Tuesday 1/24 - What Exercise did you do today?

I got on the treadmill at 3.2 mph and walked for 45 minutes. I made it 2.43 miles and burned 272 calories.

What did or are you going to do today?


  • aprilh123
    I posted my story on the Monday topic but I really want to be part of a support group to help keep me motivated to get the weight off. Today, I have walked 2.1 miles at lunch and my food intake is on track for the day. So far a good day.
  • darlenestanley
    darlenestanley Posts: 72 Member
    Way to go April!!! Let's encourage each other to stay on track!!

    I am staying on track with my food by checking the calorie count with MFP before I eat it.
  • bubble1049
    while my husband was at work i walk for 40 minutes! it felt great and was very calming :)
  • mommyof4inny
    30 minutes on my stationary bike and I plan to do another 30 minutes while I watch my show later this evening.
  • jdragonfly
    great workout today sounds like you had a good day..
  • jdragonfly
    Aprhil hi there how are you doing.. sounds like you are doing good i am just trying to catch up on these messages before i leave for my workout lol.. I would of never thought drinking water would be so hard for me lol.. How is your evening going it looks like you had a good day ...
  • jdragonfly
    Great job on the walk when hubbys and kids are away it is the best time to get done what you need to get done or as i call it ME TIME.. LOL..
  • jdragonfly
    30 min on the bike is great what is your show your gonna watch hmmm could it be the biggest loser lol.. what do you all think of dolvett?? I like him but I MISSSSSSSS JILLIAN.. :( LOL
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    30 minte kick boxing DVD and jogged in the gym while preschoolers played
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    I posted my story on the Monday topic but I really want to be part of a support group to help keep me motivated to get the weight off. Today, I have walked 2.1 miles at lunch and my food intake is on track for the day. So far a good day.
    good job.
  • norriedawn
    norriedawn Posts: 16 Member
    I did 80 minutes on the treadmill at about a speed of 2.7. I ended up doing 3.35 miles (I think it's in miles) and burning 446 calories.

    I had to go this long though because I broke down and had some leftover KFC chicken for supper. Fortunately I ate really well earlier today (I even said no to a piece of birthday cake) so between the treadmill and what I ate, I came in just under my calories for the day. Don't worry I don't plan on having KFC for a long time. My husband and I have agreed on significantly cutting back eating out.

    I feel good about making it that long on the treadmill; I was getting tired and sore by the end. :)
  • jdragonfly
    Wow ladies it sounds like you all had great day of workout and healthy eating.. And drinking that water down mm yumm lol... I got a hour in of kickboxing tonight i love it good way to pound the crap outta something get your anger outta you for being over weight for feeling helpless its awesome .. im always sooo sore the next day but well worth it.. I hope you all are liking this group and are finding it helpful... I have a bunch of recipes i was thinking of posting if anyone else would love to share recipes lets create a topic called recipes and then others can just post all there things on there to share with the group if they want... What do you all think? I am off to lala land lol.. i hope you have a great evening and a wonderful day tom ... i will be on after 3pm that is Canadian time since i am Canadian lol.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    All I did was 20 min of Don King Boxing on my Wii. Wasn't really motivated to do much else this evening.
  • norriedawn
    norriedawn Posts: 16 Member
    Any movement is good! Wii boxing is tough. I find my arms get tired and sore really quick.
  • jdragonfly
    Hey there great job today i am having a hard time with my heel spur tonight my legs and lower back slash butt lol hurt from kickboxing last night ... I am off to zumba tonight i think she might kill us here high intensity class is supposed to burn 800-900 calories :) I am gonna go i hope that i am not gonna have any issues with this heel how is your water intake?
  • jdragonfly
    Sherri dont say all i did ... You did something say it with pride i did 20 min on the wii or even 15 you did something thats great ... good job.. if your reading this stand up do 10 squats lol :) get up lol did you do them >???? come on you know you wanna
  • jdragonfly
    80 minutes thats great your a machine wow great job thats inspiring me ill let you know how zumba went lol... if i dont repost it means her high intensity zumba workout killed me lol
  • jdragonfly
    Great job April :) walking is great especially if you have music going at least that is what i find.. how is the water and food going?
  • jdragonfly
    Hello there fixit great job on the 2.1 mile walk that is great i bet you have your water intake right up there lol