30 Day Shred suggested plan



  • As soon as the baby is in bed and my tea has settled, I'm giving my first day a go!! Excited!
    My starting measurements are;
    Waist, 27cm
    Hips 34cm
    Thigh Circum. 21cm

    My weight is 9st 2. (about 130lbs I think!)
    Hope to see some results in 30 days!!
  • anneouel
    anneouel Posts: 68 Member
    As soon as the baby is in bed and my tea has settled, I'm giving my first day a go!! Excited!
    My starting measurements are;
    Waist, 27cm
    Hips 34cm
    Thigh Circum. 21cm

    My weight is 9st 2. (about 130lbs I think!)
    Hope to see some results in 30 days!!

    i think u mean inches :P i hope ur not 27 cm around in the waist o: thats like the the size of a baby doll lol.
  • LOL, Ooops, yes inches!! Wow, if it was cm I wouldn't need to be doing the DVD!!
  • I know it's day two, and I'm late on posting here, but my starting weight is 165. I'll have to post a pic and measurements tonight, I'm headed to class soon!
  • carolynyeo
    carolynyeo Posts: 5 Member

    Posting on Day 2 - took them today instead of last night.

    Weight 140 lbs
    Measurements are:
    37 in bust
    27 in waist
    38 Hips
    22 in Thighs

    I am doing two Zumba classes per week, two muscle conditioning classes, one yoga class and one bootcamp classes. I work at a University and do a fitness class at my lunch and then I will be doing shred at night.
  • h0t_m0m
    h0t_m0m Posts: 79 Member
    I started Day 1 today. Here are my measurements taken today. I will post pics later as I have to get my hubby to take them since we don't have a full length mirror.

    Weight 113
    Bust 34
    Waist (at navel) 30
    Waist (below navel where my belly pooch is biggest) 32
    Hips 33
    Thigh 20
    Bicep 9 3/4
    Bicep (flexed) 10 1/2

    Not sure if these are correct because I have never measured myself before.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I have been posting to the other thread Oops! I did day 1 on Monday and day 2 today. I plan on doing the Shred everyday except the two days a week I go to the gym. Tues & Thursday - unless I miss. I didn't take my measurement but my weight on Sunday night was 135. I will try to get my measurements soon - at least my waist, thats my biggest problem.. My goal is to be back to 130 and maintain. I would also like to gain some strenght back and be a little more tone. MY belly is the big issue...I had gotten to where I was content with it - not perfect but pretty good. Now it's back to being pudgy!!!

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I did day 3 today...feeling a little stronger with it.

    I actually have my measurement

    Waist 28 Smallest part

    Belly 31 Thickest part

    Hips 36