
sdguy2002 Posts: 84 Member
:happy: Hello, My Name is Ian from El Cajon. I also run every once in a while at balboa park even though not super great for my knees. I am 27 love free motion eliptical and social activities. Hope to hear from more people and what they want, hope to get out of this group.


  • ejoy319
    ejoy319 Posts: 104
    Hey, Erica here down in IB... looking to meet some new friends to keep me on the right track to staying healthy and active. My family and I stay pretty active at the beach.. swimming, surfing, paddleboarding. Looking for new ideas for excercise around the city.
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    Hi everyone! My name is Jenna, I'm from east county and go to UCSD. I love hiking(at mission trails a lot), biking, running, and aerobics.
  • Hi All!

    I'm Dee. I'm a LA transplant in Grad School at SDSU. I live in Hillcrest and plan on taking advantage of the So. Cal. sunshine for my exercise activities.
  • I'm a new member! I have had a MFP account for a long time but just haven't used it. I started on the Optifast program through Kaiser's Positive Choice Center with 60 pounds total to lose almost 6 weeks ago and lost 30 pounds in my first 5 weeks. My program got totaly changed up in the past week due to some health complications so I am now consuming 800-1200 calories a day on a different Optifast program plus some food. I figured that now since I'm "eating" I need to make sure I'm logging everything and also want support outside of my Optifast group.

    I am a 31 year old single mom and I live in Mira Mesa. I'm currently working seasonally with Provide Commerce (ProFlowers, RedEnvelope, Personal Creations, ProPlants). I also play pool on several teams with the APA. I started out with a fitness level of basically ZERO but have been taking baby steps. I'm "working out" with WiiFit or walking or Zumba (well, modified to my ability) almost every day. I can't really strength train yet because of the Optifast, but will build that in once I get back on full food.

    I'm just looking forward to meeting some like-minded people! :)
  • Hey there :) I'm Jessie, up in the east county. Been a member here for a while, but deleted old account due for a few reasons. I love riding and hiking, probably my two favorite things. I've yet to make it up to the actual TOP of Cowel's Mountain as I always seem to get interrupted and having to leave. I will get to the top next week!

    Anyways, just thought I'd pop in and say hi. I know the group isn't too active, you all must be out enjoying our lovely San Diego weather ;)
  • ElizaLulu
    ElizaLulu Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, fellow San Diegans! I'm Eliza, and I live in Mira Mesa, and am a transplant from the Boston area. I'm married, in my 30's, a dog lover, and trying to get active and in shape again after being hurt on off for many many years. I am an occasional gym rock climber and have recently started going to CrossFit Del Mar with my husband, who has been a crossfitter for years. I used to be an avid runner but am no longer allowed due to my bad hips, but am hoping to get into biking and swimming. I am always looking to make new local friends.
  • mary127
    mary127 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been active on MFP since April and just recently thought to check out the groups and see if there was a San Diego group....glad I found you! :bigsmile:

    I live close to Mission Trails Park. I do a lot of walking and my favorite spot to walk is the bay around Crown Point. I have never been a runner but for some strange reason decided to try the C25K program last summer and by August I tried my first 5k and have done three more since. Since I have a bad knee I need to watch it, but I'm not in it to cross the finish line first. It's just a huge accomplishment for me to be able to jog the whole course without walking. For my birthday three days ago I did a late night 5K inside Disneyland which was awesome! I've also recently discovered zumba :laugh:

    Looking forward to sharing stories with all of you
  • Hi all!

    Im Jeanie I live in the clairemont area. I have two dogs and a baby that keep me busy and moseratly active. Im into running and Im always in "training" I started with a 5K in September and now Im doing my first half marathon in March. Im not fast by any means but Im doing it! I usually run around Mission Bay/Fiesta Island. Im always interested in running buddies or people to join races with me.
  • Dangerdat
    Dangerdat Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Dat and I have lost ten lbs in about a month and a half on MFP. I am a semi-retired breakdancer who wants to relive his youth by getting fit again. :)

    I'm open to folks who want to train at Balboa Park or 24 hour fitness. I'm always trying to learn new types of exercises and structured workouts.

    If anyone is interested, I teach breakdance sculpt (a combination of breakdance movements and yoga postures with an emphasis on cardio bursts and plyometrics) at Mission Valley YMCA and Joan Kroc Center. I plan on completing my Corepower Yoga Sculpt teacher training end of April 2012 so hopefully I'll be teaching at Corepower as well.
  • hilary619
    hilary619 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi All! I'm Hilary. I love running/walking/jogging and swimming. I'm a San Diego native. I live in the N. County. I have had great success with MFP since January. Looking for fitness friends to motivate and to be motivated by! I have a 6 year old son. I'm a teacher and enjoy living in beautiful SD! Nice to meet you!
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    Hello fellow San Diegans. I live in RB, hike a lot around Lake Hodges or in Anza Borrego, and recently joined CHUZE gym in RB. Nice place! I am actually enjoying ZUMBA classes. I am very much out of shape and committed to losing 45 lbs or more. I am married 24+ years, have four daughters, and this is not a questionable plea for "friending" female members. I hope to interact with all of you at some point.

    I have organized and led group hikes in the past for UCSD, Rotary, and friends/neighbors. If you want to put something together along the lines of a long hike with natural history thrown in, I am a good guide for things geological, birds, and San Diego's history of gem mining. Good luck on your journeys with MFP.
  • sdguy2002
    sdguy2002 Posts: 84 Member
    Sounds intersting. Welcom to the community!
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Hello, im a newbie here! Im Elizabeth, or Eliza/Liz. Im a latina living in south SD.
    I enjoy walking and I cant miss my daily zumba class!, lots of fun even tho I hate to dance at parties or clubs (or maybe zumba will change the way I think??)
    Im a graphic designer and I love to travel. Not married (dont think I´ll ever be!), but ive been with my bf for 6 years now. No kids, just enjoying my nephew while I can :)
    Good luck everybody on their journey!
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member

    My name is Jarnard. I'm in the North Park area. I work in Mission Valley. I enjoy jogging down at the Harbor/Seaport area. You can find me there a lot, especially on the weekends. I recently moved to North Park, so I'm trying to find new routes. I'm in need to buy new running shoes. I'm developing muscle soreness when I run.

    I currently want to maintain my weight and tone up the mid section. I'll continue to monitor my eating habits and do weight training. :) I'm here to inspire and motivate others.

    Feel free to add. I enjoy jogging and hiking buddies.

  • PBMama
    PBMama Posts: 17
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Sonia and I live in PB where I love to ride my beach cruiser along the bay. I am also member at the Tobey Wells YMCA I usually take class like TRX or TBW and yoga during the week at lunch.

    I have been on MFP for a little over a month, I am trying to tone and lose about 18 lbs.
  • Lizzymaep
    Lizzymaep Posts: 24 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Elizabeth and I live in El Cajon. I joined MFP on March 5th, 2012 and have lost 26 pounds so far; at this time, I'm just going to continue to focus on toning. <3
  • StVal
    StVal Posts: 91
    Hi there! My name is Michelle and I live in La Mesa with my boyfriend (the dude in the photo with me) and my awesome Boston Terrier, Hugo. I stopped playing rollerderby (my exercise of choice) about 2 years ago for several reasons, but the main one was injury. In those 2 years I've managed to gain quite a bit of weight and lost my solidness. I'm really discouraged right now and my boyfriend is NO help with the situation. He's more lazy than I am. However, I've put us both on a "eating healthy" plan, except we occaionally will have Roberto's or pizza, but we're both pretty big soda drinkers. I need all the motivation I can get. From derby, I have knee damage, but from the extra weight, they really hurt. But I am determined to pull myself out of this funk and get back out there. Again.
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    French girl in love with san diego and SoCal since 3 years !
    i am living in Pb and working at Scripps in La jolla. Love biking to the beach/the bay, scubadiving (but the water is cold !!!), and i'm a very beginner surfer.
    Feel free to add me as a friend !
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Jarnard. I like to jog, hike (hiking Iron Mountain this sunday), drink good beer (you should try Maui Mana Wheat Ale), and eat (I love baking).

    Just thought I would stop by and say hello. For extra motivation, feel free to add me.

  • tamarc
    tamarc Posts: 2 Member
    Hi - My name is Tamara. I live in Penasquitos area. Trying all sorts of new exercise programs. I LOVE dancing so I'm going to try Zumba and possibly Hot Hula. I'm addicted to The Bar Method. Lost 20 lbs. slowly and hoping to do it the right way this time. I've attempted boot camps but I don't think I'm there yet. Just trying to stay motivated and focused. The exercise is the easy part . . . the food is the hard part. :smile: