Wednesday, 1/25/12 check in

So far, so good today. I have gotten my walk in at lunch and logged all my food in for the day, so far. I will go to fitness resistance class tonight and I hope to be able to stay on track until bed time. I am really feeling good about yesterday and today. I hope this continues. I'm sure I will have some trying times but being able to post and talk about it with everyone is much better than going to the cabinet and seeing what food will make me happy at the moment. I hope everyone is having a good day and meeting all their goals.


  • darlenestanley
    darlenestanley Posts: 21 Member
    I am working on a Couch to 5k program. I am on Day 11 out of 24. Today was the first day that I struggled a bit with it, but I did accomplish it. So, today I walked 2 minutes at 3.2 mph and jogged and 4.2 mph for 3 minutes alternating for 25 minutes.

    I am still logging everything I am eating. Somethings that I have eaten may not be the best choice, but I am staying within my calories. I am not sure how that is going to work, but I want to see.

    April, I am glad you are having a good day. We will have have trying days but I am also glad that we can come here to vent or seek help with our buddies.
  • jdragonfly
    jdragonfly Posts: 64 Member
    Hi there how are you doing silly question i read your post it sounds like you are having a wonderful day i usually have stare down with my cupboards that is before the last 2 days lol... I am headed to zumba but thought i would say hi and good job today
  • jdragonfly
    jdragonfly Posts: 64 Member
    Hi there how are you doing this evening i hope you are doing well.. so what do you mean your not to sure your making the right choices what about some of the things you ate like what?? Do share... You are doing good with the moving keep it going...
  • darlenestanley
    darlenestanley Posts: 21 Member
    Bad food choices according to some would be the Chick-fil-a sandwich, fries and milkshake I had last night or the personal pan pizza I had today at Pizza Hut. :noway:

    But, I did stay within my calorie limit and I don't feel deprived. So, I am not trying to beat myself up about it.
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    Had a good day. I sometimes struggle with insomnia and the last two days I was plaqued with it. Nhoping to get a good night rest tonight. Everyone sounds like they are having a good day. Keep up the great work.
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    Bad food choices according to some would be the Chick-fil-a sandwich, fries and milkshake I had last night or the personal pan pizza I had today at Pizza Hut. :noway: These choices aren't ideal for weight loss. Try to make better choices. If eating fast food. Try to pick the healthiest option they have. Almost all fast food places have a menu with their nutrition values. If anything skip the shakes. Loaded in calories and auger. When I need a shake I go to McDonald's and get a small smoothie. They ar only 210 calories and I get the feeling it's a shake. It's great your staying at your calorie goal. But how is your fat , sodium intake? Keep up the workouts. And good luck with the 5 k.
    Also. If your going to eat fast food try buying the kids meal. They are smaller portions. So you get what you crave and eat less of the calories.

    But, I did stay within my calorie limit and I don't feel deprived. So, I am not trying to beat myself up about it.
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi there how are you doing silly question i read your post it sounds like you are having a wonderful day i usually have stare down with my cupboards that is before the last 2 days lol... I am headed to zumba but thought i would say hi and good job today
    I always wanted to try Zumba. But I'm not to coordinated I'm afraid. Tip for the cupboards.. Place a picture of your goal on the door so every time you go to reach for something not so good. It will remind you what your working toward. If your the main shopper in the house. Stock your cupboards with great snack choices like nuts pretzels and popcorn. So if you do need to snack. It will not hurt your calorie intake to much. For my kids because they like to complain that thir also on my diet lol. I buy them only one big bag of baked chips, 1 box of crackers and 1 box of fruit snacks weekly and I let them once there gone the gone until shopping day. They tend to eat less of it so it will last for them. Good luck for the rest of the night. And remember. Your important and make good choices. You are in control of your life. Not the food
  • jdragonfly
    jdragonfly Posts: 64 Member
    Hi there dont beat yourself up to much on the pizza hut you did say you stayed within your calorie limits the one thing i go to a weightloss support group after kickboxing and yesterday the teacher said if you are a dying for a chocolate bar and its eating you that you want it want it want it.. go get one eat it and be done with it rather that than you binge and eat 5. So do not feel bad you stayed within your limits so thats a good thing :)
  • jdragonfly
    jdragonfly Posts: 64 Member
    Hope that your insomnia is getting better :) i hope you have a great day tomm thank you for being here..
  • jdragonfly
    jdragonfly Posts: 64 Member
    omg mixfixit GO TO ZUMBA IT IS FRICKEN FANTASTIC... I am totally not coordinated and it was the most fun fat burning time of my life no one looks at you they are to busy doing there own thing and if this 250lb woman can get up there and shake *kitten* so can you lol.. you soo would love it one thing i have done this week is i did not buy potatoe chips i never had a issue with those anyways but i usually get it the odd time for the kids but more the husband... But this week i replaced it with Crackers.. thanks for the goal tip your the best. .... GO TO ZUMBA A HOUR OF IT AND YOU BURN LIKE 650 CALORIES... LOL... ILL CONVINCE YOU YET LOL..
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    I am also working on C25K. I dd W3D1 last night.

    Getting my water is my challenge but I'm getting better at it. Food journaling is easy, I have MFP app on my phone so I can always log. Hubby and I do have an ocassional treat like last night we had a wee bit of ice cream. I was only able to have this by eating back some of my exercise calories but now I'm not feeling deprived and we are very strict on keeping to appropriate serving sizes for treats like this.

    I've already noticed that my heart rate doesn't go as high as it used to with physical exersion. Used to be any exersion and I could feel my heart beat in my temples, I"m sweating profusely and my heart rate can sometimes be over 180. Now during my running I'm about 150-160 at the highest range. Not seeing significant losses like some, but I'm not discouraged. I put in on slowly over time and it will come off the same way. If I can average 2lbs a week, I'll be more than happy!
  • Sounds like everyone had a good day yesterday.

    darlenestanle - Don't beat yourself up too much over the pizza and other choices, sometimes that is just life. It's true you could have made a better choice but sometimes you have to indulge but stick with the plan in the long haul.

    I have to really be careful today. I will not get my walk in at lunch as usual because it is raining here, again.....ugh. I will get my kickboxing in tonight so that will help with the calorie intake some. I really want to invest in a treadmill but my husband said it will be just like everything else I have purchased in the past that is pushed in the corner and has dust growing on it. I just keep saying this time will be different. It has to be different, I am getting no younger and I want my children to be taught that exercise is a good thing and you should be healthy to feel good about yourself.

    Question to all: How often do any of you weigh your self?

    I am going to weigh on Sunday morning and log it into mfp. I am also going to have my "cheat" meal on Sunday at lunch because my Grandmother is cooking me a birthday lunch with all the fixings. I think after the weigh in on Sunday I will weigh in again in two weeks. I don't know that I want to weigh every week, sometimes it can get you down and out.

    My official weigh in for the Biggest Loser at my gym is Sunday at 3:00. So after the lunch I'm going to eat I will definitly be weighing in on the heavy side. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. I hope everyone is having a good day so far.
  • darlenestanley
    darlenestanley Posts: 21 Member
    My weigh in at the gym Biggest Loser Contest is today at 4:30pm. I am hoping that I weigh on the heavy side since it is so late in the day. I hope my last weigh in will be early in the morning. :wink:

    April - When in your birthday? Mine is tomorrow. My mother is fixing me Vegetable Soup Saturday night for my birthday dinner. I always ask for the soup for my birthday.

    I normally exercise every morning, but I skipped today, I clean houses and I had a large home to do today. I may walk later today when I go weigh in.

    I weigh myself everyday. I know I shouldn't, but I do. :ohwell:
  • darlenestanley
    darlenestanley Posts: 21 Member
    Sherri, I need a smartphone. It would definitely make life much easier.

    Congrats on the improvements you are seeing in your training on the C25K program.
  • My birthday is Tuesday, 1/31. I really, really, really want to be the biggest loser in the competition. It would be nice to accomplish something instead of not finishing or always failing at the task!!
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    I weigh every Monday and Friday. Also it's a good idea to measure your body too. Measure one bicep. One. Thigh waist. Neck and chest. Oh yeah. Hips. Most of the time when you do not see any changes with the scale. You will see changes in inches. Don't get frustrated when the scale has not moved you are probab Having a good day. Was completely craving a hamburger so I made them for dinner this evening at ate it with a sweet potato. Yummy .
    Ly losing inches as you gain muscle
    I really hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes when I comment on their posts. I believe we are all here for motovation and being held accountable for our actions. I do a lot of research and have taken 4. Nutrition classes at college so I get excited to share my knowledge. Please do not feel offended when I comment on you. I might see something you may have missed and visa versa. Feel Freetown comment on me. I can take it lol

    Happy birthday to the both of you. I just celebrated my 41 birthday on January 16. Eat well and remember to tell yourself your important.
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    Sounds like everyone had a good day yesterday.

    darlenestanle - Don't beat yourself up too much over the pizza and other choices, sometimes that is just life. It's true you could have made a better choice but sometimes you have to indulge but stick with the plan in the long haul.

    I have to really be careful today. I will not get my walk in at lunch as usual because it is raining here, again.....ugh. I will get my kickboxing in tonight so that will help with the calorie intake some. I really want to invest in a treadmill but my husband said it will be just like everything else I have purchased in the past that is pushed in the corner and has dust growing on it. I just keep saying this time will be different. It has to be different, I am getting no younger and I want my children to be taught that exercise is a good thing and you should be healthy to feel good about yourself.
    My son bought me a treadmill for my birthday a couple weeks ago. I just love it. I hope you get one.

    Question to all: How often do any of you weigh your self?

    I am going to weigh on Sunday morning and log it into mfp. I am also going to have my "cheat" meal on Sunday at lunch because my Grandmother is cooking me a birthday lunch with all the fixings. I think after the weigh in on Sunday I will weigh in again in two weeks. I don't know that I want to weigh every week, sometimes it can get you down and out.

    My official weigh in for the Biggest Loser at my gym is Sunday at 3:00. So after the lunch I'm going to eat I will definitly be weighing in on the heavy side. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. I hope everyone is having a good day so far.
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    I am also working on C25K. I dd W3D1 last night.

    Getting my water is my challenge but I'm getting better at it. Food journaling is easy, I have MFP app on my phone so I can always log. Hubby and I do have an ocassional treat like last night we had a wee bit of ice cream. I was only able to have this by eating back some of my exercise calories but now I'm not feeling deprived and we are very strict on keeping to appropriate serving sizes for treats like this.

    I've already noticed that my heart rate doesn't go as high as it used to with physical exersion. Used to be any exersion and I could feel my heart beat in my temples, I"m sweating profusely and my heart rate can sometimes be over 180. Now during my running I'm about 150-160 at the highest range. Not seeing significant losses like some, but I'm not discouraged. I put in on slowly over time and it will come off the same way. If I can average 2lbs a week, I'll be more than happy!
    . Good for you. The proper way to lose is just 1 to 2 pounds a week. You will be more likely to keep it off. That is what my doctor told me. Keep going. Also. The trick in eating right is to eat whatever you want but in modderation. I have learned there is no such thing as a bad food. If you eat in moderation and stick to portion size You will not ever feel deprived and you will have a better chance to succeed. Good luck
  • jdragonfly
    jdragonfly Posts: 64 Member
    Does anyone know what you have to do to join the biggest loser contest as for me i weigh in on tuesdays at kickboxing
  • I am a few days late checking in (my apologies, I had a bad week with sick kids). At my morning weigh in today, I am down 7 pounds overall. I admit that I have cheated a tiny bit (from the 17 day diet that I am doing) but despite the cheat, I have managed to lose weight so I am thrilled and encouraged. My body needs carbs so I am learning to eat my carbs in moderation, eat lost of veggies and fruits, and exercise daily. I am feeling good. Very encouraged!