Who is participating in the Spring 2012 "Get Fit" program?

abigailmae1 Posts: 16 Member
Whether you are NEW to our family or a veteran, introduce yourself!! I'm SOOOOOO excited about getting this program off the ground!!! I hope you are too!!!


  • plattk1
    I am going to do "Get Fit" ... Its my second time. I lost 40 pounds the first round. Plan to reach my goal this time!
  • Rayswifey
    I am proud, and thankful, to say that I am going to be participating in the Spring 2012 "Get Fit" program! :) I am 27 years old, married, mom to five awesome kids, part time Pure Romance Sr. Consultant, full time student at Kaplan University, and Volunteer Coordinator for March of Dimes. BUSY BUSY BUSY!! I have put myself and my health last for far too long. I weigh approx. 210 lbs with a goal of 155 lbs. I am looking forward to being healthier and stronger (and skinnier!) in 2012! :)
  • jc10380
    jc10380 Posts: 4 Member
    I will be doing Get Fit for my 4th time. For you "newbies" out there- I am married, a mother of 3, grandmother of 1, work full-time and will turn "40" in September. This is my year, my session, my time. I will be Fit and Fabulous when I turn 40. I have lost a total of 46lbs- unfortunately I have let 10 of those come back on since Nov 2011. My goal is to push my self as hard as I can and leave it all on the floor- no excuses. I will be in "Onederland" this session. I am ready to get started (again)!
  • LockStar1
    LockStar1 Posts: 3 Member
    I am doing my second of Get Fit. As of this morning I am down just a little over 72 lbs. I am hoping after this round and the summer challenge I will be ready for maintenance in the fall. I am your garden variety yo yo dieter and I believe I will be able to achieve my weight loss goal of 150 lbs and maintain it provided I stay in Mel's program.
  • kimdonner
    I'm participating in my second Get Fit. My favorite things about the program are having more energy and all the support. I am part of the General Cable crew and last time did all the boot camps at work. This time I've committed to Thursday evenings at Impact Life. I'm excited!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Depending on my weigh-in weight, I may do the Maintenance program! But I'm still getting fit! :happy:
  • bizymomma05
    bizymomma05 Posts: 12 Member
    I am doing Get Fit! I was in Melody's very first Biggest Loser and was able to lose 14lbs. Unfortunately I let it all come back. I am an EMT/Firefighter and a mom/wife and am very active in the communities and the fire service. I am a Fire & Life Safety Educator and I am the committee chair for 2 major organizations in the fire service (KFA & NKFA). I am a stay at home mom and I babysit. I have always put everyone first and now it is my turn. I want to further my career and it is only going to happen if I get back in shape and get in better shape. I can't wait to get this program started & get FIT!! :happy:
  • MelissaDirr2023
    MelissaDirr2023 Posts: 5 Member
    I am participating in the Maintenance program. I started with Get Fit in January 2011 and did two rounds. I began at 222.2 lbs and now weigh 155!!
  • trishaway
    trishaway Posts: 7 Member
    I am getting ready to start get fit for the second time! Cannot wait!
  • abigailmae1
    abigailmae1 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks Everyone!! YOU WILL SUCCEED!!! This is my PROMISE TO YOU!! Give me your hardwork, honesty, and dedication to see it through! We are here for you!!
  • CrzyMomOf4
    I am participating and will be there Sunday. I am also bringing a friend, Vicki Anderson, who is not on FB so she could not commit.
  • afwood
    afwood Posts: 6
    I will be there sunday and monday. This will be my second time in the "Get Fit" program. I really enjoyed it the first 16 weeks and have missed it during our holiday break.
  • micknab
    micknab Posts: 2 Member
    I am a first timer Get Fit Girl! I've been to 2 classes (boot camp and sculpting) and love the positive energy and attitudes! I'm looking forward to this adventure!
  • skinnyChill
    skinnyChill Posts: 3 Member
    Me Me ME! for the second time in a row. I did not break any weight loss records last session (18# or so) but I stuck with the program and can really feel a difference in my general energy level and can actually see some muscles! Thanks for the muscles go to Gail and her kickboxing class, which is my staple bootcamp class!
  • tmj22
    tmj22 Posts: 3
    I am.
  • cheerfan
    I'm participating for the VERY FIRST time in the Spring 2012 Get Fit program and so far, it's been a great experience! Melody, you are AMAZING! :heart:

    I am so grateful to you, my daughters and God for leading me to this program. I was so petrified thinking I couldn't do it because it's been at least 10 years since I've worked out this hard, but I've been surprising myself. I've only participated in 3 of your classes so far, but plan on trying additional classes as the program (and I) progress.

    Thanks again for all of your inspiration, being "real" in sharing your feelings/struggles and leading all of us into a healthier lifestyle!

    :drinker: This is water in my little red man's glass!!! LOL.
  • Gdel
    Gdel Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone,
    This morning I got to my first class after a week and a bit of no exercise (healing a broken nose). So now I am officially participating and I am loving it. Loved the workout - love feeling my body come alive again.
    I'm a newbie to the program and I am looking forward to a 16 week transformation.