What has been the hardest thing you "gave up" since low carb



  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member

    Cut up radishes and boil for about 5 minutes and then add spices, and fry to create a home fry....taste very close to taters and lots of recipes out there for radish dishes...a great sub for potatoes
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    potatoes..like sooo effin' hard it ridiculous..i can't even cook them without dyyying to have a bite and i'm a chef at work and the only cook for my family who doesn't eat low-carb...

    See the post above about making LC taters...lol
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    Ice cream

    Do a search for LC ice cream....it's possible and pretty good!
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    Pizza kills me. I love that stuff and if I am not careful I eat pizza every day.

    Lots of recipes out there for LC pizza and even pizza dip....crust is made from cauliflower and cheese and an egg....use the dip with green peppers, etc!....try the recipe site I posted above! You can always eat the top off the pizza but not the crust...:)
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member

    Search the recipe site I posted for the first poster for chocolate bark or do a search for it. There are a few recipes for it and it's great...you can add unsweetened coconut and almonds to it for a almond joy and variations! ;)
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    white rice

    Buy cauliflower, and make mashed potatoes AND/OR rice from it....grate the cauliflower for rice...you can also make fried rice from it....do a search for it or look on the site I posted....genaw dot com
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    It's been movie theater popcorn (the kind drenched in soybean oil butter topping)--terrible in terms of both carbs and fake, industrial oils. But I've recently discovered that pork cracklins (Mac's brand), seasoned with cheese or butter salt, has been an excellent no-carb substitute. If I flavor it with some hot and spicy sauce instead, I can get fuller quicker because I'm also drinking more water whenever I go out to a movie theater. It has a firm, crisp texture, but it's not jawbreaker-hard.

    When I started out, I thought Dorritos would be my low-carb kryptonite, but I honestly haven't missed it in the last 14 months, despite eating it almost every day for several years.

    Roast cauliflower seasoned with spices and butter for a popcorn effect...I have even taken it to the movies in a baggie with me :) Doritos can be made from cheese...do a search for nachos/doritos or check out the site I posted on a couple post
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    Cake (in particular cupcakes with cream cheese frosting- red velvet)

    Pasta & gnocchi..... which is what got me into this mess in the first place!!!

    Pasta can be made from spaghetti squash...and there's lots of recipes for LC cakes...using almond flour or coconut flour..yum!
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member

    Take pork rinds and crunch up a little....add cinnamon and splenda and use as a cinnamon toast crunch cereal.....also take pork rinds and drizzle with butter and add splenda and cinnamon for the Taco Bell treats :)..you can warm up in the micro briefly
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    Not sure if I can post actual sites :) but you can "Like" Atkins Diet Video's on FB and go to his info page and then to his youtube page for tons of recipes...it's bowulf on there. and his website is atkinsgeek dot com....there is an Atkins page on FB with tons of info and also the site I stated in post above....genaw dot com. Very well known LC chefs/cooks for LC....you do NOT have to do Atkins to go LC and eat these yummy foods. Hope this helps to keep some of you on track :) Where there is a will, there is a way! best of luck to all of you on your journey....
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Not sure if I can post actual sites :) but you can "Like" Atkins Diet Video's on FB and go to his info page and then to his youtube page for tons of recipes...it's bowulf on there. and his website is atkinsgeek dot com....there is an Atkins page on FB with tons of info and also the site I stated in post above....genaw dot com. Very well known LC chefs/cooks for LC....you do NOT have to do Atkins to go LC and eat these yummy foods. Hope this helps to keep some of you on track :) Where there is a will, there is a way! best of luck to all of you on your journey....

    Thanks for this! Super helpful! x
  • silverstardust
    silverstardust Posts: 34 Member
    Geez...I'm feeling weak now just scrolling through everyone's "give ups"!! lol

    Well, I woke up this morning and realized I actually had a dream about bread-ugh!
    I'm fine as long as it's "out of site, out of mind" but the dreams don't help much!

    I'd say toasted Cuban bread with sweet butter is my biggest temptation! :P
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Lasagna and other italian food:(
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I miss cereal too. I can eat the stuff for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
  • 30yearssincebikini
    I SOOOO miss my raw sugar. I used to put three teaspoons of it in my tea and I miss the molasses taste of the sugar. Once in a while, I have to go ahead and put in one teaspoon along with the sweet and low, but I do count the carbs in my daily thingamajig!
  • 30yearssincebikini
    I do love me some cheesecake, but I know I can make it low carb. The hardest would be pizza. I just love pizza and can seriously eat it at any meal.

    I laughed when I saw this because, the other night, I got two Digorno (bad spelling) pizza and scooped up the toppings off of the top of an entire half of a pizza and put it in a bowl and ate it! My son thought I was nuts. But it was ok, the only thing bad is the crust. So go buy yourself a pizza and only eat the topping! It was SOO dilish!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    At Christmas I used to make a great fruit cake full of nuts and fruit, and yumminess.
    This past Christmas I made a low carb one using pumpkin instead of grain, nuts and a different mix of goodies.
    It turned out quite good!
    I couldn't make the usual one because I can't stop at one piece.
  • ShilohMaier
    Hmmm... this is probably an odd response, but anything off my daughter's plate. She's 2 years old, and she LOVES to share food. So she'll take pieces of food off her plate and hold them out lovingly, and say "Here mommy, I share with you." So whatever it may be- mashed potatoes, pasta, etc., having to tell her "No thank you" is so hard! She always takes it like it's a personal rejection. So I've started taking the bites, putting them in my mouth, and spitting them in my napkin when she's not paying attention. I would have to say though, I have discovered that I really am not tempted to eat the food, even after I get the taste of it in my mouth- so that was a pleasant discovery!!
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    pizza and beer.

    I haven't given them up though completely, just heavily restricted.
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member

    Cut up radishes and boil for about 5 minutes and then add spices, and fry to create a home fry....taste very close to taters and lots of recipes out there for radish dishes...a great sub for potatoes

    Oh, believe me, I have tried. And I do the cauliflower mashed potatoes as well. They are yummy. But it's still just not quite the same.