Week 1 of C25K


So I started working out last week, starting slowly. Usually when I work out I start out vigorously and then I get tired, then eventually I just stop working out. This time I will do it differently, the smart way.
The reason why I'm doing this is to lose weight and stay in shape.

Anyway, last week I was doing a bunch of cardio but not jogging or running. I started with the elliptical and the bike about 30 minutes of cardio and no strength training, like I said start off slow.

So I wanted to share that today I completed day 1 of couch to 5k and did lower body strength training.
I want to be a runner and by this summer I'll be able to run a 5k!



  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    How are you getting on? Have you completed week 1?

    I just downloaded the app myself (took me many months) and will be starting this evening (or tomorrow evening LOL)
  • mom2tek
    mom2tek Posts: 75 Member
    I've also just started this program and I'm at week 1. I've been working out alot on my elliptical because it's hard for me to get out and actually run with the program due to the cold and lack of day light. So I guess I feel that starting this program is not going to improve my running until I can get out every day.
  • soriadarkstar
    I've also just started this program and I'm at week 1. I've been working out alot on my elliptical because it's hard for me to get out and actually run with the program due to the cold and lack of day light. So I guess I feel that starting this program is not going to improve my running until I can get out every day.

    While working out on an elliptical definitely helps get your muscles ready, I've found it's entirely different than running itself. I've switched to the gym for winter months (don't mind the cold but hate dodging cars in the dark), and I found that trying to equate the program on an elliptical didn't work nearly as well as on a treadmill. If you have access to a treadmill you can start on the beginning weeks, and by the time spring and sunshine come around you'll be ready for your 5k. :)
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I went out last night (7pm) and yes it was dark and cold, but it's really only half an hour and with gloves on it was just fine.

    Completed the very first one, week 1 run 1, and it was very easy thank god, so am looking forward to building this up slowly. I have th app from "get running" and I really like it, very friendly voice LOL
  • wren176
    wren176 Posts: 148 Member
    I completed the program a couple of years ago and fell off the wagon. Tonight I finished w1d1. Glad to have a week 1 thread where we can all share. I'm doing mine on a treadmill and elliptical right now.
  • wren176
    wren176 Posts: 148 Member
    Just finished W1D2! So excited to be working on it again!
  • Xbella
    Xbella Posts: 14
    Just starting my self
  • kayleen_longworth
    kayleen_longworth Posts: 147 Member
    Since I was so out of shape, I started with the elliptical and other cardio. Then I did about 3 alternating days of w1d1 and did w1d2 last night. I will do w1d3 tomorrow. I have horrid posterior shin splints (inside leg) so I have to take it slow. I have really noticed an increase in my cardio ability. I know depending on how the next week goes I may spend a few extra days on each week to make sure that I am comfortable and not pushing too hard.

    I use the app by Run Double (Android phone). Very simple, very basic.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Hello :smile:

    Downloaded this onto my ipod from the NHS site in the UK. Just done week1 day1. I can't believe I did it!!!! Couldn't really say the last time I ran...probably in my teens and probably under duress in PE or something. I did it! So pleased with myself. When the lady said at the end...'you've now done 8 minutes of running' I just thought 'AWESOME!'
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Did W1D2, but skipped two walking breaks, so ran for 3.5 minutes twice. Think I'm going to skip straight to Week 3 for the next time, should be doable.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Week 1 Day2 yesterday. First two/three runs were uncomfortable - after that I sailed through! Still can't believe I'm actually doing this :smile:
  • bstoetzer
    So I started this last night and was able to do the full time. Ran on the treadmill @ 5.8 and walked @ 3.7. Not sure if this is good for my first day, but I'm sure my speeds will get better as I progress.
  • ClaireTweedle
    Just completed day 1 of week 1 and i must say i really enjoyed even tho i didnt think i would. :smile:
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    After months of contemplating this, and waiting until I was under 200 pounds, I started last night. Week One, Day One complete. Not too bad.
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    I completed week 1 on Wednesday, tonight is my day 1 week 2.
    I can't run at all despite being slim, absolutely no stamina. I also hate running, but so far, c25k has been very enjoyable.

    I don't want to skip any days/weeks even if I could, just want to ease into it and avoid injury.
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    It's good to see others are on week 1, too. I finished w1d2 last night. I've got w1d3 scheduled for tonight. Happy c25k everyone!
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I did my first day of week 1 today (albeit on a treadmill with a slight incline, just to get a feel for it). I really didn't think I could run, as whenever I've tried in the past I end up being out of breath after 10 seconds, but I found it pretty easy! I have been using the elliptical a lot since the summer, so that might have built up my endurance. I'm going to do my next workout outside, so it's even more effective. My friend wants me to do Race For Life with her, which is 5k, so it's something to train for!
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    I just did W1D1 today. I'm doing it on a treadmill tho, is that frowned upon? I'm in upstate NY and never ran before, so I thought treadmill best as not to slip on any black ice.
    Felt great tho!
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I think the problem with relying too heavily on a treadmill, is it can't recreate the conditions of running outside. I definitely wouldn't risk running on black ice right now though. My mum slipped on black ice and broke her wrist last year, so I'm super paranoid about that happening to me. Luckily, the weather here in England is getting pretty mild, so I can run outside with little trouble. I would definitely say that when there isn't black ice about, it might be good to give running outside a try, but for the meantime, maybe do it on an incline if you don't already?
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    I would definitely say that when there isn't black ice about, it might be good to give running outside a try, but for the meantime, maybe do it on an incline if you don't already?

    Thanks for the tip, I didn't do incline today, my first time. I'll figure out which button to push to get one on Tuesday. :)