Hello all Ketopians!!

Hi everyone - I'm just settling down to read through some posts but I thought I might introduce myself first. I'm SummerShips from the keto reddit and have been really enjoying getting my keto act together lately.

I did send friend invites to a few people from the group just now, but there are soooo many of you! If anyone would like to friend me please do - at the moment I'm totally friendless.

Like a lot of us, I cant talk to anyone about the ins and outs of keto without inducing anger, defensiveness and accusations of ill-health and impending death from them. So I'm looking forward to being able to share my progress openly here without all that angst.

My goal weight is 67kilos and I intend to stay strong in 2012 and get there as fast as I can. I'm currently on week one of Couch25K, plus doing upper body workouts and a few sessions of squash at the gym. The exercise is for my mood and mental strength, sometimes the family situation I'm in gets me very frustrated and sad, so I've found that working through my emotions physically is helping me stay away from emotional carbage eating! Yay!

Thanks for reading :)
