Here we are!

tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
My weigh in today was 263.4 pounds. I should be 253.4 by Feb. 29th. When I get there, I will be rewarding myself with a one hour massage from my favorite therapist!! What are you going to reward yourself with???


  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I am at 150.2 and would like to be at 140 at the end of the month, I will be treating myself to 6 treatments of underarm laser hair removal. I have really dark hair that grows realy fast and am self concious about stubble and feel like the hair in the follicles darken the skin. Its only $100 with an online coupon so its a splurge but I feel like an apropriate reward.
  • lore2810
    lore2810 Posts: 57 Member
    196.0 today
    Reward will be a new haircut and colour or a manicure :)
  • Tupeloblossom
    Tupeloblossom Posts: 142 Member
    Weigh in at 198 today...going to treat myself to a manicure and pedicure!
  • cjgsmg
    cjgsmg Posts: 131 Member
    I am 159.2 today. I will reward myself with a dress I've had my eye on for a long time.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Hi I'm Deb and at 185.5 today.
    Of course 10 pounds lighter is going to be a reward in itself but I may need a new pair of jeans by then as I just lost 10 pounds in the last 6 weeks and the only pair I have are getting loose already.:bigsmile: .
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I know a lot of people weight weekly but I have always weighed daily, before anyone explains to me why thats not ideal I do not let the daily number affect me too much but I like to see it stay within a certain range so within 3 days I can tell if we are consistently moving in a direction. I just need feedback, like last night I over ate but I also ate a very healthy breakfast and lunch and worked out like a beast, so I have one protien shake that is 100 calories and one that is 250, now I feel like it would not be a bad thing to have the higher calorie one for breakfast. Also I tend to drop weight over the weekend because I sleep less than normal and also eat very little because my favorite night place doesnt allow outside food and doesnt offer anything healthy so I dont eat.

    Anyways Im 149.8 today so todays goal is to keep that number, its cool if it doesnt go down tomorrow but dont want 150.2 tomorrow
  • samantha196
    Hi, I'm Samantha. I am 196 pounds. I just started MPF about a week ago. I have 56 pounds to lose total. This seems like a great start. My reward is going to be a mani/pedi or new bra's. If I lose weight similar to how I gain it I'll be needing some new ones.
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    Ok - I weighed my self this morning and I am at 234.5. I went up a pound since last Sunday when I weighed in. Perhaps I overindulged on my "free" day. Won't make that mistake again.

    I WILL be at 224.5 by the end of February. I will reward myself with a mini vacation somewhere warm (I am in the midwest so it is cold here right now).

    Good Luck to everyone! This will be a fun challange!
  • 7Joebass7
    7Joebass7 Posts: 5 Member
    I didn't work out yesterday but stayed under my calorie goal and maintained my weight. I'm happy with that.

    I set an exercise goal for myself before I found MFP - I will not go two consecutive days without working out in some form. I've been able to stick to that for the last four weeks. Previously I had struggled to consistently work out at a set time of day on a set number of days. I always seemed to find some excuse for not being able to go, then I didn't "make up" the workout I missed. This plan forces me to be flexible and helps me plan better. For example, since I did not work out today, and since I have a date-night with the wife after work, my only options was to get up earlier and work out this morning. Mission accomplished, plus now I have an extra 600 calories to eat/drink.

    My present to myself after losing the 10lbs will be a bottle of Balvenie Doublewood Scotch.
  • samantha196
    I'm not sure how to edit my post but I am hoping to be at least down to 186 by February 29th.
  • mommymegz
    mommymegz Posts: 33 Member
    On Sunday I weighed 184....
  • Karoline01
    Karoline01 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there! I'm starting with 171 lbs, not sure if 1 lb is from my shoes but since that's what the scale says at the gym, that's what I'm starting with. I hope that I can weight 161 by Feb 29th, and my reward would probably be a nice hair cut or a nice top to wear :-)
    Good luck to everyone!!

    P.S.= feel free to add me to your friends :-)
  • ML0305
    ML0305 Posts: 227 Member
    Hi everyone!!! I haven't weighed myself because I've been sick. I'm feeling much better today and will attempt to work out. My new goal is 130lbs. I was at 136 last Saturday but I'm sure I am probably at 138 right now (I really hope its not more than that!!!). I will defenitely (sp?) weigh in tomorrow morning. I plan to lose those last ten pounds. I'm glad someone stared this group. I wish you all the best!!! Can't wait to see everyone succeed on this challenge!

    Add me if you like! Thanks all!
  • lilqtwbotkam3
    lilqtwbotkam3 Posts: 46 Member
    Ok! Hello everyone! My current weight is 158! woo hoo which it .8 down from my last weigh in (it all counts :smile:) NeWay, at the end of the month I would like to be at 148 or lower *fingers crossed* I will reward myself with a massage! Thanks everyone
    Add me if you'd like.....oh p.s I weigh in on Mondays!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Feeling ok about today, had coffee and a 100 calorie protien shake for breakfast, went to a buffet for lunch, while I ate a good amount not bad, I am sure it was a good number of calories but considering the amount of energy my job required today I think I will be down tomorrow IF I do not over eat tonite, which is a really big if, did not work out today but again, my job kicked my butt and I woke up sore
  • lore2810
    lore2810 Posts: 57 Member
    anyone on here doing 17DD?
  • stringbean10
    stringbean10 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, my weigh in is on Saturdays. Right now Im at 275.8 . Would love to be 265.0 by Feb 29!! My hubby will b gone for most of the month, so Im hoping i can slam this while he's not here (he's a junk food eater)

    Please add me if you like. I really need all the motivation I can get. Thnks!:wink:
  • jojo7218
    Was down 9 pounds, but had a rough 2 weeks here - and am back up a couple pounds. So this is perfect to get me back on track. Starting weight is 203. Will be down to 193 by Feb. 26th. Looking forward to this milestone as well as breaking 200, finally. That will put me down 17 pounds and hopefully down a pant size - so my reward will be some new jeans. :wink:
  • 7Joebass7
    7Joebass7 Posts: 5 Member
    I let myself go over the calorie goal one day a week. Last night was date-night with the wife and we went over a couple hundred calories. up 1.5lb this morning - more motivation to work out today, and I'm playing flag football tomorrow for the first time in months so I expect by Monday morning to have lost that 1.5 and then some.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Well just got up, am a bit of a partier but didnt drink last nite, but I was out later therefore I am up late, my starting weight is 150.2, yesterday morning 149.8 last night when I got home 149.4 and aftre I went potty and got up 147.2, I am disregarding this number because of the amount of time I slept it is probably largely water I lost through my body over night, I am leaning towards the 149.4.

    I am however pleased to see that number, the lowest Ive been since Ive been losing is 148, it means this challenge will have an effect on me, I joined 4 challenges including this one on here, the first my goal was to lose I beleive 30 pounds but it was a longer time period and I immediately lost 15 in the first month and have kept it off except one pound, but then cant do these long long challenges, burn out. The other two were to complicated and strict that I never got into them, I like that there are no given rules (yet at least) for this challenge.

    I think a lot of people know what will work for them and it wont necesarily work for others so telling them how to suceed may not be their style. I personally have a very very strange eating pattern but its part of controlling the way I eat and is a way to prevent me from starting the thought chains from when I had an eating disorder that realy ruled my life.

    Im really excited because last week I was looking in the mirror and thought to myself, you know youre not a big person (and Im not) when the smallest part of my waist hit 28 inches I realised were almost done. I started thinking about what it would be like to wake up and plan to eat a normal amount of calories, to not feel guilty for eating 3 rounded meals a day and be pleased when the scale stayed the same. But then the thought crossed my mind are we done now?... and I went into a panic, oh god no, no way, so having my background I decided we need to set a crash plan when will I definitily stop, so I texted my boyfriend, pick a number between 0 and 40, he texts back 25, so I have decided I am losing 25 off 150 and then stopping, I will stop dieting and start eating 1800-2000 calories a day and workign out etc, but that means only 2 10 pound lossess and 5 pounds is a week cleansing fast so thats so easy. Im already down over 60 so closing in on the finish, after this challenge only 15 to go