
Just finished this tonight because I have a feeling I'm going to need a extra rest day somewhere in the next 28 days. What I really liked is that I felt challenged but not overwhelmed like I couldn't do the workout. The next time I do it, I know that I will even do it harder... great first day! Burned 403 calories!:smile:


  • misslyssa319
    misslyssa319 Posts: 186 Member
    nice job! you do get 1 rest day a week so you get 4 total over the 28 days. and you are going to need it! i did this back when it was on exercisetv after finishing 30 day shred. 3 days in and i was more sore than all of the 30 days of 30ds! i think working different areas everyday worked much better than the same workout for 10 days. my muscles didn't know what hit them! :sad:
  • TheCountryMomma
    TheCountryMomma Posts: 87 Member
    :( Very saddened that I can not start the challenge on time. I herniated a disk in my lumbar and have to take it east for a few days. Luckily I work at a chiropractors office and get free treatment, so I know I am in good hands. I am limited to very light yoga and walking to what ever I can handle. I hate being limited, I am not that kind of person that likes the boundaries....hahaha...but I have a little one and I cant do anything that will cause more damage and keep me down longer.

    So, I will be there rooting you all on and I will start my 28 days when I get cleared!!! Good luck!!! :happy:
  • misslyssa319
    misslyssa319 Posts: 186 Member
    no worries sweetie! i just got back to my normal workout routine after respraining my lumbar a few weeks ago. light stretching felt like i might as well be sitting on my behind. we'll be here whenever you're ready!
  • TheCountryMomma
    TheCountryMomma Posts: 87 Member
    Hopefully by the end of the week........but I will be here to keep yall in line ;)
  • rdevaughn
    rdevaughn Posts: 12 Member
    yeah!! im glad we have a group here!! did 17 mins of total body before my dvd froze :-( then did 10 mins of buns. it was great!! burned 167 cal according to my fit bit. hopefully i will get my replacement dvd disc soon!! kickboxing tomorrow!! :-)
  • This is going to be fun.
    I have been working out with Chris Freytag dvds for a few years - I just love her positive energy and motivation! I completed day one - but am still awaiting my new disc - I hope it is here today. Hope to upload my photo tonight -
  • AnastasiaMarieA
    AnastasiaMarieA Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Everyone! I was so glad to see on the facebook page that we had a myfitnesspal group too!!

    I did xtreme Total Body and the Buns today and burned 432 calories! Man was I dripping by the end. I took a nice COLD shower after. I am sure I am going to feel this tomorrow but I know it's all worth it!
  • TheCountryMomma
    TheCountryMomma Posts: 87 Member
    Just keep your eye on the prize!! GOOD JOB TODAY!
  • AnastasiaMarieA
    AnastasiaMarieA Posts: 27 Member
    That is exactly what I thought when I was doing the 180 jumps and dying! I need to do these to reach my goal!