Week 5

stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
Recovery week is over and on to some different workouts. I did shoulders, bis and tris today along with arx....my arms were shaking from all of those push ups!!!


  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    W5D1- Chest Shoulders and triceps today, with some Ab ripper x!! I so struggled with the one arm push-ups along with the clap push-ups and at the end my arms were so shaky!! Ab Ripper X was better than most days, but i already feel myself being sore tomorrow!!
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Plyo today...wasn't in the mood to do it, but glad I pressed play!
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Recovery week is over and on to some different workouts. I did shoulders, bis and tris today along with arx....my arms were shaking from all of those push ups!!!

    Ooops...I meant chest shoulders and triceps...lol!
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Back and Biceps done....ARX and elliptical after work. Happy Monday!
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    W5D2- Plyo done!!
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Where is everyone? :frown:

    Did the elliptical this morning and will do a turbofire HIIT workout tonight. Hope everyone is still hanging in there!
  • RoosterB
    RoosterB Posts: 214 Member
    Started week 5 today. The rest week was really bugging me as I wanted to do more. Ended up with extra Kenpo & Plyo. Bring it!!
  • shaunl669
    shaunl669 Posts: 27 Member
    I was really off during the rest period, I did some different cardio workouts. I am glad to be into week 5 day 2. Lifting weights gives me a better goal. I cranked on the Plyo today. Best Plyo yet, but still not as good as Tony and the crew, maybe in a few more weeks?
  • Starting week 5 when I get back home today. From what I hear the workout's a bit of a doozy. In other news, finally getting some flexibility into my hamstrings. On the one leg hamstring stretch I can finally touch my heels!
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    Week 5 starting out great. Last night w/ CSB was great. I forgot how to do some of those moves from when i did this over a year ago. What was great was when we did AB Ripper I was really able to bring it. I was so pumped i cranked out 10 more Mason twists. A long way from huffing and puffing at 25 when i started. I'm feeling great and already down 2 sizes since I started!
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    W5D3- Back and Biceps with AbRx..done... on to the next!!
  • I'm still hanging in there. I did back and biceps today.. not one of my favorites but got it done:)
  • TexasPatriot
    TexasPatriot Posts: 63 Member
    W5D1 yesterday... Shoulders Tri's and Chest but had to cut it in half due to time constraints. I was bummed out about that.
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Yoga today along with a Turbofire cardio workout. Glad to see everyone again!
  • shaunl669
    shaunl669 Posts: 27 Member
    W5D3, arms & back today, and I brought it!!! I have new drive and energy this week, it feels soooo good. I hope all of you are getting stronger too.
  • I did core on sunday, cardio monday, chest/back/tri on tuesday and today is yoga. except im gonna do cardio with my mom again cause im trying to get her to try all the videos so she can workout with me. i hate yoga.
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    W5D4 Yoga, still have some trouble with that crane!! But one day I will get it down!!
  • Got lazy yesterday and before I knew it I ran out of time. Guess that had to be my break day. Plyo once I get off of work.
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    Back and bicepts last night. Wow, I forgot how much that one really works the arms. I got busy and missed Ab ripper X, but got insanity in this morning and it had ab stuff in it, so I dont think I missed much. Got Yoga tonight, bring on the crane!!!
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    W5D5 Legs Back and Ab Ripper X... Done!! 1 more day then a rest day!!