
What are your goals for the next 100 days?? Remember, they are yours so do whatever you want to work on!

1) Drink my water - 64 oz at least
2) Exercise 5 days/week minimum - 30 mins minimum
3) Avoid soda
4) Work on weight training
5) Get to goal!! -30 lbs


  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    My 100 Day Challenge Goals!!!!!!!!
    1) Log in to MFP daily!
    2) Workout 6 days a week - 3X Strength Training, 2X Pilates & 6X Cardio
    3) Drink 64oz of water
    4) Lose 35 lbs
    5) Do (2) 5k races and my 1st 10k race
    (6) Eat 3 veggies & 3 fruits a day
    (7) Focus more on my diet
    (8) Record my weight and measurements weekly
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    My 100 Day Goals are:
    Goal 1: Drink 1 gallon of water daily. [Usually I am either over or slightly less than this amount, but I want to be consistent.]
    Goal 2: Log in my food and exercise on MFP.
    Goal 4: To be 20-25 lbs closer to my weight loss goal.
    Goal 5: Exercise at least 1 hour each day. [low impact aerobics and walking everyday, weights 3x per week]
    Goal 6: Take monthly measurements [arm, chest, abdomen, hips].
  • torrey66
    torrey66 Posts: 16 Member
    My Goals for the 100 day challenge are:

    1)Log my meals in evryday
    2)Eat five small meals per day
    3)Log my stats every week
    4)Post my photo every week
    5)weigh in every week
    6)Limit myself to only one cheat meal per week(NO MORE THAN 1)
  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 253 Member
    What are your goals for the next 100 days?? Remember, they are yours so do whatever you want to work on!

    1) Drink 80 oz water daily
    2) Drop 30 lbs.
    3) Have my cholesterol under control (on medication now but it was high last dr visit and they were talking about increasing dosage - next appt is on day 99)
    4) Be able to run a 5K - signing up for my first one on May 19th.
    5) Log daily
    6) Be a supportive member to the rest of the group - let me know if I can help you in anyway!!
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I started doing 5k races in 2010! It is a great way to workout. I walk them as I can't do high impact workouts. Good luck!
  • newma6
    newma6 Posts: 100 Member
    My 100 Day Goals:

    1. Reach my 30 pounds lost mark
    2. Drink more water, at least 8 glasses everyday
    3. Finish the 30 Day Shred, and maybe do it again!
    4. Walk at least 2 miles each day I get on the treadmill
    5. Workout 45 minutes to an hour, instead of 20-30
    6. Lose at least 2 inches off of my arms

    I lengthened my list a little from the last one! Good luck to everyone. We can do this!
  • Annadrews
    Annadrews Posts: 93 Member
    My Goals:

    1. Drink atleast 8 cps of water per day.
    2. To exercise atleast 5 to 6 times per week.
    3. To be under my calorie goal everyday.
    4. To reach my goal 23 lbs lost goal.
  • My goals:

    1. Track food daily. Hopefully this leads to better planning ahead!
    2. Walk at LEAST 4 days a week
    3. Do an additional 2 days either on eliptical or shredding
    4. More water daily
  • ice99706
    ice99706 Posts: 155 Member
    1) To log in everyday and be under calorie goal.
    2) Drink 72 oz of water every day
    3) To exercise 30-60 minutes 4-5x a week
    4) to lose 25# by May 15th.