Good morning!

Doesn't look like anyone has posted here in a week! Thought I would say good morning to everyone and ask how you guys are doing. With me, the exercise is loosening up the muscles. I also do "myofacial" physical therapy. If you haven't tried this, you should talk to your physician. My rheumatologist sent me for it and it is WONDERFUL! Hurts a little to learn but is great once you learn the moves. Teaches you how to release the muscles that are hurting, like the "jean pockets" pain, the muscles/tendons on the outside of your hips, and my favorite is the shoulders. And, once you get the hang of it, not an everyday exercise.. Totally amazing how fast the relief it. Anyway, just a thought. Hope everyone has a great day!!


  • desda
    desda Posts: 15 Member
    Wow, thanks for posting this info. I am trying to figure out how to respond to the group on my Droid...pesky little fellow...doesn't seem to show the groups or I would have written much earlier. I will check to see if my dr. will write a script for the "myofacial" physical therapy. You are learning to do this for yourself? It sounds so helpful. I'd love to discover something that I could do rather than depending on my acupunturist all the time.
    Again thanks for staying it touch. I will log in more on my computer, so I can respond in more timely manner.
  • KarenBoster
    KarenBoster Posts: 67 Member
    Good morning! I joined this site about 10 days ago and just found this group today. I love the idea of getting to chat with other gals facing the same challenges. Feeling a bit foggy, but have made a dent in my exercise for the day so feel pretty good about the day. Hope everybody has a great day!
  • Lynn_SD
    Lynn_SD Posts: 83 Member
    Doesn't look like anyone has posted here in a week! Thought I would say good morning to everyone and ask how you guys are doing. With me, the exercise is loosening up the muscles. I also do "myofacial" physical therapy. If you haven't tried this, you should talk to your physician. My rheumatologist sent me for it and it is WONDERFUL! Hurts a little to learn but is great once you learn the moves. Teaches you how to release the muscles that are hurting, like the "jean pockets" pain, the muscles/tendons on the outside of your hips, and my favorite is the shoulders. And, once you get the hang of it, not an everyday exercise.. Totally amazing how fast the relief it. Anyway, just a thought. Hope everyone has a great day!!

    Hi Pidnit, I am going to physical therapy for the first time in a decade this Wednesday. Though I'm going for back pain (disc, central canal stenosis, referred pain to hip), I really want to ask about any new PT treatments for fibro. Is the "myofascial" PT something that the therapist does to you, like a deep tissue massage? Are you also taught techniques to do yourself at home then? How many times per week is recommended? Thanks for any info you can share on this!!
  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member

    Just joined this group (MFP three weeks ago) and thought I would say hello. Recently diagnosed with arthritis and fibromyalgia and still learning to understand what it all means. Not a lot of fun but I am not going to let it get the better of me!

    I hope everyone is well and that you are all finding ways to manage the pain and exhaustion.

    All the best