Late night eating

sarah2005 Posts: 10 Member
So I keep track of my calories and get excited at Dinner because I still have enough calories left to have a dinner I'd like to have, but then 9pm comes and I put the kids to bed- come down stairs to relax and almost HAVE TO HAVE SOMETHING TO EAT - tonight it was just a granola bar and apple but it add's up and still makes me calories over my goal for that day.

I know the easiest solution is to stay upstairs and avoid the kitchen all together, but I just can't seem to do that. I can't tell if I'M hungry or just eating to eat.


  • jenfurmcmonkey
    jenfurmcmonkey Posts: 13 Member
    I really struggled with this last night.
    I had bought food for a binge - 1000's of calories - but I didn't.

    I did some colouring in!!! - I decided I needed to do something absorbing, which meant I had my hands busy, and that would be ruined f I tried to eat at the same time. Not sure why colouring, but it did work.

    I have been known to go to bed at 730pm to avoid the urge to eat - doesnt always work if I have put the "stash" up there, but if its locked in the car then I feel safe!

  • dizsolvedgirl
    dizsolvedgirl Posts: 26 Member
    I used to think emotional eating was my problem but I've found over the last little while that I really tend to binge when I'm bored.

    I've managed to get the grazing at work under control through logging my food and checking in from time to time, but after dinner if I have the house to myself I tend to go nuts....even knowing I'll have a horrible time sleeping after :(

    I think the key for me is to keep busy, my boyfriend got me into world of warcraft which seemed to help for a while. I think I'm going to have to get my *kitten* off the couch and practice some belly dance (I already take 4 classes divided over 2 days so not binging those days is easy enough) just need the motivation after a long day at work.

    What I'm trying to say is take up something that will keep your hand and brain busy which should help with the brain yelling it's hungry.

    oh and finally, when i'm having a good night I've saved a 100cals for a pudding cup savor....or I'll make a pot of peppermint tea something about the warm in my tummy helps...not always I just need to get to the tea pot before the block of cheese :)
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    I used to think emotional eating was my problem but I've found over the last little while that I really tend to binge when I'm bored.

    I've managed to get the grazing at work under control through logging my food and checking in from time to time, but after dinner if I have the house to myself I tend to go nuts....even knowing I'll have a horrible time sleeping after :(

    I think the key for me is to keep busy, my boyfriend got me into world of warcraft which seemed to help for a while. I think I'm going to have to get my *kitten* off the couch and practice some belly dance (I already take 4 classes divided over 2 days so not binging those days is easy enough) just need the motivation after a long day at work.

    What I'm trying to say is take up something that will keep your hand and brain busy which should help with the brain yelling it's hungry.

    oh and finally, when i'm having a good night I've saved a 100cals for a pudding cup savor....or I'll make a pot of peppermint tea something about the warm in my tummy helps...not always I just need to get to the tea pot before the block of cheese :)

    I think the biggest trigger for me is boredom too...but the most difficult time for me is at work. I get bored in the afternoon and look for snacks and that's when the trouble begins....the boredom isn't really from a lack of work (sometimes but usually not) it's just that I'm bored with my job. But trying to find another job at this point in time, with this economy...that probably won't happen. I need to find healthier alternatives to get through my afternoon, but sometimes I just want (and feel like I NEED) those snacks in order to do so...ugh.
  • dizsolvedgirl
    dizsolvedgirl Posts: 26 Member

    I think the biggest trigger for me is boredom too...but the most difficult time for me is at work. I get bored in the afternoon and look for snacks and that's when the trouble begins....the boredom isn't really from a lack of work (sometimes but usually not) it's just that I'm bored with my job. But trying to find another job at this point in time, with this economy...that probably won't happen. I need to find healthier alternatives to get through my afternoon, but sometimes I just want (and feel like I NEED) those snacks in order to do so...ugh.

    I'm in the same boat....bored with the work. Here too I found getting up and walking to the office kitchen to make a cup of tea.

    this helped stop me going down to the shopping center for a Starbucks coffee, which almost always resulted in a stop by the drug store for chocolates or some other sweet I didn't need.