Day off after no weight loss

I have not lost any weight again this week, despite walking and being good with my eating. So in return, I am thinking...SOD IT, I will eat what I want today, and start fresh on monday, am I wrong to do this, does anyone else? can someone look at my diary and see where I can improve. PLEASE!!! Really wanna lose this load!


  • wifeyy
    wifeyy Posts: 487 Member

    I have checked your dairy and it seems like you are eating to maitain your current weight.
    since you are trying to lose weight maybe reduce your calories intake to 1500 per day? maybe that might help,

    i also notice you love your butter but do you really need it every day? i love butter too don't get me wrong but i have also learn that i don't need it while trying to lose weight. those are small changes that really helps.

    try to include loads of veggies in your diet and i know it is not tasty but they really do help.

    The mistake we always do if things aren't going well is we blow up all the hard work!. you can have a treat if you really want but do not spoil all your hard work because you will wake up tomorrow morning feeling guilty. it is just not worth it!!!

    do not give up. feel free to add me as friend so i can keep an eye on you lol.
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    well dont give up and i see you over ate your calories the other day also are you drinkin enough water ???
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    1st of all, losing 0lbs should REFOCUS your energy into doing the right things to lose pounds. I know how frustrating it is to not see the scale budge, we all do, BUT giving up won't get you any closer to your goal. After the binge day, you'll feel like crap, TRUST ME!

    Immediately a couple things jumped out at me that might help you

    1) You seem to only track fat and carbs, these are just 2 small pieces of a much larger puzzle. I would suggest tracking Carbs, Protein, Fat, Sat Fat and either Fiber or Sodium.
    Just being able to review these totals will help you, and all of your supporters (US) a clearer picture of where things are going a little off track.
    Here are a few examples: Keep in mind this is all based on my own experience and research. I am not a professional weight loss artist (or i wouldn't need to be here :P)
    - too much sodium and not enough H20 and you will retain a lot of water, feel bloated and NOT see a loss on the scale - it also will not allow your body to flush properly
    - too many carbs and not enough protein would mean you're probably feeling hungry more often since carbs digest faster - eating protein with carbs ensures the carbs digest at the rate of protein
    - too much protein/meal and you will store it as fat - generally speaking, anything over 30g/meal of protein and the excess is stored as fat
    - too little fiber and you could end up with back up in the digestive track which would result in not seeing a loss on the scale - fiber also helps make you feel fuller longer

    See how all of these stats can be important?

    What i'm also seeing in your journal is either extreme overages or extreme deficits. On the one hand obviously going over your calorie allotment is counter productive to the journey, but going under that amount is also detrimental. Me personally, i try to stay within 100-150 of my goal. We all have those over days, no one is perfect :)

    A few other little tips - try to work some more fresh produce into your diet, it does wonders for nutrition and how your body processes food AND is generally low in calories and higher in fiber.

    You can also try to look for lighter options of some of your favourites - margarines made with olive oil or other healthy fats, low cal/high fiber breads, 1% milk, cottage cheese and sour cream products - reduced fat cheeses. Multi grain rice, crackers and other bakery goods. It is really amazing what swapping out healthy grains for empty white flour foods can do.

    Lastly, don't give up! I'm not perfect, you're not perfect. We're human and EVERY day is a battle, but YOU have it in you to be a warrior and it is a fight you can WIN! Feel free to add me or message me if you'd like

    Take everything I've said, or nothing. Do your research, find what works for you and talk to your doctor or a dietician if uncertain or if you need help. Don't be afraid to ask for help, support is a key weapon in our arsenal! Good luck :)
  • pace4me
    pace4me Posts: 17 Member
    Each response is right what I would say with an increase in veggies. I grew up in Missouri with meat, potatoes, bread and butter as typical daily fare. I had to learn to appreciate veggies as the filler to the healthier foods and to keep the tummy from growling. Water is also huge, I had to learn that one too. I have now been regular at keeping a water bottle and daily intake goal is 32 oz. by each of my 3 daily meals. Helps the hunger pangs too when I down a bottle at one time.
    My heart wants to say to you that the numbers on the scale is just feedback not failure. I say that a lot when I get into my frustration mode. I refuse to shame myself into weight loss but love myself through this life journey. I heard once in a weight watchers meeting that for the process to work you have to have the mind set of healthy eating and activity as being positive. If you view it as negative it wont work. You have to get your head out of food and put your mind to loving yourself to do right. Don't beat yourself up and just know that your perseverence will pay off with little ups and downs of the scale. Your ultimate goal will be accomplished.
  • samandlucysmum

    I have checked your dairy and it seems like you are eating to maitain your current weight.
    since you are trying to lose weight maybe reduce your calories intake to 1500 per day? maybe that might help,

    i also notice you love your butter but do you really need it every day? i love butter too don't get me wrong but i have also learn that i don't need it while trying to lose weight. those are small changes that really helps.

    try to include loads of veggies in your diet and i know it is not tasty but they really do help.

    The mistake we always do if things aren't going well is we blow up all the hard work!. you can have a treat if you really want but do not spoil all your hard work because you will wake up tomorrow morning feeling guilty. it is just not worth it!!!

    do not give up. feel free to add me as friend so i can keep an eye on you lol.

    1500 cals too low for me, have looked on some other websites, and I am gonna try to stick to 1700 cals daily.