Week 9!!

shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
I have just completed Week 8 and am headed into Week 9!!!! I can't believe that I am only one week from graduating! I will complete W9D1 tomorrow.

Anyone else getting close?


  • cln714
    cln714 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm doing W8D2 tonight. At this point, NOT finishing is NOT an option. I know I will finish and I am very excited!! The only thing that scares me is falling away once I've finished. That seems to happen to so many. I've been busy coming up with a plan to keep me interested in running. I feel like i need to continuously challenge myself.
  • hlsc
    hlsc Posts: 66 Member
    Just starting out. I did W2D1 this morning.
  • rheiah
    rheiah Posts: 84
    Oh, wow, Congratulations!

    I'm still on week 1... ;)
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 626 Member
    I did my final run yesterday! I can't believe I actually did it! Now I just have to get my speed up as 30 minutes of running only gets me to 2.5 miles right now. Yesterday once I hit the 30 min mark, I walked for a little bit and then alternated running and walking to finish a 5k distance. My previous 5k attempts were always 41-42 minutes and yesterday I did it in 39:06!! So excited! I can't wait till this brutal winter weather is over! We've been lucky till the last week or so.......now winter is here with a vengeance!

    Good luck to everyone.......you can do it!

  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    Week 9 Day 1 done this morning!!!! Added a minute today, plan on adding another on Wed and on more on Friday. 2 more weeks and then I have my 5k race afterwards already downloaded the app for Bridge to 10k. THIS PROGRAM HAS CHANGED my life!!! I make better choices on everything I do that will help me run better!!!!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Okay ladies... I was delayed a week due to a stomach virus, but I jumped right back in this morning and completed W9D1 with no problems! I thought I was going to have to do a couple of hybrid days to get back in the swing of things, but I did just fine!

    I got an iPhone this weekend - my first smart phone - and downloaded an app called iMapMyRUN. I started it up when I began my warmup walk and stopped it right before I got in the car. It was sooo cool to see my progress! It gave me a line graph with my pace as well as a map of where I went. It gave me my pace times in splits as well as overall. Very cool to see!
  • AnnaE
    AnnaE Posts: 53 Member
    Way to go shydaisi!!
    I have week 9 day 2 today. Day 1 was OK (ish). I too worry about losing motivation afterwadds but I ahve some work to do on my speed to actually cover 5km in 30 minutes (I'm close - the treadmill tells me I'm doing 9l.5 km.hr so I only have 250 metres to find!!)
    I don't know where I would find time to do bridge to 10km - we'll see... The heat down under should ease off soon so I can run outdoors which I much prefer.