goal weight



  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    I'm 5'2" with a goal of 120, though I may reevaluate once I get there...if that ever happens lol!
  • dlaporta
    I am 5'3" and my goal weight is 136-137. I will be doing cardio and P90X to lose the fat. Glad I found this group to keep me motivated!
  • mittencat77
    mittencat77 Posts: 137 Member
    thanks for this group. It is fantastic! I am 4'11 and currently 96 lbs.I want to be 92. I know that might sound low but as you know a couple of pounds makes big difference when you are this short. I am small boned and I have read that this is fine for my height. The one thing I wonder about is how many calories someone our height should take in? I have seen many people at 1200 who are much taller. Is it less for us?
  • swedishwillow
    swedishwillow Posts: 89 Member
    WOW I think I am the largest woman in this group!
    Im 5'1 and have just under 70lbs to lose!
    Gonna rock it, at least I found a group that I can relate to in height :D
  • shanalivee
    i am 4'11 and i have ballooned up to 147 pounds :( i am hoping to get down to 130 and then hopefully 120. i want to be healty and not look like a little chubby kid but a hot pocket size wife lol
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I started out at 190lbs and am currently 140lbs. I'd love to get down to 115lbs, but right now my goal is 125lbs.
  • granolagrl85
    Well, I am the shortest and fatteset I guess. I am 4'10 and my starting weight was 205, lost 5lbs before MFP and now I'm 190 in one month.
  • granolagrl85
    Guess I should add my goal weight...it's 100lbs. I can't go less than that because I have huge boobs...even when I was previously 100lbs.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    4'11 goal...not sure 105-115? I want to be atleast a size 4, but would love to be a 2
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I'm 4'11'' and my goal weight is 105lbs.
  • kimg70
    kimg70 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 5'2 and have a Goal weight of 128. This could always be adjusted but for now, it is what it is!!
    Truth is I'll be happier with any weight that is less than current, I'm currently 148 and will be thrilled to get to the 130's even if it is 139,I'll take it!! Babysteps!
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    I'm 5'2 and my beginning weight when I actually tried to start losing weight was 215, two summers ago. I am currently 187/6-ish... and my goal weight is 160 for now. I think once I get to 160, I'll be super happy about it. I might even lower the goal to 150. I know that must be high for my height, but I have always been heavy, my whole life.It's been very hard for me to tell if I will change at all if I lost my weight.

    It took me about 7 months just to lose 5-6 pounds because I kept fluctuating between 195 and 190. I'm happy now that I'm in the 180's but I really need to give myself some real challenges... don't know where to begin.

    Money is tight, and I don't have a car to get to the gym often. I am at school a lot, and have a lot of things to worry about that I don't eat correctly anymore. Most days I find myself eating almost nothing at all, and then when I do get something to eat, it is probably bad and I eat a lot of it. But I'm trying to hang in there!

    If anyone has tips for me to help me lose weight a little faster than I am now, or some good exercise tips that helped them maintain a good weight, that would be great. You can message me, or quote me here. I am very open to new things, and I gotta get this weight off as soon as I can.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    I'm 5'1 and doing my goals in 10 pound increments. I've been so unhealthy for so long, but I have a surprising amount of muscle, especially in my legs.... probably from carrying my fat *kitten* around all this time lol! I'm honestly not even sure what would look healthy on me at this point. That being said, I'm halfway to my first 10 pounds! I may end up having a 40 pound goal, but I don't want to put a number in my head and get wrapped up in just a number. Being healthy is my biggest goal right now, so I'll do it 10 pounds at a time. :)
  • seasonalspice
    seasonalspice Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'3 (I feel tall in here) and my goal weight is 140. I have a large frame with a large chest and broad shoulders. With my body build, I gain muscle easily, but lose fat very slowly.

    In high school I was this weight, but it was from radical fad dieting. Now I am doing everything the right and maintainable way (for me, may be different for someone else) by learning portion sizes, exercising, and not eliminating any food groups. Since I have never been that weight healthily I want to see what that looks like before I decide I may want to go smaller.
  • Oceanfires
    Oceanfires Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 4'11" and my goal weight is 105. My weight gain came from some steroid injections last spring. My highest weight was 135 last spring. Finally down to 126.Has anyone here had to lose medication induced weight gain? I'm losing about 1lb a month but I know I'll get down to my goal if I keep consistent. It is difficult not to get frustrated :(
  • minit54
    5" 2. 151. Weird thing is almost everyone I know doesn't think I'm fat at all and look at me crazy when I say I want to lose 25lbs. They ask me if I want to look like a twig (secretly yes hahaha). I should mention that I have double d's and a very round, nice badonk that I don't wanna lose. 145 looks really good on me bt according to BMI i should be at most 135. hmmm. Oh well. Trying it out. My body is sooo comfy at 150 though that even when I work out like a beast and look good I still at least 148. Frustrated and confused!!
  • softballmom33
    softballmom33 Posts: 128 Member
    I am 5'2" and currently 139. When I started in Nov 2011 I was 152 and my goal weight is 127. I was losing really quickly at first but these past two months it has really slowed and I have maintained. I would really like to see it start moving down again so I am trying to mix it up a bit.

    I feel better than ever and have gone down 2 sizes but no scale movement lately.
  • theresabrenner
    I'm 5'2" and started at 139. I want to get to 120 but boy it's been a struggle. For the last 3 weeks I haven't lost anything! I'm somewhat muscular. I've had 3 kids and I'm over 40, so I'm trying to get to my desirable weight has been crazy hard. I don't see losing another 12 pounds in the next 6 weeks! But that's ok., I'm finding that at least I'm doing it slowly and it's making me more aware of the things I do eat. I don't do much weights these days (I used to work out 4-5 days a week with weights, hence the muscular build) but have been trying to kick butt on the cardio thing. I have however lost 11 inches total body.

    I start the 30 Day Shred from Jillian Michaels tonight. I have read success stories on MFP, which made me buy it, but have any of you shorties had success with this?
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    I don't do much weights these days (I used to work out 4-5 days a week with weights, hence the muscular build) but have been trying to kick butt on the cardio thing. I have however lost 11 inches total body.

    I start the 30 Day Shred from Jillian Michaels tonight. I have read success stories on MFP, which made me buy it, but have any of you shorties had success with this?

    I got only as far as Level 2 of the 30DS, but I do think it aided in my weight loss. I like it, but it does get a bit monotonous. The push-ups and planks (in L2) really kick my butt. I hope to start again once I get back to exercising!

    As for my goal weight... I'm 4'10.5" (every little bit counts) my current goal is 115. Once I get there I'll re-evaluate.
  • amylillian
    amylillian Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 5'1 and 130. I have a goal weight of 115/110, and then once I get there I will see how I feel.
    I lost a lot of weight about a year ago because I was going through a hard time,and went down to 115.. but it wasn't a healthy way to lose weight! (I didn't look bad though!) This time I want to lose that weight steadily and slowly so that I can keep it off!!