January Start



  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Are the maintenance cals the lower of the two amounts?
    I used MFP's maintenance number, but I ended up having to bump up my activity settings beyond sedentary even though I have a desk job. (According to other sites my BMR is nearly 100 calories higher than what MFP tells me, so that probably has something to do with it too). My net is somewhere between 1800-1900 with an average of 300-400 exercise cals per day - so about 2100-2300 a day. The book gives me 1950 for a 'no workout' day and 2200 for a 'workout' day so it's pretty close.

    Edit to add: Hang in there. I was 28% in March of 2010 when I first joined my gym (they offered a free intro session with a trainer when you joined and tested my body fat with the same handheld monitor), 26.2% when I first bought my own monitor in January 2011, and 25.5% when I started MFP in May of 2011.

    Thanks for the info and the encouragement! I will be starting a new job on Monday and the only part I am probably not going to like is that it is a desk job. I will bring my cals up higher, I didn't want to jump to high to quick so I upped them 100 the other day. Do you (or anyone else) have any advice about adding to calories? Should I do it slow or jump right in to the larger amount? I am close to the non workout day but 300 away on a work out day. Which that brings me to another question, do you eat the same cals everyday or do you eat the different amounts. I think I read that someone picked a number in between the two and that was working.

    Thanks again!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Thanks for the info and the encouragement! I will be starting a new job on Monday and the only part I am probably not going to like is that it is a desk job. I will bring my cals up higher, I didn't want to jump to high to quick so I upped them 100 the other day. Do you (or anyone else) have any advice about adding to calories? Should I do it slow or jump right in to the larger amount? I am close to the non workout day but 300 away on a work out day. Which that brings me to another question, do you eat the same cals everyday or do you eat the different amounts. I think I read that someone picked a number in between the two and that was working.

    Thanks again!
    I only record my weight every 4 weeks (I'll hop on the scale whenever I feel like it, but I know that I have big monthly fluctuations so the official number is only every 4 weeks). So what I did was set my cals to maintenance at sedentary, and waited 4 weeks. No weight gain, so I upped the activity level to lightly active for another 4 weeks (I think it might have been longer, because I think we went on vacation here and I didn't log for those 10 days). Still no gain. Upped my activity level to active and waited again. During this time period I got a higher-end HRM, and my calorie burns turned out to be higher than what I had been recording for a lot of exercises, so I started using those numbers too. Then I finally showed a gain on the scale. Each of those activity level bumps worked out to about 140-150 calories. I may back it down to lightly active at some point (which is actually pretty close to sedentary calculated with my higher BMR).

    I do more of a weekly view of my calories than a strict daily view, but it generally ends up being different cals for different days since my exercise routine varies from day to day and I eat back my exercise calories (at least by the end of the week, if not that same day).
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    Soooooooooo, PT let me LIFT HEAVY today!

    I am MORE in love with this than I would have anticipated....I haven't lifted heavy-for-me since last Friday. So, I was excited. I was nervous. But, I came away being SO-ACHY-SORE, in a VERY GOOD WAY, that I am 100% convinced lifting heavy is the right choice for me!

    I feel like I used to in that last savasana at Bikram hot yoga - or that runner's high I used to get in university.

    I tell you, I K-N-O-W what those weightlifters are saying about how you grow to CRAVE that "lifting sensation" - I totally felt that today!


    So, not sure if I've progressed very far, as compared to most, but here's what I can say about today:

    1. I did 25 lb. dumb-bells when I squated. This MATTERS - because I had dropped down to zero (and then 10 lb DB) to work on my form. So, that was 50-lbs baby! I think I'm ready for the Olympic bar on my shoulder-blades next time!
    2. I did push-ups with the Smith machine! Who knew???? (Okay, I still can't do a full floor push-up, so sue me!) So, instead of having to move from 45 degrees to 30 degrees (bench) to floor, I can just move the bar down one-rung at a time. Like.
    3. I did an assisted lat thing-y, where, instead of pulling the lat bar down, you are standing and pulling your body up to the lat bar. I did 60 lbs (last time on lat bar, I was at 70...), but then he made me do 3 reps at 90 lbs, I think. And, I DID THEM.
    4. I did dragon lunges (BW only) and lawn-mowers (with some weight on the pulley's....maybe 15 lb??)
    5. Core work and stretching.

    Sounds like you had such a great time! I'm happy for you!:wink:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Stage 1 part B sucked tonight...I had bad form, bad energy...I got bullied in the gym by some *kitten* who thought I was a newbie...it was just all around awful. I can't believe how out of shape I am! I'm disappointed, but not down and out. Sunday is part A, that I know I can do.
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    Stage 1 part B sucked tonight...I had bad form, bad energy...I got bullied in the gym by some *kitten* who thought I was a newbie...it was just all around awful. I can't believe how out of shape I am! I'm disappointed, but not down and out. Sunday is part A, that I know I can do.

    I'm sorry you had a bad night,don't let that jerk get to you girl!

    You can do this,you'll get better on your form....just keep at it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Keeping at it is key!! Practice. Practice. Practice. Ignore bullies - they suck. (I can't wait for the day when you can stand beside bully guy and pull MORE weight than him!!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    shyloh, yesterday was an awesome day.

    Surprised that I'm not very stiff today....'cause I felt "worked over" yesterday.

    I did a bunch of steady-state cardio, today....just to pump the blood. My plantar fasciaitis is bugging me something fierce, today! Tomorrow I think I'm just going to do a 100% stretch session - let my body rest.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Thanks for the info and the encouragement! I will be starting a new job on Monday and the only part I am probably not going to like is that it is a desk job. I will bring my cals up higher, I didn't want to jump to high to quick so I upped them 100 the other day. Do you (or anyone else) have any advice about adding to calories? Should I do it slow or jump right in to the larger amount? I am close to the non workout day but 300 away on a work out day. Which that brings me to another question, do you eat the same cals everyday or do you eat the different amounts. I think I read that someone picked a number in between the two and that was working.

    Thanks again!
    I only record my weight every 4 weeks (I'll hop on the scale whenever I feel like it, but I know that I have big monthly fluctuations so the official number is only every 4 weeks). So what I did was set my cals to maintenance at sedentary, and waited 4 weeks. No weight gain, so I upped the activity level to lightly active for another 4 weeks (I think it might have been longer, because I think we went on vacation here and I didn't log for those 10 days). Still no gain. Upped my activity level to active and waited again. During this time period I got a higher-end HRM, and my calorie burns turned out to be higher than what I had been recording for a lot of exercises, so I started using those numbers too. Then I finally showed a gain on the scale. Each of those activity level bumps worked out to about 140-150 calories. I may back it down to lightly active at some point (which is actually pretty close to sedentary calculated with my higher BMR).

    I do more of a weekly view of my calories than a strict daily view, but it generally ends up being different cals for different days since my exercise routine varies from day to day and I eat back my exercise calories (at least by the end of the week, if not that same day).

    Thanks! it's almost funny to read "still no gain" and "finally a gain" when most of the people on the boards are trying not to gain. I think waiting for the four weeks was a good idea. I am going to do that and see what happens. That should give my body enough time to adapt. I will be going on vacation for a week in February and I'm not going to count or do any formal exercise. Walking and swimming will be it and I'm going to enjoy the break!
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    Did Stage 1 Workout 4A today.

    I upped my squat weight to 60 lbs with my barbell.

    I did 20 and 22.5 dumb bells,

    For the seated I did a barbell bent over row with 52 lbs

    Push ups are improving a bit...but still have to do girly ones.
  • Jennifer0878
    Jennifer0878 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm so pumped!

    I upped my dead lift weight to 80 pounds and I was able to do it! It was a little tough at the end, but I think I could probably do even more. I also upped my lunge weights to 17.5 lb. in each hand, but I think that might even still be too light. I squatted with 55 lb. on Sunday and it was TOUGH to finish my two sets of 12, but I really wasn't sore on Monday. I'm worried that if I up my weights any more, I won't be able to get my quads parallel to the ground. What do all of you think I should do? Maybe I should just increase the weights and see what happens? I don't know....

    On a positive note, it really is a rush to lift "heavy." :happy:
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    With the lunges, up the weight slowly. I find lunges particularly difficult to maintain good form.

    As far as your squats go, and as long as your feeling good on your next workout, I'd say up it 10 pounds and see what happens. If you can't finish the set, no big deal, just drop the weight back down. When you up the weight, make sure to watch yourself in a mirror to make sure your form is OK. There are many exercises I can up the weight significantly, but my form is so sloppy it's not worth it to me. For example, I can do step-ups with 25 lbs. in each hand, but I'm wobbly and my stance is uneven. So for now, I just do 10 or 12 lb. hand weights until the form is better consistently.

    If your only concern is that you may not be doing enough just because you are not extremely, that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm usually a little tight the day after the workouts, but not that sore. I know I'm working hard enough though because I can barely finish my sets and later that day all my muslces are always plenty tired (I can tell because I move slower lol).
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Hey there! I'm in my first week, and hoping I can join you January Starters! I'm pretty excited to get into lifting! I've never done much more than the "machines" at the gym, so free weights (and using an actual program) is new to me. I tried P90X a while ago, but only got through the 2nd level (60 days). This seems a lot more do-able for me, since I have 2 kids and work full time. I'm also working out at home, so any other home lifters please pass on your tips and tricks!

  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Hi lilRicki! congrats on the January start!! To get more protein, you can always add one extra scoop of protein powder to your protein shake! (I'm curious, if you don't do 'dairy', how are you doing protein shakes - aren't yours made from whey, which is dairy...) I actually don't tolerate dairy that well, so going onto protein powder hasn't been my favourite experience - if someone knows of a protein powder that isn't dairy-related, maybe I should try it??

    I'm allergic to the casein, not the lactose...I can still eat chocolate too...but one tiny lick of ice-cream and I'm dying lol. Sometimes the protein shake gives me the farts, but I don't think it's the diary in it, I think it's just the fruit i mix it with lol, or the almond milk. I made my son and my nephews blueberrie pancakes from scratch the other day, and forgot that I put milk in them...I ate them too, and paid for it dearly and I was watching my son's football game, so it was the most inconvenient lol.

    You should be able to get a soy protein powder as well, if the casein or whey ones give you tummy trouble.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    How long is it taken you all to complete the exercises? I'm in stage 1 and did work out 2 yesterday, chart B and I'll be honest I didn't do the full 60 second rest... But even with them I feel I could get through the all the exercises in less than 25 minutes... Am I doing something wrong?

    Also are you ladies doing any extra exercises on your lift days or just sticking to the outline? On my off days from lifting (Tue/Thur/ and maybe Sat) I want to try to get in some good cardio..

    My plan is to lift M-W-F / Cardio for sure Tuesday & Thursday and most Saturdays... I have AF reserves this weekend so I don't know if I'll be able to get it in this weekend...

    The workouts have been around 20-25 minutes for me, so far. I started Stage 1 on Monday and have been too sore to include cardio on the non-lifting days. I should be better by next week so I am planning some HIIT for 20-30 on the off days. My lift days are M-W-F and HIIT days will be Tu-Th-Sa

    I'm glad to see this! I was questioning if I was doing something wrong, since my workouts felt so short to me. I'm trying to attend Zumba classes on my days off from lifting. I have an elliptical at home too, so I might try to work out a HIIT plan to do on there too.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Hi lilRicki! congrats on the January start!! To get more protein, you can always add one extra scoop of protein powder to your protein shake! (I'm curious, if you don't do 'dairy', how are you doing protein shakes - aren't yours made from whey, which is dairy...) I actually don't tolerate dairy that well, so going onto protein powder hasn't been my favourite experience - if someone knows of a protein powder that isn't dairy-related, maybe I should try it??

    I'm allergic to the casein, not the lactose...I can still eat chocolate too...but one tiny lick of ice-cream and I'm dying lol. Sometimes the protein shake gives me the farts, but I don't think it's the diary in it, I think it's just the fruit i mix it with lol, or the almond milk. I made my son and my nephews blueberrie pancakes from scratch the other day, and forgot that I put milk in them...I ate them too, and paid for it dearly and I was watching my son's football game, so it was the most inconvenient lol.

    You should be able to get a soy protein powder as well, if the casein or whey ones give you tummy trouble.

    the whey seems to be ok...kind of weird, but chocolate doesn't affect me either. Guess someone is looking out for those around me lol If I didn't have chocolate occasionally I'd go crazy. But I mix fruit, water, 1 cup of apple juice and 1 scoop of protein powder and I'm good.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Tonight is Stage 1 Part A...that I know I can do, and I enjoy that routine.
  • BetterWithAge
    I posted this in another thread, but meant to post it in this one...

    I did workout 5A yesterday. I am up to 65 pound squats, went up to 60 pounds on the seated row, doing full push ups (was before i started this) and using two 17.5 pound dumbbells for the step ups. My shoulders are bit sore today so I think I did pretty good :). I have been at maintenance calories all month and haven't gained anything even though I feel like I am a huge pig and am always full. :). I have been using the Designer Natural Whey and absolutely love it. :)
  • purplelipstick
    purplelipstick Posts: 7 Member
    I just finished my 4B workout tonight. This is my first post to this topic as I just joined the group. Cheers!
  • livelightsmile
    livelightsmile Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm back!! I fell off the wagon for a week of stress and discouragement... but I'm finally back on. **blushing** At least I have a car again, which should make it easier to get to the gym now. I was car-less for almost 2 months, so walking there in the winter cold wasn't very motivating. LOL

    My timing to start this program wasn't the best, but I'm going to MAKE it happen. The past month has been a thyroid medicine nightmare for me. I stupidly listened to a new doctor mid-December, who doesn't know anything about me, and told me to stop taking my thyroid meds abruptly after YEARS of being on them. I knew better, but listened anyway... Since then, my energy levels, appetite and emotions have been all over the place, my hair has been falling out in clumps, my normally-regular period surprised me by returning only 17 days later, and my weight jumped up almost 10 pounds, and would normally be dropping, at the 1700-1900 calories NROL recommends, but didn't budge... so I got discouraged...

    I decided to get back on the wagon TODAY! I'm going to the doc for follow-up blood work tomorrow and I'm going to tell them all my symptoms and either go back on my old dose, or back on at least 1/2 the dose I was taking before... whether they like it or not. I'm not going to let a doc that doesn't even know me, disrupt my life SO MUCH, while they "PRACTICE" on me. I absolutely REFUSE to live my life at this weight... or allow anything or anyone to stop me from getting my health back. I felt GREAT when I went to the doctor for a regular checkup... and 6 weeks later, I feel miserable after following their advice.

    I'm a few workouts behind everyone, but I'm jumping back in and plan to stick around for a while. The soreness may slow me down for my first week back, but I am going to add cardio on my days off, so I can drop some weight a little faster and help get myself into a normal schedule to form a habit of working out regularly again. This is not a race to me... it's about getting my life and my old lifestyle back. I LOVE training... especially lifting heavy.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm back!! I fell off the wagon for a week of stress and discouragement... but I'm finally back on. **blushing** At least I have a car again, which should make it easier to get to the gym now. I was car-less for almost 2 months, so walking there in the winter cold wasn't very motivating. LOL

    My timing to start this program wasn't the best, but I'm going to MAKE it happen. The past month has been a thyroid medicine nightmare for me. I stupidly listened to a new doctor mid-December, who doesn't know anything about me, and told me to stop taking my thyroid meds abruptly after YEARS of being on them. I knew better, but listened anyway... Since then, my energy levels, appetite and emotions have been all over the place, my hair has been falling out in clumps, my normally-regular period surprised me by returning only 17 days later, and my weight jumped up almost 10 pounds, and would normally be dropping, at the 1700-1900 calories NROL recommends, but didn't budge... so I got discouraged...

    I decided to get back on the wagon TODAY! I'm going to the doc for follow-up blood work tomorrow and I'm going to tell them all my symptoms and either go back on my old dose, or back on at least 1/2 the dose I was taking before... whether they like it or not. I'm not going to let a doc that doesn't even know me, disrupt my life SO MUCH, while they "PRACTICE" on me. I absolutely REFUSE to live my life at this weight... or allow anything or anyone to stop me from getting my health back. I felt GREAT when I went to the doctor for a regular checkup... and 6 weeks later, I feel miserable after following their advice.

    I'm a few workouts behind everyone, but I'm jumping back in and plan to stick around for a while. The soreness may slow me down for my first week back, but I am going to add cardio on my days off, so I can drop some weight a little faster and help get myself into a normal schedule to form a habit of working out regularly again. This is not a race to me... it's about getting my life and my old lifestyle back. I LOVE training... especially lifting heavy.

    I had my thyroid removed about 18 months ago, so I know what you're going through without your meds! Definitely get the bloodwork checked, and make them do what you feel is right. What workout are you coming back in on? I'm on workout 3A, so pretty new at this, but loving it so far. Good luck!!