Week 5



  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Legs back and arx done...rest day for me tomorrow!
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    W5D6 Kenpo done!! These weeks seem to be flying by!! Have a nice off day and see you guys in week 6!!
  • Back and Biceps is a killer. Had to use 10lbs on my final 8 reps! Also, happy I have a gym which has an assisted pull-up machine. I don't think I'd be able to do more than 2 otherwise. Looking forward to yoga tomorrow with the roommates.
  • TexasPatriot
    TexasPatriot Posts: 63 Member
    sigh.... Starting Week 5 over b/c of work
  • Finished my kenpo. Bring on Week 6!
  • btdublin
    btdublin Posts: 250 Member
    Hey just joined the group - I started week 5 last night.

    Feeling great - even managed to beat my 5k time as a warm up and then loved Chest, Shoulders, Triceps! Good to be back on the strength training, way too many push up for me at this stage. Still challenging enough doing lady's knee push ups!
  • jdthurm
    jdthurm Posts: 16 Member
    Finished arms and shoulders. Pleased to find I still gained some strength during week four. Not the same story for ab ripper. I felt like I plateaued or even back up a little on that workout. It was kind of miserable. "Ab Ripper. I hate it but I hope some day to love it like Tony does." I don't like having to take breaks during that workout. How many weeks in for most of you before you could go all the way through ab ripper without taking a break?
  • jdthurm
    jdthurm Posts: 16 Member
    Middle of week five and I'm loving everything but ab ripper. I especially like that my pants are starting to get a little loose. What a motivator! I know it will be different for each of depending on where we started, but I'm curious how far into this you got before you didn't have to take any breaks on ab ripper.
  • jdthurm
    jdthurm Posts: 16 Member
    Lost three days for a business trip. Ab ripper right after legs and back just seems cruel. My thighs and back kept giving out before my abs.
  • Timarling
    Timarling Posts: 80
    I'm impressed. I simply cannot do ab ripper after legs and back as I just feel totally wasted. I often have to squeeze it in elsewhere in the day.