What time of the day are you working out?

dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
Just wondering how many of you will be dragging your *kitten* out of bed with me?? I plan to work out at 4am. What time are you working out?


  • jdawg1105
    jdawg1105 Posts: 42 Member
    I am usually going to work at 4am usually go to bed around 11pm. So I am not thinking I will be doing mine in the mornings. I will be doing early afternoons after work or possibly at night after the kids go to bed.
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I am usually going to work at 4am usually go to bed around 11pm. So I am not thinking I will be doing mine in the mornings. I will be doing early afternoons after work or possibly at night after the kids go to bed.

    Well, I guess you're still dragging your *kitten* out of bed though!! Just not for the same thing!!!

    I don't have to be to work until 8.
  • I'm planning on working out in the mornings too. Perhaps 5 or 6am.
  • I like to do it mid morning that way I don't wait until the end of the day and then not do it.
    What weights are y'all starting out with?
    I've got 3&5 lb from 30day shred... Thinking I should buy 8 & 10lbs just in case I get stronger lol
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I have 5 lbs, and also was thinking of getting some that are heavier!!
  • jdawg1105
    jdawg1105 Posts: 42 Member
    I will be using bands. The heaviest weights that I have are 20 lbs and that is not enough for most of the exercises for me.
  • I'll be doing mine somewhere between 11 am and 4 pm.
  • I would love to work out in the morning but I am seriously incapable of getting out of bed anytime before 5:30AM. I usually work out sometime between 7pm and 9pm
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    I like to do it mid morning that way I don't wait until the end of the day and then not do it.
    What weights are y'all starting out with?
    I've got 3&5 lb from 30day shred... Thinking I should buy 8 & 10lbs just in case I get stronger lol

    When i started P90x 3 weeks ago i od 3 and 5lbs, after the first workout i knew it would not be enough, id recommend getting a set of 8 and 10lbs also the magenta resistance band is a good one to start the pull ups with if you like me cannot do a pull up yet :)

    I do the workouts after work usually around 6pm or so ( I go to a spin class at the gym 3 days a week at 6 am)
  • I like to do it mid morning that way I don't wait until the end of the day and then not do it.
    What weights are y'all starting out with?
    I've got 3&5 lb from 30day shred... Thinking I should buy 8 & 10lbs just in case I get stronger lol

    When i started P90x 3 weeks ago i od 3 and 5lbs, after the first workout i knew it would not be enough, id recommend getting a set of 8 and 10lbs also the magenta resistance band is a good one to start the pull ups with if you like me cannot do a pull up yet :)

    I do the workouts after work usually around 6pm or so ( I go to a spin class at the gym 3 days a week at 6 am)

    Oooo! You answered my question before I even asked it! Thanks. I was wondering about the whole pull up thing as I know for a fact I can't do a single one lol
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I would love to work out in the morning but I am seriously incapable of getting out of bed anytime before 5:30AM. I usually work out sometime between 7pm and 9pm

    I have serious doubts that I'll be able to get up that early, but I really want this, so I'm willing to start going to bed at 8 pm if that's what it takes to get up at 4. I told my husband to push me out of bed as soon as my alarm goes off!!

    I wish I could work out later but have to be at work by 8 and I'd like to try and get it over with in the morning!
  • kkarst
    kkarst Posts: 11
    I am working out at 5:30 am. It works best for me.
  • sekdar
    sekdar Posts: 7 Member
    I'll be working out at 6:30AM. It's been my experience that if I save the workout for after I get home from work, it simply requires a monumental amount of motivation for me to keep doing it. If it's in the morning I can simply make it a part of my morning habits and never slip up.

    Also, as a bonus, I find that when I workout in the morning I am less hungry for the whole day. A morning workout means a protein shake will keep me full until lunchtime, which is awesome.
  • MeRevisitedAgain
    MeRevisitedAgain Posts: 38 Member
    My plan is to get it in at 6am. However, I don't know how long the workouts are so I need to check that so I don't have to interrupt my workout to take my little one to school.

    How long do the workouts last?
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    My plan is to get it in at 6am. However, I don't know how long the workouts are so I need to check that so I don't have to interrupt my workout to take my little one to school.

    How long do the workouts last?

    These are rounded up to to the next 5 min interval (if it is 16 min I rounded up to 20)

    Chest & Back & Ab Ripper 1 hr 15 min

    Plyo 1 hr 5 min

    Shoulders & Arms & Ab Ripper 1 hr 20 min

    Yoga 1 hr 35 min

    Legs & Back & Ab Ripper 1 hr 20 min

    Kenpo 1 hr 5 min

    X-Stretch 1 hr

    Core Syn 1 hr

    Chest, Shoulders, Triceps & Ab Ripper 1 hr 20 min

    Back & Biceps 1 hr 10 min

    Cardio X 45 min

    Ab Ripper (alone) 20 mins

    Yes, I put each of these DVDs in just to see how long they were...needless to say I had an awesome fun Friday (ok, ok I had a couple glasses of wine while doing this!!)
  • My plan is to get it in at 6am. However, I don't know how long the workouts are so I need to check that so I don't have to interrupt my workout to take my little one to school.

    How long do the workouts last?

    These are rounded up to to the next 5 min interval (if it is 16 min I rounded up to 20)

    Chest & Back & Ab Ripper 1 hr 15 min

    Plyo 1 hr 5 min

    Shoulders & Arms & Ab Ripper 1 hr 20 min

    Yoga 1 hr 35 min

    Legs & Back & Ab Ripper 1 hr 20 min

    Kenpo 1 hr 5 min

    X-Stretch 1 hr

    Core Syn 1 hr

    Chest, Shoulders, Triceps & Ab Ripper 1 hr 20 min

    Back & Biceps 1 hr 10 min

    Cardio X 45 min

    Ab Ripper (alone) 20 mins

    Yes, I put each of these DVDs in just to see how long they were...needless to say I had an awesome fun Friday (ok, ok I had a couple glasses of wine while doing this!!)

    "like" :-)
  • MeRevisitedAgain
    MeRevisitedAgain Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks eeblack. I appreciate all your hard work..lol.
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    I totally forgot about the yoga part :P I might skip that one... I will try to workout in the morning and planning to use 8lbs of dumbbells and slowly switch probably week by week to heavier ones :)
  • Arbright
    Arbright Posts: 15 Member
    My plan is to get it in at 6am. However, I don't know how long the workouts are so I need to check that so I don't have to interrupt my workout to take my little one to school.

    How long do the workouts last?

    These are rounded up to to the next 5 min interval (if it is 16 min I rounded up to 20)

    Chest & Back & Ab Ripper 1 hr 15 min

    Plyo 1 hr 5 min

    Shoulders & Arms & Ab Ripper 1 hr 20 min

    Yoga 1 hr 35 min

    Legs & Back & Ab Ripper 1 hr 20 min

    Kenpo 1 hr 5 min

    X-Stretch 1 hr

    Core Syn 1 hr

    Chest, Shoulders, Triceps & Ab Ripper 1 hr 20 min

    Back & Biceps 1 hr 10 min

    Cardio X 45 min

    Ab Ripper (alone) 20 mins

    Yes, I put each of these DVDs in just to see how long they were...needless to say I had an awesome fun Friday (ok, ok I had a couple glasses of wine while doing this!!)

    Again "what the hell did I get myself into" is screaming through my head! Seeing the times of these workouts makes me seriously reconsider how this will fit into my daily life! I realized this morning at 5:30 that the whole Chest & Back + Ab Ripper would not fit into my morning so I settled for AM Abs and PM Chest/ Back. I don't think I did two a days in high school. I got up early today but not early enough. If I get up at 4:30 I'll have a prayer of finishing the whole workout before my daily grind. Gosh that is early. (insert profanity here)
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    I work nights so I get home at 8:30 am, I work out then. Rumor has it I may be going to a split shift in 2 weeks so if that does happen I'll be getting up at 5:00 am to do my workouts 3 days, and then swing to nights for 2 nights. then I'll workout in the morning after work. LOL don't ya just love it.