


  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    So, this will be my 4th week in Phase 1. I have been holding off shifting into Phase 2 while waiting for my dumbbells to arrive. But it doesn't look like they will be here anytime soon. Looks like I will make up my own recovery week for next week, then it's on to Phase 2.

    So far I am impressed. I miss some of the more "pure" strength training aspects of P90X, but my core, stability, and balance are phenomenal now. Which, obviously is the intention of Phase 1. I am hoping Phase 2 incorporates some more of the lifting from P90X.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    So, this will be my 4th week in Phase 1. I have been holding off shifting into Phase 2 while waiting for my dumbbells to arrive. But it doesn't look like they will be here anytime soon. Looks like I will make up my own recovery week for next week, then it's on to Phase 2.

    So far I am impressed. I miss some of the more "pure" strength training aspects of P90X, but my core, stability, and balance are phenomenal now. Which, obviously is the intention of Phase 1. I am hoping Phase 2 incorporates some more of the lifting from P90X.

    Thats awesome. Did you take your 30 day pics?
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Nah. Sadly I didn't take Day 1 pictures, though I suppose I could use the pics from the end of P90X. I may take 30(ish) day pics today. Not sure how much of a change I will see. Leaner. That's for certain. Some of my belly "pudge" is gone. Though that's probably more from diet than X2.
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    I am 48 years old. Started P90x2 on January 3rd.

    Over the past two years I have done two rounds of P90X, done some one on ones, and completed a couple half marathons. However, I have NOT take the diet seriously. To motivate myself this time, I had a body scan done which detailed my lean muscle and fat mass. My 90 day goal is to reduce my body fat by 5% and increase my lean muscle mass.

    Well, I am on my third day of the diet and have been successful. It is a start!

    I would really like to know my body fat percentage. I don't need to lose any weight, and my muscle tone is good, so body fat percentage would be a good motivator for me. I've tried those calipers, but I don't get them.

    I was going to do the X2 nutrition plan, but I've not started that yet. I'm on day 1 week two of phase 1. The workout was more difficult this week since I could really do the moves alll out versus having to watch and learn. More impressed this week. :-)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Nah. Sadly I didn't take Day 1 pictures, though I suppose I could use the pics from the end of P90X. I may take 30(ish) day pics today. Not sure how much of a change I will see. Leaner. That's for certain. Some of my belly "pudge" is gone. Though that's probably more from diet than X2.

    Well i just start week 2 and i have to say these workouts are awesome. I am diggin the foam roller as well. Really pushing eating clean as i am hoping to hit single digit body fat this round. Right now i am 14%.
  • 13nicholas
    13nicholas Posts: 154 Member
    Not sure about the foam roller. It doesn't seem to do anything for me. I do like the rest. Just finished x2 core for the second time and becoming more adept at the new moves.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Hey all. Sorry I haven't posted. Been very busy.

    Ok, so I'm on week 2 and Am loving this. Today was Total Body and I have better number, more weight and better form. I don't know about you but week 2 was harder than week 1 cuz now that I know the moves I can push harder. I went from 9 crunchy levers to 12...that's just plain cool. I am so excited...
    I am doing a modified Fat Shredder...I just an not doing the 1/2 grain per day. Other then that I'm spot on and have eaten perfect so far this year and round. Seeing big differences already...down between 1.5% and 2.0% BF. I'll know more tomorrow. Today said 10.5 but I won't believe that until I see it again.
    Keep up the good work everyone.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Finally started Phase 2. Chest Back and Balance is a brutal. And gets back to basics. Push ups, pull ups. And we get X2 Ab Ripper 3 times a week now. This phase feels a little like the original P90X. I think I'm going to hang out in this one for 6 weeks. Since you can swap 2 of the resistance days with different DVDs. 3 weeks of one series, 3 weeks of the other.
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    Finally started Phase 2. Chest Back and Balance is a brutal. And gets back to basics. Push ups, pull ups. And we get X2 Ab Ripper 3 times a week now. This phase feels a little like the original P90X. I think I'm going to hang out in this one for 6 weeks. Since you can swap 2 of the resistance days with different DVDs. 3 weeks of one series, 3 weeks of the other.

    Well that certainly gives me something to look forward to....NOT! LOL! I've been kind of enjoying phase 1 now that I've got the hang of it. This is my 3rd week. Was trying to decide whether or not to do one mor week or move on.
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    Hey all. Sorry I haven't posted. Been very busy.

    Ok, so I'm on week 2 and Am loving this. Today was Total Body and I have better number, more weight and better form. I don't know about you but week 2 was harder than week 1 cuz now that I know the moves I can push harder. I went from 9 crunchy levers to 12...that's just plain cool. I am so excited...
    I am doing a modified Fat Shredder...I just an not doing the 1/2 grain per day. Other then that I'm spot on and have eaten perfect so far this year and round. Seeing big differences already...down between 1.5% and 2.0% BF. I'll know more tomorrow. Today said 10.5 but I won't believe that until I see it again.
    Keep up the good work everyone.

    Ditto on your assessment of week 2 being harder and the why. SHOW off on the crunchy levers. I can't do any!!!
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    Not sure about the foam roller. It doesn't seem to do anything for me. I do like the rest. Just finished x2 core for the second time and becoming more adept at the new moves.

    I'm with you on the foam roller thing. I actually skip that part of the workout and don't do the mobility and recovery workout (I know, for shame!!!). What do you think about Yoga?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I am half way through week 3 of the first phase. I have actually decided to do an additional week of this as my balance doesn't seem to be where I want it. Also, the first week was more of a trial and error. I have increase my reps and weight throughout which is good.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Not sure about the foam roller. It doesn't seem to do anything for me. I do like the rest. Just finished x2 core for the second time and becoming more adept at the new moves.

    I'm with you on the foam roller thing. I actually skip that part of the workout and don't do the mobility and recovery workout (I know, for shame!!!). What do you think about Yoga?

    I LOVE my foam rolling, and look forward to recovery and mobility. I've gotten to the point I don't even bother with the stretching most sessions, I just foam roll the whole time. The difference afterwards if phenomenal.

    Yoga is so much better this time around. Shorter. Faster paced. A definite improvement.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Not sure about the foam roller. It doesn't seem to do anything for me. I do like the rest. Just finished x2 core for the second time and becoming more adept at the new moves.

    I'm with you on the foam roller thing. I actually skip that part of the workout and don't do the mobility and recovery workout (I know, for shame!!!). What do you think about Yoga?

    I LOVE my foam rolling, and look forward to recovery and mobility. I've gotten to the point I don't even bother with the stretching most sessions, I just foam roll the whole time. The difference afterwards if phenomenal.

    Yoga is so much better this time around. Shorter. Faster paced. A definite improvement.

    I am with you on both. I love both the foam roller and yoga (just did it last night). I am already see some good improvements in my flexibility and my balance. In fact, i am able to do crane pose now for almost the whole time without my feet down where as in P90X i always had my toe on the ground.
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    Have to admit, I'm in week 3 and just did my first Yoga workout yesterday (sheepish grin).. Can I get an "owwww!" from he crowds! I'm feeling it already in my bootie. Today, I took my first scoop of the new Energy & Endurance formula. I'm doing Rockin Body for my warm up and then I have Total Body. Has anyone tried E&E yet? I'll let you know how I do!
  • 13nicholas
    13nicholas Posts: 154 Member
    Body Scan was easy - and there is an incentive to reduce your % with 90 days!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    E&E tastes pretty horrible to me. But the effects outweigh the taste. I've just been chugging it quick before the taste hits me.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Body Scan was easy - and there is an incentive to reduce your % with 90 days!

    Does health and being tigher all over count?
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    E&E tastes pretty horrible to me. But the effects outweigh the taste. I've just been chugging it quick before the taste hits me.

    I don't think it's that bad. It tastes like lemonade to me - and you drink such a small amount - it's like a shot. The effects are definitely worth it!
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    Not sure about the foam roller. It doesn't seem to do anything for me. I do like the rest. Just finished x2 core for the second time and becoming more adept at the new moves.

    I'm not really digging the foam roller either.