Day 1



  • westcoaster09
    I did day four today. I was sooo tired but got up and did it anyway :) very proud of myself normally i would just take a day *cough* week *cough* because of being tired. i feel much better now!
  • GiiaSoCrazii
    GiiaSoCrazii Posts: 66 Member
    Day 1 done for me!!! The hardest for me is the cardio and the sure by the end of kevel one
    i wont struggle with them both as hard. I can tell i was out of shape. My back mucles tht
    I didnt even know existed are aching...caught myself giving the screen the finger lolz but
    The burn is addictive..dont know if im looking forward to exercise or to get the exercise over with :)
  • tracy1727
    tracy1727 Posts: 33 Member
    Day one ...check! Squat presses darn near put me over the edge! 29 more to go :)
  • therighttrack
    therighttrack Posts: 96 Member
    Level 1 Day 1 complete! Whew! Didn't find it to be too bad except for the push-ups, and the bicycle...I always did that one fast - what a diff when you do it slow!
    Looking forward to tomorrow...I think! LOL
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Just finished day one! Sitting down to eat dinner and watch some KU basketball versus Texas A&M! What a great night! Overall, this level wasnt too bad for the first time. When I started last year it was really hard to do level one at first. This time around it's not too bad. My arms are kind of fatigued, but they're not shaking. Close to being jello though!
  • dezi718
    dezi718 Posts: 118 Member
    I completed Day 1 when I got home from work today! Push ups were definitely the hardest for me. I have zero upper body strength. Pretty sure I'm going to be in major pain all over tomorrow, but it will totally be worth it! :) Can't wait to finish Day 2, then 3, then 4, then 30!! Ready to see some results! lol!
  • kdjcella
    Day 1 done. I started last week but i'm not counting it because I took 2 days off. I'm going full swing 30 days with no rest. Does anyone else do any other kind of exercise with this? I was thinking of doing some cardio on the treadmill but I don't want to kill myself. LOL Push ups are the hardest for me and those side lunges are a killer.
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Got up early this morning to kick off day 1 :) and damn I'm already feeling it tonight! I have completed 30 DS and 3 weeks of ripped in 30 about 6 1/2 months ago but really haven't done anything since! For everyone who gets up feeling as if u can't move in the morning...just press play and start it ~ once u get warmed up you'll start to feel better :) good luck & happy shredding!
  • lvnaris
    lvnaris Posts: 19 Member
    Level 1 Day 1 done 10 min ago. The hardest for me was the squat/shoulder raise combo where you raise the arms in front of you to eye level. I couldn't do it to eye level and my arms were killing me. Here's to not giving up!

    Good job everyone! See you guys tomorrow.
  • RisyaLifsheTova
    RisyaLifsheTova Posts: 305 Member
    Day 1 Level 1 Completed and let me just say OMG! It was so awesome! I left this workout with my legs shaking and my arms quivering lol did anyone else encounter this. My body was like WTH did you just do to me! I thought we were suppose to go for a run lol

    I found the jumprope jumps with the jumping jacks combined hard. who wouldve thought that something that looked and could be so easy could really kick your rear in gear! Glad I live on the first floor lol

    YIKES SO HARDCORE! I loved it, cant wait to do it again tomorrow! woooooooo!
  • LWatson43
    LWatson43 Posts: 65 Member
    Completed Day 1 the hardest for me were the pushup and squat shoulder raises. I do not know If I am going to make 30 days put I am going to put forth a good effort. :grumble: :frown:
  • seattle_chick
    The push ups and the anterior raises are the hardest for me. I can never make it through the whole set of anterior raises in the final strength circuit. Even when I was on Day 10 of L1 the last time around, I still couldn't do it. But that didn't stop me from giving it my all. :)

    The chest fly doesn't do anything for me though. I have to really flex my muscles as hard as I can during that move for me to feel it at all.
  • nadiB
    nadiB Posts: 283 Member
    Day 1 done last night and really enjoyed it :-)
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    Well day one went ok yesterday legs and arms didn't feel too bad, then i went to netball training last night and the coach decided to get us doing a circuit of some netball related things and some just fitness so in that there were squat jumps, jumps to the wall and shuttle runs along with various netball passes. As you can imagine my legs were like jello after that and when i got up this morning i was thinking it hurts to walk upstairs how am i going to do day two. Anyway got my little one in his highchair eating lunch so i figured i had just enough time to fit it in and sure enough it was tough on the legs and arms. I seem to really struggle with the strength moves, the cardio is fine, that i can handle and even the abs are not too bad but the strength kills me. Oh well at least thats day 2 done. Roll on day 3 tomorrow.
  • leahhugh
    leahhugh Posts: 144 Member

    Day two is going to suck!!!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I am not sore at all after doing the first day yesterday! I bet after tonight I will be. I can kind of feel it in my arms though.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Finished Day 1 last night. Hardest part for me are the squats and lunges. Have problems with one of my knees so i sometimes have to modify a bit. Added 2 miles of walking on treadmill afterwards.
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    well done everyone for completing day one! Only 29 to go now :)

    I'm doing the shred in a few minutes because i have a two hour belly dancing lesson tonight and I just know that I will not want to do it after that!!
  • RocksFlower
    RocksFlower Posts: 74 Member
    Day 1 was a partial fail for me :sad: The night before I got 3.5 hours of sleep and when I woke up I had serious inflammation and pain in my joints. This was odd to me since I've never had that feeling and I do not have arthritis. I tried to put my best effort in but felt it was half-assed and I didn't really get a good workout out of it. Today will be much better as I got better rest, still feel stiff but I am pumping myself with Flaxseed Oil, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and lots and lots of water. Let's see if we can get this inflammation out of my joints. I'm so glad most everyone was able to have a successful day, it is truly inspiring.
  • CruzZ8
    CruzZ8 Posts: 71
    Hi Guys, I just finished Level 1. I'm so glad I have this group to turn to for support. I've done the 30 days before and my thighs severely tightened, but I didn't really lose weight since my diet didn't change. This time I am hoping to get better results since I am on a much better diet. I honestly had to take two two-minute breaks. By day 3, I hope to not have to take a break. I know she says putting stress on the body helps, but sometimes I just need to take a break to be able to do the exercises adequately instead of just flailing through them :) When she said "this is the where the body begins to cool down", I was so glad it was near the end. And when she said "this is our cool down period", I am almost cried tears of joy. Knowing everyone in this group is doing this with me really motivated me to keep going and finish. My goal is to do 5 days a week. Thanks! Oh, and I weighed in at 143.6 this morning. I'd love to lose at least 5 pounds in the thirty days. I'll post results in bi-weekly?