introduce yourself

He:laugh: Hello all:) My name is Molly and I just turned 30 in October. I'm a mommy of one my daughters name is Valerie and she will be 2 in April. I Want to lose about 20 pds total. I'm currently a sahm I also have two teen stepdaughters. Not sure what else to say.


  • Hi there, I'm Katrina, 40 yr old mum of 2, Natasha age 4 and Rufus who's 6 months. On mat leave at the mo, prob back to work in June:sad: Trying to lose this baby weight, we've only just started weaning so it should be easy whilst breastfeeding so much but I get sooo hungry! I'm from the UK, looking forward to meeting others! Where are you from Molly?
  • mollyonamission
    mollyonamission Posts: 268 Member
    I'm in Columbus Ohio on the us. Breastfeeding definitely helps because it burns so many calories
  • Hi, my name is Crystal and I am 26 and a mother to an 8 month old boy. I work full time but take my lunches everyday to go feed the baby and play with him. I played division 1 softball in college and was 1 week away from completeting Insanity when I found out I was pregnant...haha. Since then I have had a very hard time finding the time and energy to get back into working out. My husband and I have started a new routine now where he wakes up early and does his workout and then when he gets home from work he takes the baby and I get a chance to workout. So far so good, but it has only been one week. I am doing Turbo Fire and I really like it so far because the workouts are pretty short and really fun.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Hey ladies!! I am a 34 year old mother of 2- Jacob is 3.5 and Ava is almost 2 (yes they are less than 2 years apart, and yes Ava is still breastfeeding). I work full time as a teacher. I am a runner by choice, getting up at 4:45am to run before the kids awake and I go to work. My husband works evenings (4-12) so there's no time to work out after work. I broke my ankle in 2 spots back in Novemeber, had to have 2 screws put in, and am working my way back up in intensity of my workouts now.
  • Medtech2004
    Medtech2004 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi there! My name is Becky and I am a 32 yr old mother of 2 - Nate is 3 and Aubrey is 18 months. And like momofJandA I am still nursing my youngest. I am trying to lose about 15-20 pound that I have put on since having my daughter. Unfortunately I realized too late that I couldn't keep eating the way I had thru 2 pregnancies and exclusively nursing. I also hit 30 around the same time I was having kids so.... Excited to already be losing weight!!

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  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I'm Shannon and I'm a 32 year old mommy of 2 babies. Scarlett is 2 and Sebastian is almost 1. Yeah, they are less than 2 years apart too! I am still BF Sebastian, but I no longer co-sleep. I co-slept with both babies until they were getting old enough to sleep thru the night. Because I had both babies so close together I never got the chance to lose the baby weight from one before I got pregnant again. I know that I could have technically worked out while pregnant, but I had some complications during my second pregnancy and didn't want to risk it. Turns out he was fine also. At the risk of TMI, I suffered from post-partum after Sebastian was born and was put on anti-depressants for 6 months afterwards. I BALLOONED!! Probably the combination of the drugs and the confort eating. And I created some bad habits. I've been off them now since November, and slowly started losing weight all on my own. But January was when enough was enough and I joined MFP. I've not just started watching what I eat, but when too, and I've changed my whole lifestyle to be more active in general. I'm glad to be a part of the MFP community. Feel free to add me! My diary is open and I'm looking for all the encouragement I can get, and I share encouragement too. :D

  • Glad to find this group! I am Heather, a mother to 4 month old Gavin. I am eager to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I am still breastfeeding and dropped the pregnancy weight fairly quick. The problem is, things aren't the same and I wasn't a desirable weight when I got pregnant. I'm hoping to drop 15 lbs and fit comfortably into my clothes. I have two half marathons this spring and would love to be in great shape for them!
  • Hi my name is Bethany I just turned 30, I am a Mom to 6 kids :) 5 I gave birth to and one I acquired threw marriage. They are 17,11,9,5,2 1/2 and the baby is 8 months. I've always lost my baby weight without too much of a problem, after birthing #4 I kept on about 7lbs, not a big deal they came #5. I gained a ton of weight for him and am struggling to loose it,my goal is to be back to my pre-baby weight by his 1st birthday
  • Hi my name is Nicole and I am 28. I have a 10 1/2 month old son. He is very very active and keeps me on the run. I am trying to loose weight after having gestational diabetes. I found out after becoming huge. Now I want to get down to a healthy weight and HDL/LDL levels. Breaking the family cycle of gummie bears one step at a time. :happy:
  • MamieBarnea
    MamieBarnea Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, my name is Mamie. I am new to MFP, and the only "friend" I have is my sister LOL. Would love to meet some other Momma's. I have 2 little boys. Griffin is 2 years 9 mos and Rosston is almost 7 months. I am still breastfeeding exclusively with little Ross. I didn't have trouble losing the weight with either of my boys (thankfully), so the number thing really isn't my issue. I am more interested in getting in shape (I can't walk up my stairs w/o my heart beating fast) :-/ and firming up.....side note: all thing that are sweet, and come in boxes are my weakness. Anyone else balancing consuming enough calories to maintain supply and trying to exercise to be healthy? Thanks in advance. I can't wait to meet some people.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Hi Ladies :) I'm Dana, a 32 year old mother to Annabelle, 22 months, and Gillian, 4 1/2 months. Yes, they are 9 days shy of being 18 months apart. I've gotten below my pre pregnancy weight from Gillian, working my way down from there. I've discovered that I need to eat a lot in order to keep my supply and lose weight, and I try to keep in mostly healthy.
  • MamieBarnea
    MamieBarnea Posts: 3 Member
    Oh I forgot to put my age. I just turned 25...Hope everyone has good weekend :-)
  • Hi everyone :) I'm a 19 year old mom to a 2 year old daughter, located in Sarasota FL. I'm a lactivist, intactivist, waterbirthing, non-vaxxing, bed sharing, baby and toddler wearing, extended rear facing, homeschooling all-together crunchy mama. <3

    I'm trying to eat more to be a healthier weight. I'm so busy and preoccupied during the day, half the time my daily intake is 300 calories o.o This pattern has gone on long enough that its slowed down my metabolism and I've gained 25 unwanted pounds. So I'm working on eating more, and more often so my body doesn't think its starving.
  • I'm Katharine; I'll be 26 the beginning of April. My daughter, Laila, will be 8 weeks old tomorrow! Last year I lost a lot of weight, then became pregnant. I am about 10 lbs away from reaching my lowest weight from last year, and would like to lose about 10 lbs past that! I'm breastfeeding, starving and crave junk all the husband, daughter, two dogs, and I live in Waco, Texas!
  • ljm0521
    ljm0521 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm a 27 year old momma to two little boys. T is 3 and L is 18 months. Like someone else described themself as, I'm a crunchy momma. Still breast feeding, cloth diapering, bed sharing off and on with my 3 year old (he sleeps in our bed most nights, but it starting to move back into his room), baby wearing, natural child birth advocate and overall natural parenting. I've struggled with losing the last of this baby weight and I'm excited to talk with other moms and encourage each other as we get healtheir for our families...and to look good this summer when we take our babies to the pools or beaches :wink:
  • Hi I'm Jenni. I am a 25y/o first time mom to little miss Kaydeelyn who is 4 1/2 months old. About 40+ lbs came off in the first month after birth, but nothing really since. Kaydee is primarily ebf, but we've just started adding about 3Tbs of solids at lunch. I know I could stand to eat a little better, but when I don't get enough calories the drop in my milk is immediately noticeable. I think having low activity level is my biggest challenge, but Kaydee and I are stuck inside most days because of harsh Alaska weather. My goal is to lose 15lbs by my birthday May 28th which is just about 1lb a week. I'm also taking college classes online so even though I hate to say it I spend a whole lot of time sitting on my butt. One class I'm taking this semester is Personal Health. The class requires me to create a SMART goal and create a fitness contract as well as workout 1hr three days a week. Before pregnancy I lost 20lbs using Calorie King, but didn't want to spend the extra $$$$ when I could use it to get stuff for Kaydee. I'm looking for some ladies who understand the challenges of being the source of nourishment for another life while trying to maintain yourself and sanity.
  • Hi! I'm Diana and I'm a mommy to an almost 3 week old baby boy. He is my first child. I used to do MFP before my wedding, which was June 2011, but stopped when we were TCC, which was about 3 months before we got married. I found out I was pregnant the day after our wediing. I plan to do MFP again to lose baby weight, but it will be a slow start. Good luck everyone!
  • Oh and I am 29...will be 30 on mother's day :)
  • Sytera
    Sytera Posts: 75
    Hi. My name is Sytera. I'm 27. Our boys are 7y, 4.5y, and 6 months tomorrow. I've been either pregnant or breastfeeding for over 7 years. I exclusively breastfeed for the first year and co-sleep, well, my 4.5 year old still sleeps in our bed. I am below my prepregnancy weight but still have some fat to tone back down. My husband is deployed and I want to be fit when he is home on leave in a couple months.
  • I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself! My name is Heather, I am 28, and a new SAHM. My little monkey is 3 months old and before him I was a working gal. With some creative money saving, I have been able to stay home with him and go to school full time. Before I got pregnant, I had a knee injury so working out wasn't possible. I gained 40lbs with the pregnancy and I've lost 20lb but gained a few of those back. I breastfeed so I don't diet but eat healthy with lots of fresh fruits and veggies. My workout routine varies but everyday I play Biggest Loser on my XBox Kinect - I am doing the 12wk program on that. Then I add in Zumba (on Kinect! lol) and Dance Central when I want to do something lighter. I try to move move move all day and take the Monkey Man with me. I currently weigh 212 and hope to get down to 140. Well that's my story I look forward to getting to know all of you! I use FatSecret AND MyFitnessPal (MrsSieh) on my phone and am always looking for friends on there to help keep each other motivated!!