


  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi there. I did P90X during the summer for 2 months. Then started running. I just restarted January 23rd. Put on a couple pounds over the holidays. Plus its to nasty out to run. Looking forward to going through it again.
  • krostron
    krostron Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in! My name is Keena and I'm 28 from Indiana. I'm also very scared to do this but hoping we can pull each other through it!
  • WassBoss15
    WassBoss15 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey guys! I'm a 26 year old guy originally from Houston, TX, but currently in Chicago for school. I'm currently a medical student (I know the ins and outs of how our body works, but haven't applied this to my own health and fitness lately...). I have a bad knee due to an injury I endured a couple of years ago, but I've been using the elliptical regularly(and sometimes treadmill) so I hope I can handle the P90X! I'm excited to get this show on the road! Go Team Extreme90!
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Kandie, a 40 year old (almost 41) mom of grown children and grandma (Neena as they call me) of 2. I'm SO ready to do this and am thrilled to have found this group. Anyone interested, please feel free to send me a friend request, just please read my profile first. I'm excited to get started and to get to know everyone here. Good luck everyone!
  • jdawg1105
    jdawg1105 Posts: 42 Member
    My name is Jason. I will be 40 this July. I started on MFP in December I have lost 12 lbs so far and looking for about 100 more. I am married with 2 kids ages 6 and 12. They are in sports all the time so always really busy and eating correctly becomes a chore because we are always in a hurry to get to the next activity. I started p90x in OCT of 2010 but broke my ancle in NOV of 2010 , not realated to the P90x, finally feel my ancle is strong enough to start this again so here I am. Anyone feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Keely012012
    Keely012012 Posts: 10 Member
    42 year old from Boston, MA
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    I did the P90X lean program a while back and got about 1/2 through it before I moved on to another workout. I was thinking of going back to it for another try.

    My name is Adora I am 42 an so far have lost 70lbs and only have 20 to go.... I have been struggling recently to keep on track and hope this will hep kick my *kitten* into gear again.

    I live in Mass...

    Good luck to all!
  • Arbright
    Arbright Posts: 15 Member
    Hey I'm Aisha. I'm 29 in Charlotte NC and have had P90X for so long I forgot I had it. I'm actually really scared of it! I tried Plyometrics a couple times and it kicked my butt :explode: . I'm game to go at it for real though. Hopefully ya'll can keep me motivated cuz I'm sooo not one to stick to a routine for long.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    I don't know if you want people that have already started (but are just a few weeks in), but I wouldn't mind joining in.

    I've done 1 round last year, dropped almost 40lbs and came within 2lbs of my goal weight. Started a few rounds in the ensuing months but with a move and lots of other issues, I lost a few steps, but I am now trying to recapture the results with a new round I started on the 11th Jan, with a fair uphill battle to get back to where I was.

    This is a good program if you stick with it. Don't necessarily expect to look like their success stories, but if you work out and eat well, you are going to love the results, even if they are the more realistic kind for those of us with jobs, families, and a lack of a personal chef to help with the nutrition plan.

    The single biggest thing I can say for the people new to this program: don't worry about the scale for at least the first phase. You'll probably see stuff really start happening sometime in the 2nd month. For me, I spent a month within 1lb of Day 1, and I even looked roughly the same. I was told by my coach to wait till somewhere around week 6, and amazingly, suddenly stuff started happening. And it was almost more breathtaking than a Plyo workout, when it started happening.

    I am a "coach" with beachbody, but more in the sense of getting the shakeology discounts, not into coming here to sell people shtuff. I do use shakeology and the recovery drink, but other than that it's GNC or other sources for protein drinks and shakes, and no fatburnerplusplusplus/supermachobulkyrevver/nuclearfissionmusclegrowth/atomicworkoutblaster junk. And I didn't/don't do the P90X nutrition plan -- I just take the nut of what they are trying to achieve with it, and try to model my own dietary choices in some rough fashion after what they have in the plan. Perhaps I have to settle for non-front-page results, but what I got doing what I did the first round, was still fantastic for me. And it was all hard work and good food that did it.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Thanks for this. I've completed week 1 (and three weeks on MFP). My results are very limited. I've done this (calorie counting) before. I trust the process. I know that starting a new program (especially one like P90X) means you retain water and the loss will be slow in the beginning. I know all of this, yet, it gets frustrating. I'm talking to myself daily about my favorite quote (do what you know is right and the numbers on the scale will eventually follow), but your post about not seeing results until more than a month into it was extremely helpful to me. Onward!
  • sekdar
    sekdar Posts: 7 Member
    26 years old, living in Florida. I started P90X in October but lost motivation when the holidays came around. Started it up again two weeks ago and intend to finish it this time. I know a few people who have completed it, and every one of them had an awfully impressive visual transformation.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    I'm glad a simple bit of advice helps you -- it sure helped me. I was angry, frustrated, feeling that pit of my stomach feeling about looking and weighing the same after a whole dratted month! Even with the performance gains I was in a dark place. But it was so eerie how right the guy was, he almost nailed it exactly when I could actually really start to see the results of the hard work.

    I'm halfway through week 3 now, and if all goes according to what I saw last year during that round, I am halfway to where the results should start popping. It is my motivation right now.

    For any of you who might need this reminder: please, please, please don't eat 1200 calories a day and do this program. You *will* burn out and wear down, and fast. MFP default profiles for food intake need to be questioned. Look up things like BMR (basic metabolic rate), read up on that, and do the math for your body size, shoot for a few hundred calorie deficit from what the calculations tell you (unless a weight loss deficit is already built in!). In the calculations, use your current weight, not your goal weight. Later you can always do minor adjustments by recalculating as your weight drops 10 or 15 lbs or more. I didn't bother with adjustments too much, myself -- may make more sense for someone who drops 30, 50 or more lbs to readjust.

    Shoulders & Arms favourite!
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Made it through week 2, day 1 (chest and back). I did better on most things than the last time around-that's good. What's up with those dive bombers? Is it crazy that I can't even do one? I definitely have room to improve on that exercise.
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Hey all, just checked the group :) I am getting scared lol I am from SF, CA and already tried once p90x but gave up after 3 days :) I am wondering how far I will get this time. I really want to do it for the total of 90 days. I still want to lose 9 kg which is I believe around about 19 lbs.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    You can do it! "Just keep pushing play." :)
  • I'm ready to start!!
    I need some supportive friends as well so friend request if you want to take on that responsibility- I will be supportive right back lol :)
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Our stats are very similar - I'm sending you a friend request. :)
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Feel free to add me as well :)