~*~Phase ONE~*~



  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Jamie's message on day 12:

    Take a load off: you deserve it after the last few days!

    Since you aren't working your muscles, let's work your brain. I'd like to chat about something that a lot of people overlook: preservatives.

    It's easy to ignore the microscopic and indecipherable terms on the back of packaged foods, but oh are they important. As a general rule, if you can't pronounce something, you might not want to eat it.

    Two common additives I'd definitely suggest limiting (or avoiding) are:

    ■Sodium - yikes!

    ■High Fructose Corn Syrup - danger!

    In general, if you check the label on a package of broccoli and instead find a long list of mystery ingredients, put the package back on the shelf. The shorter the list of ingredients, the healthier the food is likely to be! (Not applicable if the only ingredient is sugar.)
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Message for day 13:

    If we were racing cars, today would be another pit stop! Give your body some R&R as well as a pat on the back for a job well done. But if you're looking for a good brain buster to pass time, I'll school you a little bit on almonds!

    So delicious and nutritious! Almonds contain a beautiful combination of healthy fats (yes, they exist) and protein.

    My favorite almond foods include almond butter, almond milk (minus the sweeteners and additives), or even just a plain old bag of almonds - it's the ultimate convenient and healthy snack.

    When it comes to nutrition, being a little "nutty" is just what the doctor ordered!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Yesterdat I did the Back&Biceps plus the Shoulders&Abs. I did them in the reverse order that I did them last week since I felt a little "weak" on the back exercises. Here is the summary of how I did.

    Back and bicep workout started with the wide grip lat pull-down which I did at 55 lbs forall three sets. which is an improvement from last week! :flowerforyou: Following that was the one-arm dumbbell row which I started with the 20 lbs for all three sets. That was also an improvement! :glasses: Next was the seated cable row and I did the 55 for all three sets. I moved onto the underhand cable pulldown and I did the 60 for all three sets. I continued to the alternating dumbbel curl and that was tough! I started with 12 lbs of the first set and a half and then lightened up to 10 lbs for the remaining half set and third set. That is an improvement since I was able to do half a set at the higher weight. :drinker: Almost done with the one-arm dumbbell curl able to use the 8 lb for all three sets. FINALLY finishing with the standing bicep curls that wiped me out I did them with 10 lbs for all three sets.

    I start with the crunches to rest my upper body some. I was just fine with the ball crunches and made sure that I did a full range of motion to get the best workout I could :wink: Next were the dreaded air bike exercises :grumble: I had to do those in 2 sets of 6 for the 12s. I need to work on those for sure!! Shoulders started with seated dumbbell press and I did those with 10 lbs. That is down from last week. :ohwell: Next was the front delt raise to a "T"... I am not sure if I did these right still but I did raise up to a "T" form before coming down again. I did those with 8 lbs for all three sets. Following that was side lateral raised and I did those all with 5 lbs. Finally for shoulders was the seated bent over rear fly with the 5 lb again.

    I am feeling this in my shoulders more than last time and I am proud of that. I think that on the weekend days, which are my rest days, I will be doing the pushups (both) and the abs one set each day so they have time to recover but still improve before next week starts! :blushing:
  • rdpixie
    rdpixie Posts: 96

    ■High Fructose Corn Syrup - danger!

    If there are any UK people they should know that this is actually labelled as glucose-fructose syrup here instead. Same thing different name and its starting to appear in everything! :frown:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member

    ■High Fructose Corn Syrup - danger!

    If there are any UK people they should know that this is actually labelled as glucose-fructose syrup here instead. Same thing different name and its starting to appear in everything! :frown:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Message for day 14:

    If I had a whistle, I'd blow it. Time out! Relax, stretch, eat some healthy food and get ready to learn about an awesome sweetener most people don't know about - xylitol.

    This sugar alcohol is a completely natural, low-calorie option that comes from many fruits and vegetables. It works great for baking, or use it to sweeten a meal without added guilt.

    It can be a little tough to find, but is often stocked in the organic section. It's definitely worth the search.

    Your diet can be as smart as it is sweet!

    ** Yes I am a bit off posting this message but I think better late than never :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I did the leg & calves workout yesterday. I did the leg press at 90 pounds for the first set and went to 110 pounds for the last two sets. I went back to the machine showed in the picture and was much happier with the workout. :wink: Next I did the seated calve raises and those were at 60 lbs for the sets. Next I did the standing calve raises with just my body weight since my local YMCA doesn't have a weight machine for them. :grumble: Following that I was going to do the laying leg curls but they don't have that machine either so I did the seated leg curls from last week. The wide stance squat with the barbell was better this time and lifted with 70 lbs for all three sets. This time the person before me used a form pad and that really helped keep the bar from"digging" into my shoulders. Following that I did the single leg deadlifts, and not sure how well I did those but I used a 20 pound dumbbell. Next leg workout I will try 25 pounds. I did these next to a bench so that as I bent over and came back up I didn't fall over :blushing: Finally I did the walking barbell lunge. I asked my dad to stand to one side of me incase I started to tip to either side, he was there to "catch" me :laugh: I did those with just the bar this week since it was a new move and I have no balance at all. Next workout I plan on putting some light weigh on it.

    ETA: this morning I am sore in my hamstrings so I know that I worked that muscle pretty good. I wasn't really feeling the last two weeks after legs. I think it is good that the exercises were mixed up some!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Last Night was the back & bicep workout... I was alone and somewhat intimadated by the two new exercises I had no clue what they were: Hammer Strength Lat and the Bent over barbell row!

    I did the exercises in order this time because the weight side of the gym was just flowing that way :wink: I did the hammer strength lat pull after I asked which machine it was. I did a couple of test pulls to get the right weight on it and it is possible that I could go up next week. I did the first set with 50 pounds and then moved up to 60 pounds the last two sets. Next was the wide grip lat pulldown and I did those at 55 pounds but made sure that I pulled all the way down to get a good workout in. Following that was the seated narrow grip cable rows and I stuck to the 55 pounds for that one as well. I really wish these machines went up in 5 or 10 pound amounts instead of 15!? Continued on to the bent over barbell row which I got explained to me when I asked about the hammer strength machine. I did these with a 25 pound weight on the barbell and know that was a good choice! :bigsmile: After that came the back extensions and I did those alright too. I did make sure that I did a full range of motion so that I got a good workout. I might add a 10 pound weight disk next week if I am feeling brave :blushing: A tricky move for me was the barbell curl. I put on a total of 20 pounds and the first set was just how it should be with the last two reps kind of difficult. The second set I did them in sets of 4/3/3 to get in the ten and the last set was in sets of 2 for the 10 reps :grumble: I think that means I need to lighten up next week to 15 pounds. Then I grabbed 12 pound dumbbells and went to the incline bench doing all three sets! Finally I kept those 12 pound dumbbells and started to crank out the alternating hammer curls. I did the first set just fine with the last two reps being difficult. The second set I did 8 reps and those were killer so I traded for 10 pound dumbbells on the last two reps. The third set I did with the 10 pound weights and cranked them all out (even threw in an extra rep on my left arm since that is really weak and it was always doing the VERY LAST rep which was a struggle!!!)

    All in all the workout was a sucess because I did it all by myself and I pushed myself (for the most part) with my weights. I though that doing it without my cousin I might slack on the weights but I didn't :glasses: I am not really sore in my back or biceps this morning though last night after the workout I couldn't lift my arms!? LOL My hamstrings are still sore this morning even after I took a few minutes to stretch them last night. I will have to stretch again tonight and hope that bowling goes well :ohwell:

    Thursday will be legs again and probably shoulders & abs.... I might be scare of that captians chair!!!!!! :noway:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Jamie's message for day 20 (sorry I am off a day...)

    Yup, we finally get a break from training! However, we never get a break from proper nutrition, cooking and food prep. With that in mind, here are a few handy tips:

    ■How you cook has a huge impact on the final quality of your food. The healthiest forms of cooking include steaming, broiling, grilling, or baking. All of these tend to be delicious, low-calorie cooking techniques.

    ■Fry it? Forget about it! Never fry anything with oil or butter. Instead, sauté your food in low-sodium chicken broth or a dab of olive oil.

    ■Spice up your life. To help flavor your foods, consider adding some herbs or low-sodium spices. They won't add additional calories and some even provide positive health benefits!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Jamie's message for day 21 (todays actual message)

    Another day of rest? Life's simple luxuries tend to be the sweetest! Yesterday we talked about some great cooking methods. Today, let's spend a bit more time in the grocery store with these helpful tips.

    1.Read nutrition labels carefully! Like we talked about, watch out for crazy ingredients that don't come from a farm or garden. Look out for high saturated fat, and especially watch out for hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils!

    2.Fat-Free doesn't always mean good for you. Even fat-free foods can be loaded with sugar, so don't be swayed by popular marketing buzzwords. Be careful with Fat-Free, 100% Natural, No Added Sugar and other catch-phrases. While these options are sometimes healthful, it's always best to check for strange ingredients and high sugar or fat content.

    3.Limit packaged food. Sometimes we need to buy from a box or a wrapper. Whenever possible, try to avoid packaged foods and opt for fresh. Not all boxed food is bad, but it can easily be over-processed, drained of nutrients and packed with sugar. Stick to the land: produce and fresh meats will be the best for your body.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Daily Programs For Phase 1

    Here's an introduction to the Phase 1 workouts you'll be following. Each day has a printable guide complete with that day's workout, meal plan or both (on bodybuilding.com/livefit):

    Week 1

    Week 4

    Day 22 Legs
    Day 23 Back & Biceps
    Day 24 Chest & Triceps
    Day 25 Legs
    Day 26 Shoulders & Abs
    Day 27 Rest
    Day 28 Rest

    Sorry I forgot to post week three but it is the same as week four... added a day of legs, moved to sets with 10 reps, and added new exercises (weeks 3 and 4 have the same exercises)
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I am a little behind in posting so I will put it all in one post!?

    On Thursday I did Shoulders & Abs plus the second Leg day.

    I started with Shoulders & Abs so taht I knew I lifted the most for my shoulders. I started with the seated dumbbell press and used 12 pounds for all three sets. Next came the rear delt cable flyes and for this one I looked up the alternative moves and found that I could do a dumbbell lying rear lateral so I did that since I couldn't use the cable machine.:grumble: I did these with 8 pounds for all three sets. Following that were the dumbbell front raises and I used 8 pounds for all three sets. Continuing I moved onto the seated arnold press and I was glad that I looked up what this move was!? I did these with the 8 pounds again for all three sets ... see a theme? :laugh: Moving on to the dumbbell lateral raise I used 5 pounds for all three sets. Those 5 pound weights were used again for the seated bent-over rear delt raise for all three sets. Finally it was time to move on with the Ab part... this week it was three exercises!? Started with the everyday crunch and cranked those out. I had never tried the captians chair and I must say it hurt my shoulders and my body weight pulled me down. I understand that you are suppose to focus on staying up as you lift your legs, but I needed all my focus to pull my legs up. I did the first two sets just fine (though it got tougher as the count went up) the third set I had to stop at five for a quick second and then continue on. Last move of the workout were the oblique crunches and I was able to do those fairly easy for all three sets.

    The leg workout was the second of the week and the second of the night. I was still feeling the soreness in my hamstrings from the new moves in the first leg workout. I was determined to do the legs and make the "juices flow" so that the soreness went away. The exercises started with the leg extensions and those were at 110 pounds each. Moved on to the wide stance babell squat and made sure I found that foam pad again.:flowerforyou: Those were all done at the 70 pounds again. Next I moved onto the lying leg curls because someone was in the area for the walking barbell lunges. The local YMCA doesn't have the lying machine so I just did the seated leg curls again at 80 pounds. For week 4 I will look at the alternative moves just to make sure I am working the right muscle group. The single leg barbell deadlifts were done using a dumbbell at 25 pounds for the first two sets and then I had to taper down to 20 pounds for the last set. I started to have some pain when I did the right leg at rep 8 with the 25 pounds and need to figure out if I was twisting while doing the move :huh: After that I did the seated calf raises and increased my weight to 70 pounds for all three sets! I went to do the standing calf raises and wanted to use the weighted bar but I wasn't able to balance and to the move properly so I just did them with my body weight (but while at the gym today I saw someone on the leg extension machine where you push the "chair" away from your feet doing it as a calf raise so I will be trying that next leg workout!). Finally came the walking lunges.... I was worried about this because I was still feeling it in my hammies and it wasn't feeling really good. I went to start and moved my right leg out to put it on the ground and I almost hit the floor!!! :sad: I had the WORSE cramp/charlie house EVER!! I calmed myself down after a minute and went ahead with my left leg forward. That worked fine so I did 10 reps without any weight. I thought I should try the right again and I had my knee up and the "pain" was there so I put it down and did the leg leg without weights for 10 reps again. I waited a minute and did the left leg again without even trying my right. I then limped my way to the pool to tell my son to get out of the pool so we could go home. I then sat down with a foam roller to see if I could stretch it out. Did some static streching but it still hurt.:grumble: I went home and sat on the couch for the rest of the night. Went to bed and made sure I laid straight for my leg to "heal". When I got up in the morning I was amazed that I was not limping or in pain. I was only the tiniest bit sore (the real sore)! I now know that I pulled or caused a cramp when I did the first leg day and I finished the cramp when I went to do the lunges.... I am all better now!! :bigsmile:

    I know that I am a day off but this morning I went to the YMCA to get in the Chest & Tricep day. I did the wide pushups and I did all TEN in each three sets!!!!! :glasses: I was super proud of myself for that!! It is the first time every I have done ten pushups in a row.... yes I could have gone down farther but I did them none the less.:bigsmile: Next were the incline dumbbell press and I did 15 pounds for all three sets. Following that were the flat bench flys and I started with 10 pounds and realized that I could do them with 12 pounds for the last two sets. The decline flys were ackward for the first time and I started with 10 pounds again but moved to the 12 pounds for the last two sets. After that were the mench dips and I did actually put my feet up on another bench for all three sets! Continueing were the lying ez bar triceps and those were tricky. I started with 12 pound dumbbells but then moved to the bent bar with two 10 pound weights (total of 20) and those felt much better... like what I should be doing. So I did three sets with the bar and 20 pounds. I did all three and only had some trouble when I hit rep 8 on the last set. The dumbbell kickbacks were all done with the 12 pound weights since I was starting to feel it. Again I moved on and did the overhead two handed extensions managing 15 pounds for all three sets though the last set I had to pause at rep 6 and then again at rep 8 :embarassed:

    So that ended week three for me and I plan on getting to the gym again tonight to do Back & Biceps!! I will update everyone tomorrow :wink
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Yesterday I did the Back & Bicep workout for week 4. Here is how it went....

    I started with the hammer strength lat pull and did that with 70 pounds which is an increase of 10 pounds from last week on all three sets! :flowerforyou: Following that was the wide grip lat pulldown and I stayed at 55 pounds for all three sets... but I was thinking next week I should move up to the 70 pounds for at least one set. Continued to the seated narrow grip cable rows and started with the 55 pounds for the first rep and then went up to 70 pounds for the last two (this is what made me think I could do more on the wide grip pulldown) :wink: . Next was the bent-over barbell row and I stuck with the 25 pounds for all three sets, but thinking about increasing at least slightly next time. Back extensions were up and I did three sets, does anyone use a weight on these? :indifferent: It just doesn't feel like a "weight lifting exercise" with just my body weight. Moving on to the barbell curl I did 15 pounds for the first two and then went to 10 pounds for the last set so I wasn't doing two reps between resting periods. After finishing those I did the incline dumbbell curls and did all three sets at 12 pounds. Last were the alternate hammer curls and I did those with 12 pounds for all three sets, which last week the third set I went down so I improved! :bigsmile:

    This is the final week of PHASE ONE!!!!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    So last night I did the Shoulders & Abs workout. I did pretty well if I can say so. I started with the seated dumbbell press and did 12 pounds for all three sets. After that I did the dumbbell laying rear lateral raise and used 8 pounds for all three sets. Next was the dumbbell front raise and I completed all three sets with 8 pounds. Following that move was the seated Arnold press and I stuck with the 8 pound weights for all three sets again. Finally I showed some improvement and did the last two shoulder moves up 3 pounds from previous workouts. I used 8 pound weights for the dumbbell lateral raises and the seated bent over rear delt raises! Moved on to the Ab exercises and I started in the roman chair and did all three sets without having to break them up like last week. Next were the normal crunches and I busted those out. Last but not least were the oblique crunches and I made it through three sets of those too!!

    Happy Week FOUR everyone!!!!!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    This is really behind but on Tuesday I did the leg workout for the first time this week. The exercises started with the leg extensions and those were at 110 pounds each. Moved on to the wide stance babell squat and made sure I found that foam pad again. Those were all done at the 70 pounds again. Next I moved onto the walking lunges and I did the first two sets with the 45 pound bar. I did not have any pain, other than normal muscle working pain. The last set I did it with a 15 pound bar so that I didn't injury myself. The single leg barbell deadlifts were done using a dumbbell at 25 pounds for all three sets. Following that I did some lying leg curls and the first two sets at 80 pounds and the last set at 95 pounds. The local YMCA doesn't have the lying machine so I just did the seated leg curls again at 80 pounds. Next I did the standing calf raises on the "chair" leg lift machine and did those at 40 pounds the first set and moved up to 55 pounds the last two sets. After that I did the seated calf raises and increased my weight to 70 pounds for all three sets!

    Thursday I did the Chest & Tricep day. I realized on the way to the YMCA I was pretty tired but I made myself do the workout. I did the wide pushups and I did all ten in the first two sets and then the last set I did 8 before needing a breather. Next were the incline dumbbell press and I did 15 pounds for all three sets. Following that were the flat bench flys and I started with 12 pounds for all three sets. The decline flys were still ackward and since I was tired, I did 10 pounds for all three sets. After that were the bench dips and I did actually put my feet up on another bench for all three sets! Continueing were the lying ez bar triceps and those I did with the bent bar and put a total of 15 pounds on it for all three sets. The dumbbell kickbacks were all done with the 12 pound weights for all three sets. Again I moved on and did the overhead two handed extensions managing 15 pounds for all three sets.

    Saturday I did the second leg workout day. The exercises started with the leg extensions and those were at 110 pounds each. Moved on to the wide stance babell squat and made sure I found that foam pad again. Those were all done at the 70 pounds again. Next I moved onto the walking lunges and I did the first two sets with the 45 pound bar. I did not have any pain, other than normal muscle working pain. The last set I did it with a 15 pound bar so that I didn't injury myself. The single leg barbell deadlifts were done using a dumbbell at 25 pounds for all three sets. Following that I did some lying leg curls and the first two sets at 95 pounds for all three sets. Which is an increase from lst workout. :wink: Next I did the standing calf raises on the "chair" leg lift machine and did those at 70 pounds for all three sets. Increasing that weight this workout too. :bigsmile: After that I did the seated calf raises and increased my weight to 80 pounds for all three sets! :flowerforyou:

    NOW ON TO PHASE TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Jamie's message for day 27

    Recovery, rest and repair are the name of the game for today, so give yourself some "me" time. For starters, take time to learn about a little thing called casein protein!

    Casein protein is usually derived from milk, as is whey. The main difference between the two is that, whereas whey is a fast-absorbing protein great for post-workout, casein is your save-the-day protein for long-term muscle repair.

    Casein is slow-digesting and great for continuous muscle support for roughly 7-8 hours. Isn't it convenient that bed-time usually lasts 8 hours, and that one of the most important periods for effective recovery and repair occurs during sleep?

    Whether right before bed or during long stretches without solid food, casein is your protein for the long-haul!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Jamie's message for day 28

    Another day for some much-needed rest, maybe even some meditation. If you'd like to enlighten yourself, let's learn a little about various protein sources.

    First off, we're looking for lean. Your top two choices include chicken and turkey. And even though both are tasty and versatile meats, here's a little secret-chicken tends to hold flavor a little better.

    As far as fish go, you can't ignore tilapia. It's easy to cook, tastes great in a variety of cuisines, and it's one of the healthiest fish in the sea.

    If you've got to have red meat every once in awhile, go for packages that have London broil printed on the top, because that's the leanest option around.

    For all the vegetarians out there, you've got plenty of nuts, peas, hemp and soy products to choose from as well.

    Remember that protein is crucial to muscle growth, recovery and repair. Don't skimp on this knockout nutrient!
  • Michelle333
    Michelle333 Posts: 26 Member
    Just started Phase one this morning, looking for to seeing the results. Not eating the food guide as I was eating mostly clean before I started this.
  • shellyk972
    shellyk972 Posts: 56 Member
    Phase 1, day 4 (shoulders/abs) question.. How do you do the front raise to a T? The video only shows the front raise... Do you do the front raise up and lateral raise down?
  • orangebloodedbabe
    Switching from p90x to LiveFit, because I've realized after 45 days and injury that
    I can't do p90x for the rest of my life, and I want a program that can evolve into a lifestyle.
    I will be starting the program on Sunday. Went shopping today for food and got a YMCA membership
    Last week. I'm so excited!