I was pregnant I ate enough to feed a small army, and now that my youngest son is 2, I'm still around 2 stone (20-30lbs) overweight. I don't want to be overweight when I'm 26! I want to be fit and healthy.

    I'm currently 150lbs and my goal is 120-130lbs. The reason my goal is not specific is because if I get to 130 and like what I see, I'll stop losing. If not, I'll keep going.

    Dying to get started on the 30 day shred, hope it arrives on time for 1st Feb!!

    we're similar in goals!! I ate so much when pregnant, I forgot how real people ate!! looking forward to shredding it with you!
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    Hi everyone :) My name's Maggie, I am 29 and going to be 30 this year. Before I turn 30 I want to be at my goal weight of 145-150lbs. In the summer I was only 20lbs away from my goal, but in the past couple months I've gained back about 15lbs. In total I have still lost well over 40lbs, but I feel like I'm starting over again because of the recent gain.
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Kirsti, I'm 26 and in the UK. I'm hoping this challenge will encourage me to do extra exercise, I'm planning on doing the shred and another dvd on most of the days. I stopped exercising for a while and have started up again in the last week, on the plus side my cardio fitness has only decreased a teeny bit. On the down side my muscles now cannot cope with the weights I last used and I'm working my way back up to them.
  • neesie81
    Hi everyone :bigsmile:

    I'm Denise, i'm mum to three kids, a full time student and live in Scotland with my husband to be and our brood. :smile:

    I'm new to exercise, MFP but not to trying to lose weght lol. I've been overweight for 12 years now. varying between 15stone (210lbs) up to what I am now, 18st 7 (259lbs). I suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which doesn't help, but I really need to lose this weight once and for all. I've had enough. I'm getting married next year and want to be a slim bride :bigsmile:
  • sahrak1
    sahrak1 Posts: 56 Member
    Heya everyone !, I'm Sahra from London, England. I'm 23 and nursing student. I have always been overweight but something seems to finally have clicked because I've decided that I cant be complacent , if i want a certain body I need to go out and grab it ! (figuratively of course lol ). I'm looking forward to all of us helping to motivate each other I'm really excited I know we can all do this x
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Just read this review on Amazon (you can buy the DVD for a fiver in the UK)

    But I mean it in a good way! This is, without any shadow of a doubt, the most intensive workout DVD I've ever tried (and I have a good few, including Davina, Nell McAndrew, The Firm etc etc...) Jillian and her two helpers (one advanced, one 'normal') take you through three 20 minute workouts - Levels 1, 2 and 3. Each workout is made up of three circuits which comprise of 3 minutes of weights, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of ab work.

    Like me, you may well be thinking this sounds reasonable, quick and easy. It isn't! Even Level 1 is an intensive workout - lots of jumping jacks, squats, bum kicks etc., and Jillian doesn't let up for a second, constantly keeping you moving. I found I had to use lighter weights than I would for a Davina workout; the exercises are so quick and intense that I couldn't keep up with my usual ones. The exercises have a real 'military' feel and change quickly, and you are given plenty of instruction and encouragement. The music isn't great, but then you probably won't have the energy to think much about it while you're doing this workout!

    Levels 2 and 3 contain harder exercises (such as burpees, mountain climbs, jumping jacks from the plank position). I've got a passable fitness level, but on finishing Level 2 I was in a collapsed screaming heap on the floor, thoroughly worked out! Jillian screams at some point in Level 2 "I want you to feel like you're gonna DIE!" - and if you're anything like me, you will! On the plus side, if you can do Level 2, I don't think you'll find Level 3 too much of a difference in intensity, unless you have weak abs as this section pushes them to the limit.

    This is a fantastic workout to try if you're looking to push yourself hard, but it is NOT for the faint hearted. Jillian and her helpers are very toned, but also quite bulky - to avoid this it might be a good idea to alternate this DVD with some less intense workouts (as I intend to do!) But the fact remains - there is absolutely no doubt that if you did this DVD every day, even doing just one of the three levels per day, you would lose weight and get results very quickly.
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    hey everyone..my name is Tammy. I'm 23 years old, married, and a mother of a lil boy who will be 2 in may. I am only 2 lbs away from my starting weight when I got pregnant, but my body looks A LOT bigger than it did lol..im at 140 lbs right now and would like to be at 130. I attempted doing the shred right afte ri had my son and i lasted 2 days because of how sore i became, but im motivated to try it again!!
  • PrincessTatertot
    PrincessTatertot Posts: 11 Member
    I'm Tara and I live in Texas. I have 3 kids: 16, 13, and 19 months. Though I previously lost 120 lbs with diet and exercise, having a baby at 40 kicked my *kitten* and it's taking forever to get rid of the 25 lbs I'm hanging on to. I want to finally rid myself of it all by the time swimsuit season arrives....and maintain!
  • zalinia
    zalinia Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone! I am Zalinia (Z for short). I live in North Carolina with my husband. I am a senior in college studying Biology Secondary Education. I started my weight loss around December due to a pregnancy scare. My doctor informed me that even if my husband and I were trying to get pregnant (which we are not at this time because I want to finish college and get my degree first) that I would not be able to because I was overweight and malnourished...so basically I was eating ALL the wrong foods. Anyways, here I am a month and a half later, 15 pounds down and still just as dedicated, if not more, as when I started. However I am feeling a little frustrated as I seem to have hit a plateau that I am trying very hard to overcome. I just purchased the 30 Day Shred workout today in the hopes that this will be just what I need to kick this plateau goodbye. So I am very excited and anxious to start shredding!!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend for motivation and support! Who can't use more support?