January/February Conversation Thread



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Work up to 6 mile runs, 3x a week. I'm at 5 now.

    Wow! That is awesome!
  • Nomoreplus_sizes
    Nomoreplus_sizes Posts: 97 Member
    I was posed over my keyboard, ready to spend $100 (which is a lot for me as I'm in Americorps and live in the SF Bay area with their high living expenses) on a FitBit. I thought yea this would be good.

    and then, something clicked.

    $100, you're ready to dole. You may end up using it continuously you may not. But if you don't that's $100. The Berkeley Y had a free 3 day pass which I took use of. And then decided to apply for the "low income" rate which is still high in my opinion $38 bucks a month. But then again, I've never paid gym memberships before so maybe this is normal. That and they have an awesome indoor pool that's open 6am-10pm on weekdays and 7pm on the weekend. Plus the bus stop is ultra convient.

    My job is now reimbursing $30 of my mobile bill a month, and Lent is coming. I'm Orthodox and during Lent we don't drink alcohol and abstain from animal products. Normally I'm social drinker, though somewhere along the way I heard that if you do still drink socially after WLS to drink a glass of water after each drink.
    I figured between now and Easter between work helping with the mobile bill and not spending money on alcohol I could use that money towards a gym membership and see where it takes me.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    I was posed over my keyboard, ready to spend $100 (which is a lot for me as I'm in Americorps and live in the SF Bay area with their high living expenses) on a FitBit. I thought yea this would be good.

    and then, something clicked.

    $100, you're ready to dole. You may end up using it continuously you may not. But if you don't that's $100. The Berkeley Y had a free 3 day pass which I took use of. And then decided to apply for the "low income" rate which is still high in my opinion $38 bucks a month. But then again, I've never paid gym memberships before so maybe this is normal. That and they have an awesome indoor pool that's open 6am-10pm on weekdays and 7pm on the weekend. Plus the bus stop is ultra convient.

    My job is now reimbursing $30 of my mobile bill a month, and Lent is coming. I'm Orthodox and during Lent we don't drink alcohol and abstain from animal products. Normally I'm social drinker, though somewhere along the way I heard that if you do still drink socially after WLS to drink a glass of water after each drink.
    I figured between now and Easter between work helping with the mobile bill and not spending money on alcohol I could use that money towards a gym membership and see where it takes me.

    Good for you DK!! The gym is an excellent investment in self!! Try to squeeze in 3 or more workouts at the gym a week!! I love the ne profile picture too!! You look marvelous!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm back from the US Figure Skating championship. I had a blast and lost a few pounds too.

    Very cool! What did you do there?
    Watched figure skating! :smile: Lots and lots of it. The event is 8 days long and there was about 6-10 hours of figure skating a day.

    If you saw any of it on TV, you probably saw me because I had a front row seat.
    And then decided to apply for the "low income" rate which is still high in my opinion $38 bucks a month. But then again, I've never paid gym memberships before so maybe this is normal.
    My gym membership is $122 a month. Which is slightly on the high end but $75-150 is pretty normal for a gym membership depending on what comes with it. Mine comes with a dedicated lap pool and 100 hours of group classes a month plus free toiletries in the locker room so I'm willing to pay it. The $75 / month gyms generally don't have pools or as many classes and you have to bring your own towel and shampoo. None of the Ys in my town have pools at all let alone a dedicated one for laps.

    Of course I haven't actually been to the gym since I hurt my head. :laugh:
  • Nomoreplus_sizes
    Nomoreplus_sizes Posts: 97 Member

    My gym membership is $122 a month. Which is slightly on the high end but $75-150 is pretty normal for a gym membership depending on what comes with it. Mine comes with a dedicated lap pool and 100 hours of group classes a month plus free toiletries in the locker room so I'm willing to pay it. The $75 / month gyms generally don't have pools or as many classes and you have to bring your own towel and shampoo. None of the Ys in my town have pools at all let alone a dedicated one for laps.

    Thanks so much for the perspective! I guess 1)I'm from the Southeast where things are generally inexpensive and I'm cheap :tongue: and 2) As I said before I've never paid gym memberships. Except for my neighbourhood rec center back in my hometown, they have a small gym with a few elliptical/treadmills and a couple weight machines. It's $2/day or $50/year When I was in highschool we had a family plan at gym in my hometown that was $500 a yr for a family of 3 (we had a discount though b/c my dad was a state employee) In college we had a fantastic gym with a indoor pool , I missed that gym when I graduated.

    So I guess I've be been lucky to have low-cost options. It is unfortunate though that things like gym memberships aren't more attainable for all. Especially with the recession, exercise is a great way to work out underemployment frustration. :laugh:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    What are your goals for February? Please share.

    My goal is to exercise 1000 plus minutes and to lose at least 8 pounds.

    I just had surgery to remove excess skin from my tummy. My goal for February is to maintain my weight during the time that I can not exercise.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    What are your goals for February? Please share.

    My goal is to exercise 1000 plus minutes and to lose at least 8 pounds.

    I just had surgery to remove excess skin from my tummy. My goal for February is to maintain my weight during the time that I can not exercise.

    You will be fine Lynn.:wink: Congrats on excess skin surgery!!
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    My goal for February is to get in all of my pills. I keep missing at least one multivitamin and multple calciums each day. I'm horrible about pills, but I know I just need to make it a routine. That's hard though, because I switch between being awake during the day and at night, depending on when I work.

    In regards to exercise, my goal is to hit the gym/pool at least three days a week.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Good luck with your goal Robyn. Getting those calcium and multivitamins can certainly be a challenge. I am very good with remembering my thyroid medicine first thing in the morning, but I can't have anything else with it. So, remembering the others can be a challenge. I know that it probably isn't the best, but if I take the gummies I feel like they are a treat and usually can get them in in the evening!:bigsmile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Don't Quit Til You Got Nothin' Left
    by Katie Jay, MSW, Certified Wellness Coach Director, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery www.nawls.com

    The first time I saw Facing the Giants, a film made by a church in Georgia, I fell in love with it. Whether you are religious or not, it's a great "comeback" story about, among other things, a football coach and his wife, who feel frustrated and beaten down.

    There is a scene in the movie where a young man is challenged to crawl on arms and legs across the football field, with a man on this back. When the player accepts the challenge, his coach adds to it by insisting the boy wear a blindfold -- so he can't see his progress.

    As the player struggles down the field carrying about 160 pounds on his back, he strains, sweats, and yells,
    "It hurts!"

    The coach responds with constant encouragement, shouting to the boy, "Don't quit til you got nothin' left!" and
    "It's all heart from here!"

    Toward the end of the "death crawl," the coach is screaming, "Don't quit!" "Don't quit!" "Don't quit!"
    "Don't quit!"

    The player thinks he's crawling to the 50 yard line, but as he collapses, knowing he has nothing left, the coach removes his blindfold and shows him he has crossed to goal line.

    100 yards! He had no idea he'd gone that far.

    I continue to get many emails from discouraged people. I wonder if it's the times we're in as a country, the time of year it is, or something else. But I wanted to tell you this:

    "Don't quit til you got nothin' left!"

    People who have attended my seminars have heard me ask, "What do you do when you fall down?" They know I
    want to hear, "Get up!"

    This idea of not quitting, of getting up every time we fall, of experimenting with something else when what we are trying isn't working... this idea of perseverance, is such a critical contributor to our long-term health and wellbeing after WLS.

    Don't listen to the voice that tells you things are hopeless, that you have too many problems, that you can't get control of your eating, or you can't control your situation.

    Instead, tell yourself you are getting up. You can keep going, you can try new experiments, there are new things you can learn, new people to reach out to for support.

    If you recall, the other thing the coach said was, "It's all heart from here." He meant, dig deep. Find it within you to take the next right step, to do the next right thing.

    Wishing you an amazing and powerful WLS week. If you want, write to me and tell me what your next
    experiment for success will be.

    Don't know what to do? Begin anywhere!



    Want to Reprint this Newsletter?
    If you'd like to reprint any part of this newsletter, do so with the following credit, including the copyright line: From Small Bites, the email newsletter for the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Subscribe today and get your F'REE report, How to Regain-proof Your Weight Loss
    Surgery at www.NAWLS.com. (c) 2012 National Association for Weight Loss Surgery, Inc. All rights reserved.
    National Association for Weight Loss Surgery, 609A Piner Road, #319, Wilmington, NC 28409 To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Thanks for the news letter Mollie. It reminds me to keep getting up and dig just a bit deeper. It is so easy to get discouraged and quit. Thanks for being such an inspiration
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Below is another good reminder on the power of positive thinking. Our outlook and attitude does affect our outcomes

    Change Your Attitude!!!!!

    There is nothing as motivating, nothing as powerful as your attitude and there is nothing as defeating as negative self-talk.

    We have heard all before the pity party, the complaining, the doubt, do you want to end up with a shattered self image?

    Here is the negative things we should be avoid saying: -
    I can’t lose weight no matter what I do......
    Why can everyone else lose weight except me?........
    It’s not fair.....
    It’s not my fault because I don’t have good genes.......
    I wish I could get rid of this gut.......
    It will never work because I like food too much.......
    I don’t have the willpower to get lean.....
    I would workout but I don’t have time.....
    I just can’t get myself up that early to workout.....
    I hate exercise!............

    So now let's look the positive approach:-
    What can I do today that will help me get closer to my goal?
    What can I eat right now at this meal that will help me lose body fat?
    How great am I going to feel after I finish my workout?
    I am getting leaner every day.
    Whatever it takes, I’ll do it.
    I like eating healthy foods.
    I love working out.
    I can do it.

    This and more can be found @ KETTLEWORX FAT FREE IN 42 | www.kettleworx.com
  • Rae3313
    Hello all!

    I am curious if anyone here has experienced an ulcer or something similar in your new stomach, post bypass? If so, what were your symptoms?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Hello all!

    I am curious if anyone here has experienced an ulcer or something similar in your new stomach, post bypass? If so, what were your symptoms?

    I have not had one but I know this happens from support group meetings. i recommend checking with your surgeon regarding symtoms or doing a web search. The doctor is the best source.
  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    New to this group but not WLS!

    My goal for February is to exercise 3x/week or more AND to stay off the scale/weigh no more than once a week.

    As for the question about ulcers in the new pouch: I've never had one but I know people who have. The number one symptom they have is PAIN followed by nausea/vomitting. When in doubt, get it checked out!! Good luck.
  • starrgazerlily
    starrgazerlily Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the group and to WLS. I just had RNY on 1/16/12 and I am already down 15 lbs plus 18 before surgery. I am going back to work on Monday. So my February goal is to figure out how to drink all of my water and get all of my protein in while working 12hrs days. Oh and to really start a gym routine now that I am off restriction.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the group and to WLS. I just had RNY on 1/16/12 and I am already down 15 lbs plus 18 before surgery. I am going back to work on Monday. So my February goal is to figure out how to drink all of my water and get all of my protein in while working 12hrs days. Oh and to really start a gym routine now that I am off restriction.

    Welcome! Congratulations on your surgery and on your significant weight loss. Good luck going back to work. I had the lap band in 2009. I just recently had abdominoplasty and have one more week off of work. I became and exercise freak the past year and a half, which helped with the weight loss. Now, for the next 4 weeks I am limited to walking- and today is cold and snowy. I think I may go mall walking.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I don't think I told you guys about Mini-Mac getting her tonsils out. Or MacBoy getting committed?

    Yes, it's been a wild, wild month for us.

    First MacBoy texted me at work that he was in a bad way and needed to check into the hospital. He had gone off his depression meds at some point -- I'm guessing Dec but he just doesn't remember -- and I'd gotten him back on them that Monday but I guess it was too little, too late. Wed. night he was in a panic. I came home and he, Mr. Mac and I had a talk and I agreed to stay home the next day and take him to see our Family Doctor. I was able to get an appointment for the afternoon so I was able to go into work for a few hours. Which is good because if I don't work, I don't get paid!

    Dr. PCP showed us how to navigate through the system and where the good hospitals were. Unfortunately her first choice and our 2nd didn't have any free beds. So we went to another place that doesn't have an adolescent program (and the whole floor is closing in March) and they had beds. But it took over 7 hours including a LONG wait in the ER to get him admitted.

    It's a voluntary program so he could check himself out at any time, which I liked because you do hear stories...

    Anyway, they adjusted his meds right away and he had instant improvement. It seems the moron he was seeing before (whom he didn't like because he said she didn't listen) had him on a high dose of the anti-psychotic but a low dose of the anti-depressant even though he was mostly depressed and not really psychotic at all. So they doubled his anti-depressant and it worked like a charm.

    He got sent home last Tues. and Mini-Mac went into the surgery center to get her tonsils & adenoids out on Thurs. She was the worlds most horrible patient in the hospital but became more reasonable after coming home and taking a nap. She's doing fine and today I went back to work. I'm a bit nervous about leaving her "alone" but I told MacBoy to keep an eye on her and I figure that will serve the dual purpose of keeping them both from doing something stupid.

    She has a friend coming to visit tomorrow and he's going to stay a few days so we can continue to go to work without worrying too much.

    The big thing is that around 4-6 days out, they tend to relapse as the first scab falls off. Today is Day 5 so I'm worried she'll start having big pain and freak out.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    What a hectic month MacMadame. Glad things are finally settling down for you! Are you back to exercising yet? I know you had some type of limitations ealier in the year.
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    MacMadame, I hope things soon settle down for you! I'm also glad that MacBoy was brave enough to tell you he needed more help. Too many people don't.

    I'm still 250 pounds, so I'm nowhere near my doctor's goal weight of 125 pounds, but I still get cold so easily. Anybody else experience that with rapid weight loss? I've lost about 45 pounds in 2 months.
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