Hi! Introduce yourself

Hi, my name is Hulya.. I'm from the Netherlands (also called Holland). I'm 26 years old and have been overweight for years...

I started my weight loss journey on 07/21/2011 and have lost about 13 kg (28.7 lbs). At the moment I weigh 86.7 kg (191.1 lbs).. My goal weight is 65 kg (143.3 lbs)..

Lets help each other in staying motivated and shedding the weight ! :D


  • My name is Meghan. I was at the heaviest I have ever weighed. My husband and I both are trying to lose weight. After I lose my goal weight I plan on doing more strength training and building lean muscle. Right now I am trying to lose 10lbs at a time because it i less daughting. I have lost 7 lbs since Jan 1st and 2 since I joined this website last week.
  • slynn92185
    slynn92185 Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Sam! I'm not that overweight at this point in my life, I only want to lose about 10 lbs and tone up, but my motivation is lacking.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    Hi! I'm Katherine, 26, living in Canada. I decided to start loosing weight about 6 months ago and have lost 25lbs. Hoping to loose another 10lbs.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Good Morning!!!!

    My name is Ketty and I am just soooooo tired of being fat. I want to stop saying "I want that body" "I want to wear those jeans, that dress...etc,etc, etc."..... I don't want to want anymore!!!!! I want to be the ONE wearing that dress, having that body, wearing those jeans..OH YEAH!!!!!!!
  • Hi! My name is Victoria. I am trying to lose my extra weight before I go to college in the fall. I could always use extra motivation! :heart:
  • bridies01
    bridies01 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi there! I'm Bridie, from the Midwest, USA. I'm not overweight, but trying to shed a pesky final ten pounds to get to my goal weight. I work out a lot, eat mostly healthy (vegetarian) diet, so it's hard to cut calories (at least in my head it is). I've been trying to limit cheese, bread, salad dressing, etc.

    I just joined mfp in the last couple weeks. I don't stay consistent with tracking - good during the day, but once I get home I don't write it all down - I kind of know what allowance I have left and hope I stick to it. I also haven't been tracking weekends.

    I hope this group will help keep me motivated and accountable!
  • bridies01
    bridies01 Posts: 57 Member
    Sam, maybe we can help each other, I am in the same spot as you.
  • Hi! My name is Kristin and I am 22 years old. I have 19 more pounds to lose to reach my ultimate goal weight and I really want to reach it by my vacation in July. I am one of those people that has always talked about losing weight but was always told that I looked fine and shouldn't worry about it. Until I realized that I really wanted to lose the weight so that I felt more comfortable and pleased with myself and not to impress other people. So I hope you can motivate me and I can motivate some of you. :happy:
  • Good Morning!!!!

    My name is Ketty and I am just soooooo tired of being fat. I want to stop saying "I want that body" "I want to wear those jeans, that dress...etc,etc, etc."..... I don't want to want anymore!!!!! I want to be the ONE wearing that dress, having that body, wearing those jeans..OH YEAH!!!!!!!

    I know what you mean. I always say that I want that body or to fit in those jeans. I am determined to see myself in my goal jeans and bikini by July 1.
  • Hello, My name is Kesha. I am a busy mom, with a hectic life. I am trying to lose 70 pounds and I do not know how to do it, so here I am trying this. I hope this works.
  • Hi all! My name is Hannah, just joined sunday (? i think... ive slept since then) and have been working to lose about 35 lbs... Ive got my exercise down, easy (love it) but my diet is still pretty bad. Its harder since I dont do the grocery shopping but Im working with it. Im aiming to be close to goal by the summer before I leave for college!
  • Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie. I just recently had a baby and I need to drop the baby weight. I've been over weight most of my life with the exception of age 13-17. Then gradually I started adding the weight back on each year. This is the heaviest I've ever been. My goal is to get back down to 135 lbs ( size 6-8). Following the carb lover's diet...hope this works.
  • Catplumb
    Catplumb Posts: 33 Member
    Hi! I'm Cat and i am 38 years old, mum to three gorgeous kids, and live in Coalville, NW Leicestershire, UK with my partner of 17 years, Alan. im new to this site, started today! had been using a different site last year and lost a stone, but went off track over christmas, and have had a stinking head cold ever since so not had the motivation at all. I am now, hopefully back in the zone, but may need a bit of a kick from time to time!!! Need to lose just over 20 lbs to get to my goal.
  • Bia76
    Bia76 Posts: 3
    Hi my name is Amina, I live in GA, I have 1 child 10yrs old and I'm a cook. I've started using MFP last October and I love it. to help me track my food intake and weight loss progress. My goal is 150-145lbs so far I'm halfway to my goal but i seem to be slipping back into my old ways so I need some motivation to stay on track and say strong to keep up with this lifestyle change.
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Hi everyone! I started on my weight loss journey in June, 2010. I lost about 35 lbs. in a year in order to win a contest between my sisters and me. I WON! I was halfway to my goal. I maintained my weight loss from June, 2011 to Jan., 2012. I decided in Jan. I was going to get rid of the remaining weight. I joined the 90 day challenge and have lost 9 lbs. and 5.5 inches since Jan. 2nd. I enrolled in the Rockin Body Boot Camp and attend 3 days a week. I have walked/jogged in 3 separate 5K's since June 2010. The last one was in Jan. where I finished in a little less than 45 minutes. I want to enter another one that is going to be held in March or April and I want to be able to jog more than I walk. My goal is to lose another 16 lbs. by the end of my 90 day challenge (April 2nd). Then I will set another goal for 90 days to lose the remaining weight. Motivation and accountability is KEY! I'm glad I found this group.
  • czabrina
    czabrina Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Czabrina, I live in Canada and am a single parent to two little ones. I would like to lose about 40 pounds by eating healthy and exercising. I tend to have an all or nothing attitude which I'm trying to change. Any help or ideas on exercising with little time and preparing healthy meals that my kids will like is very much appreciated!
  • Good Morning!!!!

    My name is Ketty and I am just soooooo tired of being fat. I want to stop saying "I want that body" "I want to wear those jeans, that dress...etc,etc, etc."..... I don't want to want anymore!!!!! I want to be the ONE wearing that dress, having that body, wearing those jeans..OH YEAH!!!!!!!

    I know what you mean. I always say that I want that body or to fit in those jeans. I am determined to see myself in my goal jeans and bikini by July 1.

    Hi, my name is Liz and I live in Illinois. I'm a junior in college trying to remove the stubborn "freshmen fifteen."

    I feel exactly the same! Every year come January I start thinking "this year I want a body to be proud of at the beach," yet I never accomplish anything! Last year I did manage to lose 15 pounds over the summer, but I gained 10 of it back this fall! I need help staying motivated to lose the weight and keep it off for good!
  • Hi, My name is Amanda and I am a Bride getting married this year. I am needing some modivation to loose 10-15 pounds for the wedding and for the crusie that I am taking this summer. As well as motivation to keep the weight off.
  • I started five days ago and feel very motivated, as usual. Anything new holds my attention for a little while and then I fall back. I am hoping this site will keep me on track. Lets help each other. I know we can do it!
  • Hi i'm Jenn i'm 21 and live in the U.S. I have been struggling with my weight since my husband left for basic for the Army three years ago. I'm at 192.2 now and my goal is to get down to 125. I have a hard time staying on a diet and exercising, I also am one that starts off strong and then falls off the wagon and my diet and exercise just stops. I really need motivation!