Assaulting Assault Weaponry...



  • kappyd
    kappyd Posts: 199 Member
    The need? Simple. The 2nd Amendment wasn't meant for hunting or home defense, it was a defense against tyranny, and allowed a culture that prevented something like Egypt or Libya from being necesary here in the US. There is no reason to stop the proud tradition.

    In addition, many 'assault rifles', which really is just a name for guns that have 2 of a certain amount of cosmetic or comfort features, CAN be quite useful for home defense, hunting, or general sporting. What is your NEED for a home defense shotgun? What does buckshot do within 20 yards that 2 quick shots from a 5.56 or 7.62x39 wont accomplish? Especially with the newer tailor made defense and hunting rounds for them.

    Also, explain to me how a gun with the following is more dangerous than say, a 12gauge semi with buckshot.
    AR-15 with collapsing stock, flash hider/threaded barrel, detachable magazine, pistol grip, and bayonet lug.

    That AR is a quintessential assault weapon. Only attribute it's missing is a grenade launcher (And do note, we're talking the type such as the m59/66 Yugo SKS has, not an M203 which qualifies as it's own weapon, and doesn't count towards the AWB parts.)

    That collapsing stock will allow a shorter person to be comfortable shouldering it, as opposed to one set length off the bat. That flash suppressor or threaded barrel wont make one bit of difference either way whether you're using it for crime, or for legal activities. Detachable mag? Why the heck not. It's a simple feature that most weapons now have for convenience. Pistol grip also allows a more comfortable and ergonomic grip. The bayonet lug? It lets me put a pointy piece of metal on the end. Utterly useless for almost any activity legal or otherwise outside of a warzone. But for purists that like their weapons to look authentic, the lack of it is just a big glaring FU from the government.

    My personal need for it is nil I'll add. However just because I don't NEED it, doesn't mean no one does. In addition, can you tell me how that iHop massacre would have been any less deadly if he had a pump action shotgun with an extended tube? Any pistol with a double stack magazine? A 'sporting' rifle that is semi auto, like say the FNAR?

    Remember, different strokes for different folks. You might be comfortable with your shotgun and PX4 or G23. I'm comfortable with my CZ83 and my Benelli Supernova. Some people prefer rifles over shotguns though, and why tell them that because their rifle of choice, one developed with CQB in mind at that, is inferior or useless and they don't need it, would be rather insulting to them, and is shortsighted IMO.

    Couldn't have said it better myself. But you did leave out for when the zombies come.
  • n003k
    n003k Posts: 58
    Haha, my apologies, indeed, they'll be quite useful when the undead rise! :P
  • n003k
    n003k Posts: 58
    Today, I just finally added an Eotech to my M4gery preban. I feel like my assaulting assault weaponry is almost good enough to give an antigunner a heart get an M203...
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Wow...acting like a child? It was a debate. And I asked for the answer to NEED. Which was not answered.

    Continue you so shall. I'll leave this. Thanks for the name calling. Love you Mods!

    Did you move to NV from CA? :(
  • Sometimes, the biggest "assualt" to owning ANY gun is the gun owner him/herself. If you are going to own a gun, learn about it; be safe with it; be RESPECTFUL to it! Be RESPECTFUL of others! Your actions involving your gun, if done without safety in mind, only gives anti-gun folks more reason to push for a ban on firearms.

    In Washington, we have an open carry law; you can openly carry your firearm. If you do open carry, understand that the act alone WILL cause alarm of some people, so don't be surprised when a cop approaches you at the request of some fine citizen. Be respectful to the cop, respectful of the citizen you probably alarmed and just roll with it. The cop will be done with you in short order and send you on your way, as long as you haven't broken any laws.

    Just because you may be able to open carry, does that mean you should? These knuckle draggers who walk around town with their clone automatic rifles slung over their backs are only looking for an altercation. They want to see how far they can take their 2nd Amendment rights. Well, I'm sorry, but all too often they look like fools.

    Don't be a tool; it makes the rest of us look bad. Own your firearms with respect and appreciation that we are allowed to own guns. No need to flash your guns everywhere you go and throw it in everyones face.

    Own your guns. Collect your guns. Shoot your guns. Plan to protect yourself and your family with your guns. Compete with your guns. Hunt with your guns. Have fun, be safe and be RESPECTFUL!

    That's all I have to say about that!
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    The need for assault weapons is quite simple.
    To protect ourselfs from the government.

    No, I am not planning on moving to Ruby Ridge or living on a compound in Waco any time soon however, I have seen first hand what happens to a population when it is unable to protect themselfs from the very government entrusted to protect them.
  • Sorry to hear about the restrictions in your states and countries. We have plenty of room for you all out here in Arizona!

    I do find it funny that a weapon can be categorized by an adjective. In my dictionary it only shows the word as a noun or verb. I classify all of my weapons as 'defensive', particularly when I talk with my anti-gun friends.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 781 Member
    The second amendment clearly says "The RIGHT"not "need". so therefore the "need" is irrelevant.

    *edited for spelling