Day 3

Welcome to Day 3!!

I hope everyone is on track and doing well!

I wanted to try and run before work today but I am NOT a morning person!! Oh how I wish I was!!!

I'm working away at my water. I bowl Wed nights so not sure if I will get 30 mins clear for a workout. Gonna try!


  • Annadrews
    Annadrews Posts: 93 Member
    I'm gonna get my work out in later today, have a little house work to do and some errands to run.
  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 253 Member
    Today is my treadmill day. I'll be doing at least 1 mile on that when I get home. No walks outside for me today. It's snowing and very cold and damp. My water is half way done so I should be able to finish it all. I'm not sure what I will have for dinner yet.
  • newma6
    newma6 Posts: 100 Member
    Today hasn't been going very smoothly for me. My stomach has been upset again, like that virus may be coming back. I feel so tired. I woke up late, so I skipped breakfast, which didn't help with my energy. I did get on the treadmill, but my shin splints bothered me very badly today. I only ended up walking a mile. I just want to take a nap! I have about half of my water in so far. Still have lots to do for the day and then I go into work at 6pm. Gonna be a long night!
  • Day 3 well it hasnt been a great day so far. I did great for
    * Breakfast honey wheat pancakes and turkey bacon
    Apple Cider Vinger with honey

    Then I waited to long to eat so I went to the 1st place that was close to Walmart.
    *Lunch KFC Potato Wedges. (I know, I know)
    I'm about to get off my butt right now and workout.

    Overall I'm really tired today. I was told today by my Drs. that my body produces way to much insulin and I have to see a specialist. to get it under control.
  • Got everything logged in today....18 calories over. Of course I was under when I clicked done and i got that warning that I was under so I had a glass of wine! :)

    No exercise today as I'm seriously crampy. I think it's gotten worse lately. Anyway TMI but there it is. Tomorrow should be better and I might try to walk in the morning before work although that's usually some really productive "around the house" time. We'll see. If i can't I'm going when i get home no matter what! Tonight I'm shopping for an audio book that I won't want to put down. I'll only allow myself to listen while walking or ellipticalling! Suggestions?
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Not the best day. My meals are good but I missed my morning 30 min walk and my strength training classes b/c of meetings today. I did do 30 mins of cardio! ;-)
  • brobin41101
    brobin41101 Posts: 212 Member
    Hi everybody. I managed my diary great today. My exercise, on the other hand, didn't happen. I was simply exhausted when I got home from work tonight. Then it was dinner, etc. and now time for bed again. I didn't do well on my water today either. I never realized just how dehydrated I was 99% of the time until I started tracking it on MFP. I will do better. Good luck all, see you tomorrow ! :smile:
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Well Day 3 is wrapping up!

    I hit my water goal and did great on food. I didn't get my workout in. But tonight was bowling night so I got a semi-workout throwing 12 lbs 30 some times. So I feel ok with that.

    Have a good night!
  • torrey66
    torrey66 Posts: 16 Member
    Today is a pretty good day for me.I've reached most of my daily goals and have one more meal to eat.So I will be eating pretty late tonight.
  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 253 Member
    Overall day 3 was pretty good. I was under my calorie goal. I did not get to the treadmill yesterday due to my stepdaughter having severe abdominal pains. I wanted to keep my eye on her instead. Luckily she is feeling much better today and went to school. Not sure what was going on but my guess is the nasty school lunches that they serve to the kids sometimes.