allishaFaye Posts: 53 Member
i am happy to see some new member join the tops group! please share with us what tops chapter you go to!!!
i love to see new members joining, feel free to add me, please share tips everyone.
we cant support eachother if we all keep to our selves!
i hope you all have a fantastic day!!



  • Hi, I'm a new member to the tops group. I,m from a small rural town in N.W. Arizona, about one hundred miles from Las Vegas.My TOPS chapter is AZ 0486 Golden Valley. I've been a member since Oct 2011. We are a very small group (only 6) and that counts our group leader. Your request for sharing tips is probably the best one (tip) , because I find that it really helps to talk to friends about how we are doing, dieting
    Thanks again for accepting me into this group. I hope I will be able to help sometimes.
    Have a great day.
  • I am new to this site but not new to TOPS, I have been a member off and on for the last 10 years. I belonged to one other chapter and I am presently a member of AB 1887 In Spirit River, Alberta Canada,. We have a great group of ladies, over the last 5 years I have quit and rejoined about 4 times. I recently started up again in October of 2011, I have lost almost 12 lbs and have about another 25 to go. I am more motivated this time as I want to be in a healthier place, I am turning 50 in June and I don't want to feel old!! I love TOPS!!!
  • lckauffman
    lckauffman Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I am glad we havea tops group. I am from Pennsylvania and I would love to support other tops members. I would like to know what other tops members do at their meetings ? I am always interested in new ideas. I am new to tops so anything would help.
    thank you...Linn
  • allishaFaye
    allishaFaye Posts: 53 Member
    well its no secret that i am at chapter 2252 moncton, i have been a member since october 2011, i have lost 18 pounds and still have 60 to go :) i can do this!!! i love to hear what the different chapter do, i know that there all alittle different but i love to bring new ideas to the group! this week our chapter is going to take some before pictures. we never had them take before when i started, what aout you ladies, did u have before pics taken??
  • jmp33
    jmp33 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi I am from Canada. Started TOPS in October 2011 have lost 1bs so far but am looking for all the support I can get!
  • magtize
    magtize Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Lynn I am TOPS member also from PA Belong to Chapter 437.Whats your number.I am going to SRD in Lancaster in May .Are you planning on attending?
  • chaubner008
    chaubner008 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi all!! I am from NY 241 Rochester, been a member since oct 2010, now the weight recorder...I have lost ~165lbs to goal and became a KOPS on 12/8/2012!! Yae!! TOPS has played a huge roll in my success and I continue to lean on my chapter as I find my way in maintenance. I love my TOPS...I know TOPS and MFP are a winnin pair for me and I was so happy to see there was a TOPS group on here. Please send me friend requests! I need to build my MFP family!!!
  • Hi! I joined tops #437 of Pennsylvania about 4 1/2 years ago. My weight has fluctuated up and down over the last several years. TOPS keeps me in check of my weight and keeps me accountable. There have been times that I would NOT care about what I was eating and gain weight, but I'd snap out of that funk and get back on track again. I'm on a good track now and hope to stay there. I know if I fall off, I have a support group to get me back on track and keep me motivated. I will Take Off Pounds Sensibly, and will eventually be able to Keep Pounds Off Sensibly.
  • Judway
    Judway Posts: 246 Member
    Well you can imagine my surprise at finding this TOPS group here .
    I live in Ontario , Canada in a teeny tiny village and belong to chapter 5257 since January 2011, unfortunately I didn't do much in the way of weight loss due to 9 deaths in my family and I really didn't care. This year 2012 is a new start for me. and having found this site is a huge help, as I never counted calories before I was a member of weight watchers and only counted points, so now trying the calories and this site helps me 100%. I am a big believer in supporting and giving support to other.
  • I belong to a TOPS in Ponca City, OK....I joined a few years ago and lost several pounds but didnt stay active and gained some of my weight back. But rejoined last summer but I let life happen to me and wasnt able to pull any weight off. AND one of the main reasons is I was not keeping a record of what I ate or my excerise, I was using a website that did not have a phone app. Then I saw the app MFP for my droid and I love it. I have pulled 8 lbs back off ...:happy:
  • A bit about myself. My name is Cindy, and I belong to chapter ON 034 in Hamilton Ontario. I have struggled with my weight my whole adult life. I am 52yrs old and have 2 adult children (ages 29 & 27 this yr) no grandchildren, but I have a 2yr old Shi-tzu puppy named Gibson. I have been married to Jeff (my 2nd husband) for 12 yrs, but we've been together for 21yrs. He has 2 adult children as well (ages 28 & 24 this yr)

    On January 5 2009, I weighed 205 pounds. That was the most I had ever weighed. I am 5'9" tall. I was able to loose 20 lbs on my own, but then I hit that plateau, and couldn't loose anymore. I have yo-yo'd so many times...loose and gain / loose and gain more / loose and gain lots more. So, on September 14, 2010......I joined TOPS. My starting weight was 185lbs. My doctor set my goal weight at 170lbs. I reached my goal weight (and my KOPS status) on June 21, 2011. I have managed to keep my weight at 4 pounds below goal. I still struggle each and every day. I need the support of a group of women, who are facing the same obsticales that I am.
  • Well you can imagine my surprise at finding this TOPS group here .
    I live in Ontario , Canada in a teeny tiny village and belong to chapter 5257 since January 2011, unfortunately I didn't do much in the way of weight loss due to 9 deaths in my family and I really didn't care. This year 2012 is a new start for me. and having found this site is a huge help, as I never counted calories before I was a member of weight watchers and only counted points, so now trying the calories and this site helps me 100%. I am a big believer in supporting and giving support to other.

    I too am from Ontario Canada. I have been a memeber of MFP for a few months, but just decided to take advantage of the message boards today. I am finding the posts to be very fun and informative. I hope I can be here for a long time, and that I can help others as well.
  • allishaFaye
    allishaFaye Posts: 53 Member
    wow i havent been in here for awhile since i wasnt going on from my laptop but i have gotten alot of memebers and some canadians at that! PLEASE ADD ME! and welcoem to the tops group on mfp!! best of luck to all!!
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I am a member at TOPS LA 0312 Baton Rouge. I am the Assistant Weight Recorder. I would love it if you would add me.
  • emlee0630
    emlee0630 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm a member of TOPS VA 0147, I was a member of TOPS for a couple of years about 12 years ago but I'm back and better than ever!!!! lol.
  • suezc
    suezc Posts: 15 Member
    HelloI am from chapter OH 2130 North Canton OH and love it. We are a closed work group and it is great to have a group that sticks together like we have. We do not have many members and have been together for almost four years but we are tryng. It is a college campus and we have ten members. Ten members and counting hopefully. And the way the campus is situated, we can take lunch breaks or after work and walk together and remain inside which is great.
    BELIEVETOPSTOKOPS Posts: 47 Member
    Hi...I am from TOPS AZ373 Payson, AZ. I will be the new leader starting in April. I have never been the leader before but I have been the Secretary a couple of times. I originally joined TOPS in Tucson, AZ in TOPS AZ266 back in 2001 and stayed in TOPS until 2005. I moved to Payson in 2005 and I joined the chapter in Payson...but could only attend a short time as my days off changed and had to work on the day they held their meeting.

    I should have went back to TOPS sooner...but for some reason or another I did not...I finally rejoined my Payson chapter in June of 2011. I so wish I had gone back sooner. I belong to such a wonderful chapter. Well I am there to stay now...I never plan to quit again. I am planning on being a KOPS by the end of the year.

    It has been a struggle for me....but I am not giving up. The end result will be worth it....and I am worth it.

  • tammyclinch
    tammyclinch Posts: 103 Member
    TOPS chapter 4445 st stephen nb .
    i am 215.75 and need to be 166:love: i will get there i am half way i have lost 50.25
  • Harlemite
    Harlemite Posts: 62 Member

    I'm Elaine and recently joined TOPS #GA 449 Harlem (May 2012). There are 30 members on roll but we seem to have 15-20 at the weekly meetings. Glad I found them and YOU!

    Feel free to add me. :happy: