BLOGS - give me your thoughts plz?

bizymomma05 Posts: 12 Member
I have been using this site for a couple weeks now. I notice the tab that says BLOG. I have never done one & not sure that I want to start one either. So I was wondering...

What is everyone's feelings on them?

My biggest thing is I don't know enough about them to say yea or nah. Can y'all help me out?!


  • cheerfan
    Hey BizyMomma!

    I like to blog to get my feelings, thoughts,hopes, dreams, goals, frustrations down on paper so I can either "release" or "work on" what needs to happen. I also like to mark my blogs as "private" and only invite my friends or family to view (if it's viewable...some aren't! LOL).

    Hope this helps!

    Ruby (aka cheerfan):wink:
  • bizymomma05
    bizymomma05 Posts: 12 Member
    I think that is my biggest thing is whether or not you can mark them private so no one sees them unless you want them too. Thank you very much!