Does anyone eat a primal/Paleo diet??

loulou0612 Posts: 69 Member
I was just wondering if anyone who is hypothyroid follow a primal/paleo diet? I am doing some investigating and wondering if anyone had any success with it..Thank you in advance


  • SarzWix
    SarzWix Posts: 21 Member
    I'm looking into it too. But as a start, I'm trying to get as much processed stuff out of my diet as possible. So I've more or less stopped eating bread and pasta, and processed sugar. I can really notice the effect if I DO eat it now, and it's not pleasant. Sluggish, narky, and acid indigestion for 24 hours.
  • I've been looking into it but I want to get more advice from my holistic nutritionist before starting it. One issue I have when I change up my diet is blood sugar, so if I want to attempt it, I need to do it right!
  • I am gradually moving into this way of eating after being a vegan. I thought it was best to do it slowly and not shock my body too much. So I have been making changes for a month and already notice a huge difference. I feel very happy energised even though I am due on I feel great! I have lost 91/2 inches around my body (arms, belly, thigh and hips) I used to wake up with a bad pains in my stomach, but that's all gone.
    What made me make such a radical change was after being a vegan for 6 months my thyroxine medication had to be tripled after being stable for years and I have another autoimmune condition that got worst. I am hoping a more natural diet like primal/paleo will help me gain balance.